Ky. Rev. Stat. § 304.17A-220

Current through 2024 Ky. Acts ch. 225
Section 304.17A-220 - Pre-existing condition exclusion in group coverage - Definitions for section
(1) All group health plans and insurers offering group health insurance coverage in the Commonwealth shall comply with the provisions of this section.
(2) Subject to subsection (8) of this section, a group health plan, and a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage, may, with respect to a participant or beneficiary, impose a pre-existing condition exclusion only if:
(a) The exclusion relates to a condition, whether physical or mental, regardless of the cause of the condition, for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within the six (6) month period ending on the enrollment date. For purposes of this paragraph:
1. Medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment is taken into account only if it is recommended by, or received from, an individual licensed or similarly authorized to provide such services under state law and operating within the scope of practice authorized by state law; and
2. The six (6) month period ending on the enrollment date begins on the six (6) month anniversary date preceding the enrollment date;
(b) The exclusion extends for a period of not more than twelve (12) months, or eighteen (18) months in the case of a late enrollee, after the enrollment date;
1. The period of any pre-existing condition exclusion that would otherwise apply to an individual is reduced by the number of days of creditable coverage the individual has as of the enrollment date, as counted under subsection (3) of this section; and
2. Except for ineligible individuals who apply for coverage in the individual market, the period of any pre-existing condition exclusion that would otherwise apply to an individual may be reduced by the number of days of creditable coverage the individual has as of the effective date of coverage under the policy; and
(d) A written notice of the pre-existing condition exclusion is provided to participants under the plan, and the insurer cannot impose a pre-existing condition exclusion with respect to a participant or a dependent of the participant until such notice is provided.
(3) In reducing the pre-existing condition exclusion period that applies to an individual, the amount of creditable coverage is determined by counting all the days on which the individual has one (1) or more types of creditable coverage. For purposes of counting creditable coverage:
(a) If on a particular day the individual has creditable coverage from more than one (1) source, all the creditable coverage on that day is counted as one (1) day;
(b) Any days in a waiting period for coverage are not creditable coverage;
(c) Days of creditable coverage that occur before a significant break in coverage are not required to be counted; and
(d) Days in a waiting period and days in an affiliation period are not taken into account in determining whether a significant break in coverage has occurred.
(4) An insurer may determine the amount of creditable coverage in another manner than established in subsection (3) of this section that is at least as favorable to the individual as the method established in subsection (3) of this section.
(5) If an insurer receives creditable coverage information, the insurer shall make a determination regarding the amount of the individual's creditable coverage and the length of any pre-existing exclusion period that remains. A written notice of the length of the pre-existing condition exclusion period that remains after offsetting for prior creditable coverage shall be issued by the insurer. An insurer may not impose any limit on the amount of time that an individual has to present a certificate or evidence of creditable coverage.
(6) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Pre-existing condition exclusion" means, with respect to coverage, a limitation or exclusion of benefits relating to a condition based on the fact that the condition was present before the effective date of coverage, whether or not any medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received before that day. A pre-existing condition exclusion includes any exclusion applicable to an individual as a result of information relating to an individual's health status before the individual's effective date of coverage under a health benefit plan;
(b) "Enrollment date" means, with respect to an individual covered under a group health plan or health insurance coverage, the first day of coverage or, if there is a waiting period, the first day of the waiting period. If an individual receiving benefits under a group health plan changes benefit packages, or if the employer changes its group health insurer, the individual's enrollment date does not change;
(c) "First day of coverage" means, in the case of an individual covered for benefits under a group health plan, the first day of coverage under the plan and, in the case of an individual covered by health insurance coverage in the individual market, the first day of coverage under the policy or contract;
(d) "Late enrollee" means an individual whose enrollment in a plan is a late enrollment;
(e) "Late enrollment" means enrollment of an individual under a group health plan other than:
1. On the earliest date on which coverage can become effective for the individual under the terms of the plan; or
2. Through special enrollment;
(f) "Significant break in coverage" means a period of sixty-three (63) consecutive days during each of which an individual does not have any creditable coverage; and
(g) "Waiting period" means the period that must pass before coverage for an employee or dependent who is otherwise eligible to enroll under the terms of a group health plan can become effective. If an employee or dependent enrolls as a late enrollee or special enrollee, any period before such late or special enrollment is not a waiting period. If an individual seeks coverage in the individual market, a waiting period begins on the date the individual submits a substantially complete application for coverage and ends on:
1. If the application results in coverage, the date coverage begins; or
2. If the application does not result in coverage, the date on which the application is denied by the insurer or the date on which the offer of coverage lapses.
1. Except as otherwise provided under subsection (3) of this section, for purposes of applying subsection (2)(c) of this section, a group health plan, and a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage, shall count a period of creditable coverage without regard to the specific benefits covered during the period.
2. A group health plan, or a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage, may elect to apply subsection (2)(c) of this section based on coverage of benefits within each of several classes or categories of benefits specified in federal regulations. This election shall be made on a uniform basis for all participants and beneficiaries. Under this election, a group health plan or insurer shall count a period of creditable coverage with respect to any class or category of benefits if any level of benefits is covered within this class or category.
3. In the case of an election with respect to a group health plan under subparagraph 2. of this paragraph, whether or not health insurance coverage is provided in connection with the plan, the plan shall:
a. Prominently state in any disclosure statements concerning the plan, and state to each enrollee at the time of enrollment under the plan, that the plan has made this election; and
b. Include in these statements a description of the effect of this election.
(b) Periods of creditable coverage with respect to an individual shall be established through presentation of certifications described in subsection (9) of this section or in such other manner as may be specified in administrative regulations.
(a) Subject to paragraph (e) of this subsection, a group health plan, and a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage, may not impose any pre-existing condition exclusion on a child who, within thirty (30) days after birth, is covered under any creditable coverage. If a child is enrolled in a group health plan or other creditable coverage within thirty (30) days after birth and subsequently enrolls in another group health plan without a significant break in coverage, the other group health plan may not impose any pre-existing condition exclusion on the child.
(b) Subject to paragraph (e) of this subsection, a group health plan, and a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage, may not impose any pre-existing condition exclusion on a child who is adopted or placed for adoption before attaining eighteen (18) years of age and who, within thirty (30) days after the adoption or placement for adoption, is covered under any creditable coverage. If a child is enrolled in a group health plan or other creditable coverage within thirty (30) days after adoption or placement for adoption and subsequently enrolls in another group health plan without a significant break in coverage, the other group health plan may not impose any pre-existing condition exclusion on the child. This shall not apply to coverage before the date of the adoption or placement for adoption.
(c) A group health plan may not impose any pre-existing condition exclusion relating to pregnancy.
(d) A group health plan may not impose a pre-existing condition exclusion relating to a condition based solely on genetic information. If an individual is diagnosed with a condition, even if the condition relates to genetic information, the insurer may impose a pre-existing condition exclusion with respect to the condition, subject to other requirements of this section.
(e) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection shall no longer apply to an individual after the end of the first sixty-three (63) day period during all of which the individual was not covered under any creditable coverage.
1. A group health plan, and a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage, shall provide a certificate of creditable coverage as described in subparagraph 2. of this subsection. A certificate of creditable coverage shall be provided, without charge, for participants or dependents who are or were covered under a group health plan upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
a. At the time an individual ceases to be covered under a health benefit plan or otherwise becomes eligible under a COBRA continuation provision;
b. In the case of an individual becoming covered under a COBRA continuation provision, at the time the individual ceases to be covered under the COBRA continuation provision; and
c. On request on behalf of an individual made not later than twenty-four (24) months after the date of cessation of the coverage described in subdivision a. or b. of this subparagraph, whichever is later.

The certificate of creditable coverage as described under subdivision a. of this subparagraph may be provided, to the extent practicable, at a time consistent with notices required under any applicable COBRA continuation provision.

2. The certification described in this subparagraph is a written certification of:
a. The period of creditable coverage of the individual under the health benefit plan and the coverage, if any, under the COBRA continuation provision; and
b. The waiting period, if any, and affiliation period, if applicable, imposed with respect to the individual for any coverage under the plan.
3. To the extent that medical care under a group health plan consists of group health insurance coverage, the plan is deemed to have satisfied the certification requirement under this paragraph if the health insurance insurer offering the coverage provides for the certification in accordance with this paragraph.
(b) In the case of an election described in subsection (7)(a)2. of this section by a group health plan or health insurance insurer, if the plan or insurer enrolls an individual for coverage under the plan and the individual provides a certification of coverage of the individual under paragraph (a) of this subsection:
1. Upon request of that plan or insurer, the entity that issued the certification provided by the individual shall promptly disclose to the requesting plan or insurer information on coverage of classes and categories of health benefits available under the entity's plan or coverage; and
2. The entity may charge the requesting plan or insurer for the reasonable cost of disclosing this information.
(a) A group health plan, and a health insurance insurer offering group health insurance coverage in connection with a group health plan, shall permit an employee who is eligible but not enrolled for coverage under the terms of the plan, or a dependent of that employee if the dependent is eligible but not enrolled for coverage under these terms, to enroll for coverage under the terms of the plan if each of the following conditions is met:
1. The employee or dependent was covered under a group health plan or had health insurance coverage at the time coverage was previously offered to the employee or dependent;
2. The employee stated in writing at that time that coverage under a group health plan or health insurance coverage was the reason for declining enrollment, but only if the plan sponsor or insurer, if applicable, required that statement at that time and provided the employee with notice of the requirement, and the consequences of the requirement, at that time;
3. The employee's or dependent's coverage described in subparagraph 1. of this paragraph:
a. Was under a COBRA continuation provision and the coverage under that provision was exhausted; or
b. Was not under such a provision and either the coverage was terminated as a result of loss of eligibility for the coverage, including as a result of legal separation, divorce, cessation of dependent status, such as obtaining the maximum age to be eligible as a dependent child, death of the employee, termination of employment, reduction in the number of hours of employment, employer contributions toward the coverage were terminated, a situation in which an individual incurs a claim that would meet or exceed a lifetime limit on all benefits, or a situation in which a plan no longer offers any benefits to the class of similarly situated individuals that includes the individual; or
c. Was offered through a health maintenance organization or other arrangement in the group market that does not provide benefits to individuals who no longer reside, live, or work in a service area and, loss of coverage in the group market occurred because an individual no longer resides, lives, or works in the service area, whether or not within the choice of the individual, and no other benefit package is available to the individual; and
4. An insurer shall allow an employee and dependent a period of at least thirty (30) days after an event described in this paragraph has occurred to request enrollment for the employee or the employee's dependent. Coverage shall begin no later than the first day of the first calendar month beginning after the date the insurer receives the request for special enrollment.
(b) A dependent of a current employee, including the employee's spouse, and the employee each are eligible for enrollment in the group health plan subject to plan eligibility rules conditioning dependent enrollment on enrollment of the employee if the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection are satisfied.
1. If:
a. A group health plan makes coverage available with respect to a dependent of an individual;
b. The individual is a participant under the plan, or has met any waiting period applicable to becoming a participant under the plan and is eligible to be enrolled under the plan but for a failure to enroll during a previous enrollment period; and
c. A person becomes such a dependent of the individual through marriage, birth, or adoption or placement for adoption;

the group health plan shall provide for a dependent special enrollment period described in subparagraph 2. of this paragraph during which the person or, if not otherwise enrolled, the individual, may be enrolled under the plan as a dependent of the individual, and in the case of the birth or adoption of a child, the spouse of the individual may be enrolled as a dependent of the individual if the spouse is otherwise eligible for coverage.

2. A dependent special enrollment period under this subparagraph shall be a period of at least thirty (30) days and shall begin on the later of:
a. The date dependent coverage is made available; or
b. The date of the marriage, birth, or adoption or placement for adoption, as the case may be, described in subparagraph 1.c. of this paragraph.
3. If an individual seeks to enroll a dependent during the first thirty (30) days of the dependent special enrollment period, the coverage of the dependent shall become effective:
a. In the case of marriage, not later than the first day of the first month beginning after the date the completed request for enrollment is received;
b. In the case of a dependent's birth, as of the date of the birth; or
c. In the case of a dependent's adoption or placement for adoption, the date of the adoption or placement for adoption.
(d) At or before the time an employee is initially offered the opportunity to enroll in a group health plan, the employer shall provide the employee with a notice of special enrollment rights.
(a) In the case of a group health plan that offers medical care through health insurance coverage offered by a health maintenance organization, the plan may provide for an affiliation period with respect to coverage through the organization only if:
1. No pre-existing condition exclusion is imposed with respect to coverage through the organization;
2. The period is applied uniformly without regard to any health status-related factors; and
3. The period does not exceed two (2) months, or three (3) months in the case of a late enrollee.
1. For purposes of this section, the term "affiliation period" means a period which, under the terms of the health insurance coverage offered by the health maintenance organization, must expire before the health insurance coverage becomes effective. The organization is not required to provide health care services or benefits during this period and no premium shall be charged to the participant or beneficiary for any coverage during the period.
2. This period shall begin on the enrollment date.
3. An affiliation period under a plan shall run concurrently with any waiting period under the plan.
(c) A health maintenance organization described in paragraph (a) of this subsection may use alternative methods other than those described in that paragraph to address adverse selection as approved by the commissioner.

KRS 304.17A-220

Amended 2010, Ky. Acts ch. 24, sec. 1218, effective7/15/2010. -- Amended 2006, Ky. Acts ch. 253, sec. 2, effective 7/12/2006. -- Created 1998, Ky. Acts ch. 496, sec. 4, effective 4/10/1998.