225 ILCS 720/2.04

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 225 ILCS 720/2.04 - Notice and Public Review of Applications
(a) At the time of submission of a permit application, the applicant shall (1) place a public notice of the application in a local newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the proposed mining operations to appear at least once a week for four consecutive weeks, and (2) file the application for public inspection at the county seat of each county containing land to be affected under the permit. Information which pertains to coal seams, test borings, core samplings, or soil samples required to be part of a permit application shall be made available to any person with an interest which is or may be adversely affected. Information which pertains only to the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of the coal (excepting information regarding mineral or elemental content which is potentially toxic in the environment) need not be made available for public inspection. On the written request of the applicant, such information shall be kept confidential by the Department and not made a matter of public record.
(b) The contents and other requirements for the public notices and filings required by this Section shall be prescribed by the Department by rule.
(c) When an application is received, the Department shall notify various local governmental bodies, planning agencies, sewage and water treatment authorities, and water companies in the locality in which the proposed mining will take place, of the operator's intention to mine a particularly described tract of land and state the permit application's number and where a copy of the application may be inspected. Written comments on the permit application may be submitted to the Department in the manner and within the time prescribed by the Department by rule. Immediately on receipt of such comments, the Department shall transmit a copy of them to the applicant, and shall file them for public inspection at the same locations at which the application is available for public inspection.
(d) Any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected or any person who is an officer of any government agency, or the county board of a county to be affected under a proposed permit, may file written objections to a permit application and may request an informal conference with the Department. If no informal conference is requested, or if the issues in question are not resolved by the informal conference, such interested person, officer, or county board may request a public hearing within 80 days after the first newspaper notice required by subsection (a) of this Section. If a hearing is requested, the Department shall hold at least one hearing in the locality affected by the permit, and shall hold a hearing in each county to be affected under the proposed permit in which a county board has requested a hearing. The Department may provide funds to county boards to assist them under this Section, provided funds are specifically appropriated for such purpose.
(e) By rule the Department shall establish hearing dates which provide reasonable time in which to have reviewed the proposed plans, and procedural rules for the calling and conducting of the public hearing. Such procedural rules shall include provisions for reasonable notice to all parties, including the applicant, and reasonable opportunity for all parties to respond by oral or written testimony, or both, to statements and objections made at the public hearing. County boards and the public shall present their recommendations at these hearings.
(f) A complete record of the hearings and all testimony shall be made by the Department and recorded stenographically or electronically. Such record shall be maintained and shall be accessible to the public until final release of the applicant's performance bond.
(g) If all parties requesting a hearing withdraw their requests, the hearing need not be held.

225 ILCS 720/2.04

P.A. 81-1015.