P.R. Laws tit. 29, § 93

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 93. Appointment of Committee; per diems; powers and proceedings

In such event, the Governor may appoint a committee composed of not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) persons. The Committee shall designate a chairman from among its members.

With the exception of the teaching personnel of the University of Puerto Rico, no official or employee of the Commonwealth or of its agencies, instrumentalities or political subdivisions may be a member of the Committee.

The members of the Committee shall receive per diems at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each day of meeting. They shall also be entitled to reimbursement of travel and other expenses incurred in the service of the Committee up to one hundred dollars ($100) monthly.

At the request of the chairman of the Committee any head of department or agency or instrumentality of the Commonwealth may furnish the personnel or any other assistance necessary for the discharge of the functions of the Committee. The Governor may give specific instructions to said official for the rendering of such assistance.

The Committee shall state the contentions of the parties to the labor-management dispute, setting forth in its report, which it shall render to the Governor within the time specified by him, the essential facts of the dispute without making any recommendation whatsoever.

The Governor shall transmit copy of said report to the Secretary of Labor and Human Resources and shall widely diffuse said report for public knowledge as he may deem convenient.

The Committee shall have power to hold hearings and, in the exercise of its powers, may issue subpoenas requiring the appearance of witnesses and the production of such data, information and evidence as it may deem necessary. The chairman or any member of the Committee may administer oaths and receive testimony, data, information and evidence.

If a subpoena of the Committee is not duly complied with, the Committee may resort to any part of the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico and petition the court to give preference to the processing and dispatch of said petition. The court shall have authority to issue orders compelling the appearance of witnesses or the production of data, information or evidence previously required by the Committee. The Court of First Instance shall have power to punish as contempt disobedience of such orders.

History —May 22, 1965, No. 11, p. 17, § 3.