P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 3352

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§ 3352. Functions and powers

The College shall have the following functions and powers, not to be construed as a limitation:

(a) To be the owner in fee simple of the physical facilities, manage and coordinate for the most efficient use of the facilities currently in use or under construction, or of those to be built or acquired in the future.

(b) To adopt, alter and use an official seal, which shall be taken into judicial notice and affixed in all official documents.

(c) To acquire property rights and assets, whether real or personal, through donation, bequest, purchase, or by any other legal means, and to own or dispose of the same pursuant to the applicable laws and in the manner provided for by regulations, provided the acquisition of such rights and properties, ownership or disposal thereof is necessary and convenient to fulfill its corporate mission and for the best interests of the College.

(d) To draft, approve and adopt bylaws to govern its activities and internal operations.

(e) To adopt an accounting system of its own, pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles. College accounts shall be kept in a manner such as to allow for the segregation or separation thereof, per activity. The Comptroller of Puerto Rico or his/her representative shall audit said accounts and ledgers from time to time.

(f) To execute contracts and enter into agreements, as necessary or convenient, in exercising its academic functions.

(g) To accept donations, legislative appropriations, and enter into contracts, agreements, and other transactions with agencies of the Government of the United States of America, the Government of Puerto Rico, its agencies, instrumentalities, municipalities and private entities, and invest the proceeds of any such income or donation for any valid purpose.

(h) To charge for services rendered and use such income for any valid purpose, pursuant to the established regulations.

(i) To lease and dispose of any of its assets or interest thereon, in the manner to be determined by the College.

(j) To carry out all acts necessary or convenient for the enforcement of the powers conferred by this chapter or any other applicable law.

(k) To exist in perpetuity and to sue and be sued as a juridical person.

(l) To adopt and manage a personnel system of its own; appoint and contract all officials, agents and employees, who shall be classified as public employees and teaching personnel entitled to be members of the Puerto Rico Government Employee Association and the Puerto Rico Government Retirement System. The College shall also confer upon them the powers and assign them the duties it deems convenient, as well as fix their remuneration through the classification and compensation plans established, and the regulations to be adopted. The College shall be exempted from the provisions of Act No. 5 of October 14, 1975, as amended, known as the “Public Service Personnel Act”, and from the personnel regulations adopted thereunder. The College shall adopt a personnel system, as well as the compensation and classification plans, and the rules and regulations necessary to comply with the said plans and system.

(m) Upon authorization of the President of the College, the Chancellor may contract the services of employees and officials of any other public agency or instrumentality, dependency or political subdivision of the government of Puerto Rico and may pay them due compensation for additional services rendered to the College outside their regular working hours, without being subject to the provisions of § 551 of Title 3, or the provisions of any other applicable law. Services rendered under this subsection shall not be taken into account by the Puerto Rico Government Retirement System or the Puerto Rico Government Employee Association.

(n) To grant and confer university degrees to its students pursuant to the standards established by higher education institution accreditation entities and similar educational institutions; confer academic awards; and provide for the validation of studies, credit-hours and degrees.

History —July 17, 1999, No. 155, § 3.