235 ILCS 5/9-10

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 235 ILCS 5/9-10

Upon the filing in the office of the clerk, at least 90 days before an election in any political subdivision or precinct, as the case may be, of a petition directed to such clerk, containing the signatures of not less than 25% or 40% of the legal voters of the territory which has prohibited the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor or the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor other than beer containing not more than 4% of alcohol by weight or the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor containing more than 4% of alcohol by weight except in the original package and not for consumption on the premises, or a petition directed to such clerk containing the signatures of not less than 25% of the legal voters of a municipality within which such territory is located, to submit to the voters thereof the proposition to continue such prohibition, the clerk shall certify such proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition at such election to the voters of such political subdivision or precinct. Where such proposition is submitted pursuant to a petition signed by not less than 25% of the legal voters of a municipality within which such territory is located, the legal voters of the entire municipality may vote on the proposition. For the purposes of this Section, the number of legal voters shall be computed upon the same basis as is provided in Section 9-2 for the filing of a petition for referendum on the question of whether the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor shall be prohibited. So far as applicable, the provisions of Sections 9-1, 9-4, 9-5, 9-6 and 9-7 shall apply. The proposition shall be in the following form:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shall the prohibition of the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor (or alcoholic liquor other than beer YES containing not more than 4% of alcohol by weight) or (alcoholic -------------------------------- liquor containing more than 4% of alcohol by weight in the original NO package and not for consumption on the premises) be continued in (or at) .................? ------------------------------------------------------------------------

In a precinct referendum, the referendum ballot shall also contain a common description of the precinct in plain and nonlegal language, which may be prepared by the election official or adopted from the description on the petition, unless the election official responsible for conducting the election determines that a description cannot be included within the space limitations on the ballots to be used in the election. If the description is not to be included on the ballot, the clerk shall prepare large printed copies of the description of the precinct together with a notice of the proposition which shall be prominently displayed in the precinct polling place at the election. If a majority of the voters voting upon such last mentioned proposition in any such political subdivision or precinct vote "NO", such prohibition shall cease in such political subdivision or precinct or at the applicable licensed establishment; and where such political subdivision or precinct is a city, village or incorporated town situated wholly or partly within the boundaries of a township or road district having a similar prohibition, a majority vote of the voters voting "NO" upon such proposition as above described will result in the prohibition ceasing in that part of the township or road district situated within such city, village or incorporated town. In the event the boundaries of such political subdivision or precinct have been altered or the numbers of any precincts have been changed subsequent to the original election making the territory prohibited territory and prior to the filing of such petition for resubmission of the question, only those voters actually residing in the prohibited territory shall be eligible as signers of such resubmission petition, except that this limitation shall not apply in the case of a resubmission petition signed by at least 25% of the legal voters of a municipality in which the prohibited territory is located. The petition mentioned in this Section shall be a public document and shall be subject to inspection by the public.

235 ILCS 5/9-10

P.A. 86-861.