220 ILCS 5/4-304

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 220 ILCS 5/4-304

Beginning in 1986, the Commission shall prepare an annual report which shall be filed by January 31 of each year with the Joint Committee on Legislative Support Services of the General Assembly and the Governor and which shall be publicly available. Such report shall include:

(1) A general review of agency activities and changes, including:
(a) a review of significant decisions and other regulatory actions for the preceding year, and pending cases, and an analysis of the impact of such decisions and actions, and potential impact of any significant pending cases;
(b) for each significant decision, regulatory action and pending case, a description of the positions advocated by major parties, including Commission staff, and for each such decision rendered or action taken, the position adopted by the Commission and reason therefor;
(c) a description of the Commission's budget, caseload, and staff levels, including specifically:
(i) a breakdown by type of case of the cases resolved and filed during the year and of pending cases;
(ii) a description of the allocation of the Commission's budget, identifying amounts budgeted for each significant regulatory function or activity and for each department, bureau, section, division or office of the Commission and its employees;
(iii) a description of current employee levels, identifying any change occurring during the year in the number of employees, personnel policies and practices or compensation levels; and identifying the number and type of employees assigned to each Commission regulatory function and to each department, bureau, section, division or office of the Commission;
(d) a description of any significant changes in Commission policies, programs or practices with respect to agency organization and administration, hearings and procedures or substantive regulatory activity.
(2) A discussion and analysis of the state of each utility industry regulated by the Commission and significant changes, trends and developments therein, including the number and types of firms offering each utility service, existing, new and prospective technologies, variations in the quality, availability and price for utility services in different geographic areas of the State, and any other industry factors or circumstances which may affect the public interest or the regulation of such industries.
(3) A specific discussion of the energy planning responsibilities and activities of the Commission and energy utilities, including:
(a) the extent to which conservation, cogeneration, renewable energy technologies and improvements in energy efficiency are being utilized by energy consumers, the extent to which additional potential exists for the economical utilization of such supplies, and a description of existing and proposed programs and policies designed to promote and encourage such utilization;
(b) a description of each energy plan filed with the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this Act, and a copy, or detailed summary of the most recent energy plans adopted by the Commission;
(c) a discussion of the powers by which the Commission is implementing the planning responsibilities of Article VIII, including a description of the staff and budget assigned to such function, the procedures by which Commission staff reviews and analyzes energy plans submitted by the utilities, the Department of Natural Resources, and any other person or party; and
(d) a summary of the adoption of solar photovoltaic systems by residential and small business consumers in Illinois and a description of any and all barriers to residential and small business consumers' financing, installation, and valuation of energy produced by solar photovoltaic systems; electric utilities, alternative retail electric suppliers, and installers of distributed generation shall provide all information requested by the Commission or its staff necessary to complete the analysis required by this paragraph (d).
(4) A discussion of the extent to which utility services are available to all Illinois citizens including:
(a) the percentage and number of persons or households requiring each such service who are not receiving such service, and the reasons therefor , including specifically the number of such persons or households who are unable to afford such service;
(b) a critical analysis of existing programs designed to promote and preserve the availability and affordability of utility services; and
(c) an analysis of the financial impact on utilities and other ratepayers of the inability of some customers or potential customers to afford utility service, including the number of service disconnections and reconnections, and cost thereof and the dollar amount of uncollectible accounts recovered through rates.
(5) A detailed description of the means by which the Commission is implementing its new statutory responsibilities under this Act, and the status of such implementation, including specifically:
(a) Commission reorganization resulting from the addition of an Executive Director and administrative law judge qualifications and review;
(b) Commission responsibilities for construction and rate supervision, including construction cost audits, management audits, excess capacity adjustments, phase-ins of new plant and the means and capability for monitoring and reevaluating existing or future construction projects;
(c) promulgation and application of rules concerning ex parte communications, circulation of recommended orders and transcription of closed meetings.
(6) A description of all appeals taken from Commission orders, findings or decisions and the status and outcome of such appeals.
(7) A description of the status of all studies and investigations required by this Act, including those ordered pursuant to Sections 9-244 and 13-301 and all such subsequently ordered studies or investigations.
(8) A discussion of new or potential developments in federal legislation, and federal agency and judicial decisions relevant to State regulation of utility services.
(9) All recommendations for appropriate legislative action by the General Assembly.

The Commission may include such other information as it deems to be necessary or beneficial in describing or explaining its activities or regulatory responsibilities. The report required by this Section shall be adopted by a vote of the full Commission prior to filing.

220 ILCS 5/4-304

Amended by P.A. 101-0081,§ 475, eff. 7/12/2019.
Amended by P.A. 100-0840,§ 10, eff. 8/13/2018.
Amended by P.A. 099-0107,§ 5, eff. 7/22/2015.
P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.