755 ILCS 5/20-20

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 755 ILCS 5/20-20 - Leasing for oil, gas, coal and other mineral developments
(a) A representative may lease for oil, gas, coal or other mineral development, the real estate or any interest in real estate of the decedent or the ward upon such terms and conditions as the court may authorize. This includes the authority to join or participate in a cooperative coal marketing association or similar entity.
(b) The lease for oil, gas and other minerals, except coal, may be for a term not exceeding 10 years and for as long thereafter as oil, gas, or other minerals except coal, may be produced from the premises embraced in the lease even though in the case of a ward the term of the lease may exceed the period of disability of the ward. The lease for coal or participation in a cooperative coal marketing association or similar entity, may be for a term not exceeding 15 years and for as long thereafter as coal may be produced from the mining area described in the lease or the cooperative coal marketing association agreement even though in the case of a ward the term of the lease or the cooperative coal marketing association may exceed the period of disability of the ward.
(c) The representative shall file in the court of the county where his letters were issued, a petition for authority to lease the real estate or interest therein for oil, gas, coal or other mineral development. The petition must set forth the description of the real estate or interest therein to be leased and the reasons it is for the best interests of the estate of the decedent or the ward to enter into the lease. A copy of the proposed lease must be attached to the petition.
(d) Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set it for hearing not less than 10 days thereafter. It is the duty of the petitioner to mail a notice of the hearing and a copy of the petition to the heirs or legatees of the decedent or to the ward, as the case may be, not less than 5 days before the hearing. No guardian ad litem need be appointed for any ward unless the court finds it necessary for his protection.
(e) Upon the hearing the court may authorize the representative to execute and deliver a lease of the real estate or interest therein by a private letting with the proposed lessee on the form proposed or such form as is satisfactory to the court, or the court may order the leasing of the real estate or interest therein to be conducted at a public letting. If a public letting is ordered, the court shall designate the time, place and manner of holding the letting and the time and manner in which notice thereof shall be given. In case of a public letting, it is the duty of the representative to file with the court, within 10 days after the letting, a verified report describing the real estate or interest therein let, the name of the lessee, the terms of the letting, and the manner in which the terms of the order of the court were executed. Within 5 days after the time for filing the report has expired any person interested in the property leased may file objections to the report. Upon the hearing, the court may approve the report, confirm the letting, and authorize the representative to execute and deliver the lease or disapprove the report and order the property to be reoffered. When the making of a lease has been authorized as provided in this Section, it shall be executed by the representative and shall be valid and binding.
(f) Upon the filing of a petition and upon such notice as the court directs, the court may authorize a representative who has leased the real estate or interest therein of the decedent or ward for oil, gas, coal or other mineral purposes to enter into agreements unitizing any part or all of the real estate or interest therein so leased with adjacent lands so that the entire unitized tract may be developed and operated as a unit for the production of oil, gas, coal and other minerals, or any of them. In like manner, the court may authorize a representative to execute agreements supplemental to or amendatory of any oil, gas, coal or mineral leases, including without being limited to agreements relating to secondary recovery operations on the lands of the decedent or ward alone or in conjunction with other lands.
(g) The court may authorize a representative to sell upon such terms as the court directs all or any part of the oil, gas, coal or other mineral estate reserved to the lessor in any lease, including all or part of the royalty or other income reserved to the lessor by the lease, by following the procedure provided in this Act for the sale of real estate.

755 ILCS 5/20-20

P.A. 81-401.