220 ILCS 5/4-604

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 220 ILCS 5/4-604 - Electric and gas public utilities ethical conduct and transparency
(a) It is the policy of this State that, as regulated, monopoly entities providing essential services, public utilities must adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct. It is in the public interest to ensure ethical public utility conduct of the highest standards. It is therefore necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare of the State and of public utility customers to develop rigorous ethical standards and scrutinize and limit public utility actions, expenditures, and contracting. It is also necessary to provide increased transparency to ensure ethical public utility conduct.
(b) The standards set forth in this Section and the Illinois Administrative Code rules implementing this Section shall apply, to the extent practicable, to electric and gas public utilities and their energy-related affiliates.
(c) Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor. To ensure that public utilities meet the highest level of ethical standards, including, but not limited to, those standards established in this Section, the Commission shall, within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, establish an Ethics and Accountability Division at the Commission and shall create a new position of Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor who reports to the Executive Director of the Commission. The role of the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor shall be to oversee electric and gas public utilities' compliance with the standards established in this Section, the Illinois Administrative Code, and any other regulatory or statutory obligation regarding standards of ethical conduct. The responsibilities of the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor shall include:
(1) Hiring additional staff for the Ethics and Accountability Division, as deemed necessary to fulfill the duties imposed under this Section.
(2) Overseeing each public utility's Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer's monitoring, auditing, investigation, enforcement, reporting, disciplinary activities, and any other actions required of the Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer pursuant to subsection (d) of this Section. If the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor finds a public utility has not complied with the standards set forth in this Section, or with administrative rules implementing this Section, the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor shall detail such deficiencies in a report to the Commission and shall include a recommendation for Commission action.
(3) Documenting violations of the standards in this Section or in related Sections of the Illinois Administrative Code and, in coordination with the utility's Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer, ensuring each public utility administers appropriate internal disciplinary actions and provides transparent reporting to the Commission. If there are violations of the standards in this Section or in related Sections of the Illinois Administrative Code where the public utility does not take disciplinary action or where that action is not aligned with the recommendation of the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor, the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor shall, within 30 days, report the violation, the recommended disciplinary action, and the public utility's actual disciplinary action, to the Executive Director of the Commission. Such reports shall be included in the annual ethics report required by paragraph (5) of this subsection (c) and must describe the violation and related recommendations.
(4) Reviewing and keeping informed regarding internal controls, code of ethical conduct, practices, procedures, and conduct of each public utility. The Public Utilities Ethics and Compliance Monitor may recommend any new internal controls, policies, practices or procedures the public utility should undertake in order to ensure compliance with this Section and with relevant Sections of the Illinois Administrative Code.
(5) Publishing an annual ethics audit for each electric and gas public utility describing the public utility's internal controls, policies, practices, and procedures to comply with statutes, rules, court orders, or other applicable authority. The report shall include a record of any disciplinary actions taken related to unethical conduct as well as any recommendations made by the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor and the public utility's response to each recommendation. This report must be made public and the Commission may make necessary redactions.
(6) Monitoring, auditing, and subpoenaing all records necessary for the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor to meet the responsibilities imposed under this Section and related rules, including, but not limited to, contracts with third party entities, accounting records, communication with public officials or their staff, lobbying activities, expenses on lobbyists and consultants, legal expenses, and internal compliance policies.
(1) No later than 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, each public utility shall establish a position of Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer if such position does not already exist within the utility or at an affiliated company, provided that if the position exists at an affiliated company such individual may be designated to serve in this role for the utility. The Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the public utility complies with the highest standards of ethical conduct, including, but not limited to, complying with the standards imposed under this Section, those adopted pursuant to a rulemaking authorized by this Section, and other applicable requirements of Illinois law and rules.
(2) Each public utility's Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer shall:
(A) oversee creation and implementation of a code of ethical conduct for the public utility, applicable to all directors, officers, employees, and lobbyists of the public utility, as well as to all contractors, consultants, agents, vendors, and business partners of the public utility in connection with their activities with or on behalf of the public utility;
(B) oversee training for public utility directors, officers, and employees, as well as contractors, consultants, lobbyists and political consultants, on the public utility's code of ethical conduct, practices, and procedures to advise agents, vendors, and business partners of the public utility of the applicability of the code of ethical conduct to their activities with or on behalf of the public utility;
(C) oversee the ongoing monitoring of all contractors, consultants, and vendors who are contracted for the purpose of carrying out lobbying activities to ensure their continued compliance with applicable ethical standards;
(D) at least annually, oversee a review of the public utility's internal controls, code of ethical conduct, practices, and procedures to assess their continued effectiveness to ensure the highest standards of ethical conduct among the public utility's directors, officers, employees, contractors, consultants, lobbyists, vendors, agents and business partners; and
(E) maintain records of all conduct determined to be in violation of Illinois law, rules, and regulations, and the utility's response to that conduct, and make such records available for inspection by the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor.
(e) In addition to those standards established under this Section, those adopted pursuant to a rulemaking authorized by this Section, and other applicable requirements of Illinois law and rules, each public utility Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer shall oversee and ensure the development and implementation of internal controls, policies, and procedures to achieve the objectives set forth in paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection. Such implementation shall begin no later than 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
(1) The hiring of contractors, consultants and vendors for the purpose of carrying out lobbying pursuant to the Lobbyist Registration Act shall be reviewed and approved by the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer.
(2) No agreement between a public utility and a contractor, consultant, or vendor engaged for the purpose of carrying out lobbying pursuant to the Lobbyist Registration Act shall permit that contractor, consultant, or vendor to subcontract any portion of that work.
(3) Public utilities shall require contractors, consultants, and vendors who are contracted for the purpose of carrying out lobbying pursuant to the Lobbyist Registration Act to provide detailed invoices and reports describing activities taken and amounts billed for such activities, including all persons involved and anything of value requested or solicited or provided to public officials or their staff, including hiring requests. No such contractor, consultant, or vendor shall be paid without having first submitted a detailed invoice or report.

For purposes of this Section, "anything of value" includes, but is not limited to, money, gifts, entertainment, hiring referrals and recommendations to the public utility, campaign contributions, vendor referrals, and contributions to charitable organizations solicited by or on behalf of the public official.

(f) Each public utility shall be required to submit an annual ethics and compliance report to the Commission no later than May 1 of each year, beginning May 1, 2022. The utility's Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer shall oversee the preparation and submission of the report and shall certify it. Each report shall describe in detail the public utility's internal controls, codes of ethical conduct, practices, and procedures. The reporting implemented during the reporting period to comply with the standards set forth in this Section, rules adopted by the Commission, and other applicable requirements of Illinois law and rules. Each report shall also identify any material changes implemented to such internal controls, code of ethical conduct, practices, and procedures during the reporting period, as well as any material changes implemented, or anticipated to be implemented, in the calendar year in which the report is filed. Each report shall, for the applicable reporting period include at least the following information:
(1) a summary and description of the public utility's system of financial and accounting procedures, internal controls, and practices, including an explanation of how this system is reasonably designed to ensure the maintenance of fair and accurate books, records, and accounts and to provide reasonable assurances that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and Commission requirements and to maintain accountability for assets;
(2) a summary and description of the public utility's process for conducting an assessment of ethics and compliance risks and a representation that an assessment was conducted in accordance with those risks and shared with the public utility's senior management and board of directors;
(3) a summary of the public utility's implementation of mechanisms, including, but not limited to, training programs designed to ensure that its internal controls, code of ethical conduct, practices, and procedures are effectively communicated to all directors, officers, employees, contractors, consultants, lobbyists, vendors, agents, and business partners;
(4) a summary of the public utility's efforts to ensure that its directors and senior management provide strong, explicit, and visible support and commitment to its corporate policy against violations of federal and State law;
(5) a summary of the public utility's implementation of mechanisms designed to effectively enforce its internal controls, code of ethical conduct, practices, and procedures, including appropriately providing incentives for compliance, disciplining violators, and applying such code, controls, policies, practices, and procedures consistently and fairly regardless of the position held by, or the importance of, the director, officer, or employee; and
(6) a summary of the public utility's implementation of procedures to ensure that, where misconduct is discovered, reasonable steps are taken to remedy the harm resulting from such misconduct, including disciplinary action, logging the conduct and the utility's response as required by item (E) of paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of this Section and assessing and modifying as appropriate the internal controls, code, policies, practices and procedures necessary to ensure that the compliance program is effective.

For purposes of this Section, "reporting period" means the most recent 12-month calendar year period preceding the applicable May 1 annual report filing date.

(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the Commission shall initiate a management audit pursuant to Section 8-102 of this Act by the later of 18 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly or 18 months after a conviction or a plea or agreement of each public utility that, on or after January 1, 2020, has been found guilty or entered a guilty plea regarding any felony offense or has entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement for a felony offense. Such audit shall address, at a minimum, the topics identified in paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (f).
(h) Each public utility that files a report pursuant to subsection (f) must submit the specified filing fee at the time the Chief Clerk of the Commission accepts the filing. The filing fees applicable to each annual report are as follows: $15,000 for public utilities that serve fewer than 100,000 customers in the State; $75,000 for public utilities that serve at least 100,000 customers but not more than 500,000 customers in the State; $200,000 for public utilities that serve at least 500,000 customers in the State but not more than 3,000,000; and $500,000 for public utilities that serve at least 3,000,000 customers in the State.
(i) In the event the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor finds a public utility does not comply with any portion of this Section, or with the rules adopted under this Section, the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor shall issue a Report to the Commission detailing the public utility's deficiencies. The Commission shall have authority to open an investigation and shall order remediation and penalties, including fines, as appropriate.
(j) Each year, each public utility in the State shall remit amounts necessary for the Commission to pay the wages, overhead, travel expenses, and other costs of the Public Utility Ethics and Compliance Monitor. The public utility shall remit payment to the Commission in an amount determined by the Commission based on that public utility's proportional share, by number of customers.
(k) The costs of a public utility that arise from a criminal investigation or result from an investigation initiated by the Commission as the result of an ethics violation are not costs of service and shall not be recoverable in rates.
(l) The Commission shall have the authority to adopt rules and emergency rules where applicable to implement this Section.

220 ILCS 5/4-604

Added by P.A. 102-0662,§ 90-50, eff. 9/15/2021.