Pursuant to the requirements of subsection (c) of Section 3-212 of this Act, when a facility submits comments refuting licensure findings, it shall be considered an informal dispute resolution if the same findings were not submitted for an informal dispute resolution pursuant to protocols for federal certification deficiencies established by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Department shall review documentation submitted as the basis for an informal dispute resolution. If the Department determines that the submitted evidence or arguments were insufficient to refute the findings, then the Department shall provide a written explanation of the reason or reasons why the evidence or arguments were insufficient to refute the finding. If the Department fails to provide a written explanation of the reason or reasons why the evidence or arguments were insufficient to refute the informal dispute resolution findings within 60 days of receipt, the alleged, disputed licensure violation shall be cited, but no penalty shall be imposed.
210 ILCS 45/3-713.5