305 ILCS 5/14-12

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 305 ILCS 5/14-12 - Hospital rate reform payment system

The hospital payment system pursuant to Section 14-11 of this Article shall be as follows:

(a) Inpatient hospital services. Effective for discharges on and after July 1, 2014, reimbursement for inpatient general acute care services shall utilize the All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Grouping (APR-DRG) software, version 30, distributed by 3M[TM] Health Information System.
(1) The Department shall establish Medicaid weighting factors to be used in the reimbursement system established under this subsection. Initial weighting factors shall be the weighting factors as published by 3M Health Information System, associated with Version 30.0 adjusted for the Illinois experience.
(2) The Department shall establish a statewide-standardized amount to be used in the inpatient reimbursement system. The Department shall publish these amounts on its website no later than 10 calendar days prior to their effective date.
(3) In addition to the statewide-standardized amount, the Department shall develop adjusters to adjust the rate of reimbursement for critical Medicaid providers or services for trauma, transplantation services, perinatal care, and Graduate Medical Education (GME).
(4) The Department shall develop add-on payments to account for exceptionally costly inpatient stays, consistent with Medicare outlier principles. Outlier fixed loss thresholds may be updated to control for excessive growth in outlier payments no more frequently than on an annual basis, but at least once every 4 years. Upon updating the fixed loss thresholds, the Department shall be required to update base rates within 12 months.
(5) The Department shall define those hospitals or distinct parts of hospitals that shall be exempt from the APR-DRG reimbursement system established under this Section. The Department shall publish these hospitals' inpatient rates on its website no later than 10 calendar days prior to their effective date.
(6) Beginning July 1, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2023, in addition to the statewide-standardized amount, the Department shall develop an adjustor to adjust the rate of reimbursement for safety-net hospitals defined in Section 5-5e.1 of this Code excluding pediatric hospitals.
(7) Beginning July 1, 2014, in addition to the statewide-standardized amount, the Department shall develop an adjustor to adjust the rate of reimbursement for Illinois freestanding inpatient psychiatric hospitals that are not designated as children's hospitals by the Department but are primarily treating patients under the age of 21.
(7.5) (Blank).
(8) Beginning July 1, 2018, in addition to the statewide-standardized amount, the Department shall adjust the rate of reimbursement for hospitals designated by the Department of Public Health as a Perinatal Level II or II+ center by applying the same adjustor that is applied to Perinatal and Obstetrical care cases for Perinatal Level III centers, as of December 31, 2017.
(9) Beginning July 1, 2018, in addition to the statewide-standardized amount, the Department shall apply the same adjustor that is applied to trauma cases as of December 31, 2017 to inpatient claims to treat patients with burns, including, but not limited to, APR-DRGs 841, 842, 843, and 844.
(10) Beginning July 1, 2018, the statewide-standardized amount for inpatient general acute care services shall be uniformly increased so that base claims projected reimbursement is increased by an amount equal to the funds allocated in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of Section 5A-12.6, less the amount allocated under paragraphs (8) and (9) of this subsection and paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (b) multiplied by 40%.
(11) Beginning July 1, 2018, the reimbursement for inpatient rehabilitation services shall be increased by the addition of a $96 per day add-on.
(b) Outpatient hospital services. Effective for dates of service on and after July 1, 2014, reimbursement for outpatient services shall utilize the Enhanced Ambulatory Procedure Grouping (EAPG) software, version 3.7 distributed by 3MTM Health Information System.
(1) The Department shall establish Medicaid weighting factors to be used in the reimbursement system established under this subsection. The initial weighting factors shall be the weighting factors as published by 3M Health Information System, associated with Version 3.7.
(2) The Department shall establish service specific statewide-standardized amounts to be used in the reimbursement system.
(A) The initial statewide standardized amounts, with the labor portion adjusted by the Calendar Year 2013 Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System wage index with reclassifications, shall be published by the Department on its website no later than 10 calendar days prior to their effective date.
(B) The Department shall establish adjustments to the statewide-standardized amounts for each Critical Access Hospital, as designated by the Department of Public Health in accordance with 42 CFR 485, Subpart F. For outpatient services provided on or before June 30, 2018, the EAPG standardized amounts are determined separately for each critical access hospital such that simulated EAPG payments using outpatient base period paid claim data plus payments under Section 5A-12.4 of this Code net of the associated tax costs are equal to the estimated costs of outpatient base period claims data with a rate year cost inflation factor applied.
(3) In addition to the statewide-standardized amounts, the Department shall develop adjusters to adjust the rate of reimbursement for critical Medicaid hospital outpatient providers or services, including outpatient high volume or safety-net hospitals. Beginning July 1, 2018, the outpatient high volume adjustor shall be increased to increase annual expenditures associated with this adjustor by $79,200,000, based on the State Fiscal Year 2015 base year data and this adjustor shall apply to public hospitals, except for large public hospitals, as defined under 89 Ill. Adm. Code 148.25(a).
(4) Beginning July 1, 2018, in addition to the statewide standardized amounts, the Department shall make an add-on payment for outpatient expensive devices and drugs. This add-on payment shall at least apply to claim lines that: (i) are assigned with one of the following EAPGs: 490, 1001 to 1020, and coded with one of the following revenue codes: 0274 to 0276, 0278; or (ii) are assigned with one of the following EAPGs: 430 to 441, 443, 444, 460 to 465, 495, 496, 1090. The add-on payment shall be calculated as follows: the claim line's covered charges multiplied by the hospital's total acute cost to charge ratio, less the claim line's EAPG payment plus $1,000, multiplied by 0.8.
(5) Beginning July 1, 2018, the statewide-standardized amounts for outpatient services shall be increased by a uniform percentage so that base claims projected reimbursement is increased by an amount equal to no less than the funds allocated in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of Section 5A-12.6, less the amount allocated under paragraphs (8) and (9) of subsection (a) and paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection multiplied by 46%.
(6) Effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2018, the Department shall establish adjustments to the statewide-standardized amounts for each Critical Access Hospital, as designated by the Department of Public Health in accordance with 42 CFR 485, Subpart F, such that each Critical Access Hospital's standardized amount for outpatient services shall be increased by the applicable uniform percentage determined pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the adjustments required under this paragraph (6) by Public Act 100-1181 shall be applied retroactively to claims for dates of service provided on or after July 1, 2018.
(7) Effective for dates of service on or after March 8, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1181), the Department shall recalculate and implement an updated statewide-standardized amount for outpatient services provided by hospitals that are not Critical Access Hospitals to reflect the applicable uniform percentage determined pursuant to paragraph (5).
(1) Any recalculation to the statewide-standardized amounts for outpatient services provided by hospitals that are not Critical Access Hospitals shall be the amount necessary to achieve the increase in the statewide-standardized amounts for outpatient services increased by a uniform percentage, so that base claims projected reimbursement is increased by an amount equal to no less than the funds allocated in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of Section 5A-12.6, less the amount allocated under paragraphs (8) and (9) of subsection (a) and paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection, for all hospitals that are not Critical Access Hospitals, multiplied by 46%.
(2) It is the intent of the General Assembly that the recalculations required under this paragraph (7) by Public Act 100-1181 shall be applied prospectively to claims for dates of service provided on or after March 8, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1181) and that no recoupment or repayment by the Department or an MCO of payments attributable to recalculation under this paragraph (7), issued to the hospital for dates of service on or after July 1, 2018 and before March 8, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1181), shall be permitted.
(8) The Department shall ensure that all necessary adjustments to the managed care organization capitation base rates necessitated by the adjustments under subparagraph (6) or (7) of this subsection are completed and applied retroactively in accordance with Section 5-30.8 of this Code within 90 days of March 8, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1181).
(9) Within 60 days after federal approval of the change made to the assessment in Section 5A-2 by Public Act 101-650, the Department shall incorporate into the EAPG system for outpatient services those services performed by hospitals currently billed through the Non-Institutional Provider billing system.
(b-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, beginning with dates of service on and after January 1, 2023, any general acute care hospital with more than 500 outpatient psychiatric Medicaid services to persons under 19 years of age in any calendar year shall be paid the outpatient add-on payment of no less than $113.
(c) In consultation with the hospital community, the Department is authorized to replace 89 Ill. Adm. Code 152.150 as published in 38 Ill. Reg. 4980 through 4986 within 12 months of June 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-651). If the Department does not replace these rules within 12 months of June 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-651), the rules in effect for 152.150 as published in 38 Ill. Reg. 4980 through 4986 shall remain in effect until modified by rule by the Department. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to mandate that the Department file a replacement rule.
(d) Transition period. There shall be a transition period to the reimbursement systems authorized under this Section that shall begin on the effective date of these systems and continue until June 30, 2018, unless extended by rule by the Department. To help provide an orderly and predictable transition to the new reimbursement systems and to preserve and enhance access to the hospital services during this transition, the Department shall allocate a transitional hospital access pool of at least $290,000,000 annually so that transitional hospital access payments are made to hospitals.
(1) After the transition period, the Department may begin incorporating the transitional hospital access pool into the base rate structure; however, the transitional hospital access payments in effect on June 30, 2018 shall continue to be paid, if continued under Section 5A-16.
(2) After the transition period, if the Department reduces payments from the transitional hospital access pool, it shall increase base rates, develop new adjustors, adjust current adjustors, develop new hospital access payments based on updated information, or any combination thereof by an amount equal to the decreases proposed in the transitional hospital access pool payments, ensuring that the entire transitional hospital access pool amount shall continue to be used for hospital payments.
(d-5) Hospital and health care transformation program. The Department shall develop a hospital and health care transformation program to provide financial assistance to hospitals in transforming their services and care models to better align with the needs of the communities they serve. The payments authorized in this Section shall be subject to approval by the federal government.
(1) Phase 1. In State fiscal years 2019 through 2020, the Department shall allocate funds from the transitional access hospital pool to create a hospital transformation pool of at least $262,906,870 annually and make hospital transformation payments to hospitals. Subject to Section 5A-16, in State fiscal years 2019 and 2020, an Illinois hospital that received either a transitional hospital access payment under subsection (d) or a supplemental payment under subsection (f) of this Section in State fiscal year 2018, shall receive a hospital transformation payment as follows:
(A) If the hospital's Rate Year 2017 Medicaid inpatient utilization rate is equal to or greater than 45%, the hospital transformation payment shall be equal to 100% of the sum of its transitional hospital access payment authorized under subsection (d) and any supplemental payment authorized under subsection (f).
(B) If the hospital's Rate Year 2017 Medicaid inpatient utilization rate is equal to or greater than 25% but less than 45%, the hospital transformation payment shall be equal to 75% of the sum of its transitional hospital access payment authorized under subsection (d) and any supplemental payment authorized under subsection (f).
(C) If the hospital's Rate Year 2017 Medicaid inpatient utilization rate is less than 25%, the hospital transformation payment shall be equal to 50% of the sum of its transitional hospital access payment authorized under subsection (d) and any supplemental payment authorized under subsection (f).
(2) Phase 2.
(A) The funding amount from phase one shall be incorporated into directed payment and pass-through payment methodologies described in Section 5A-12.7.
(B) Because there are communities in Illinois that experience significant health care disparities due to systemic racism, as recently emphasized by the COVID-19 pandemic, aggravated by social determinants of health and a lack of sufficiently allocated healthcare resources, particularly community-based services, preventive care, obstetric care, chronic disease management, and specialty care, the Department shall establish a health care transformation program that shall be supported by the transformation funding pool. It is the intention of the General Assembly that innovative partnerships funded by the pool must be designed to establish or improve integrated health care delivery systems that will provide significant access to the Medicaid and uninsured populations in their communities, as well as improve health care equity. It is also the intention of the General Assembly that partnerships recognize and address the disparities revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the need for post-COVID care. During State fiscal years 2021 through 2027, the hospital and health care transformation program shall be supported by an annual transformation funding pool of up to $150,000,000, pending federal matching funds, to be allocated during the specified fiscal years for the purpose of facilitating hospital and health care transformation. No disbursement of moneys for transformation projects from the transformation funding pool described under this Section shall be considered an award, a grant, or an expenditure of grant funds. Funding agreements made in accordance with the transformation program shall be considered purchases of care under the Illinois Procurement Code, and funds shall be expended by the Department in a manner that maximizes federal funding to expend the entire allocated amount. The Department shall convene, within 30 days after March 12, 2021 (the effective date of Public Act 101-655), a workgroup that includes subject matter experts on healthcare disparities and stakeholders from distressed communities, which could be a subcommittee of the Medicaid Advisory Committee, to review and provide recommendations on how Department policy, including health care transformation, can improve health disparities and the impact on communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The workgroup shall consider and make recommendations on the following issues: a community safety-net designation of certain hospitals, racial equity, and a regional partnership to bring additional specialty services to communities.
(C) As provided in paragraph (9) of Section 3 of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act, any hospital participating in the transformation program may be excluded from the requirements of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act for those projects related to the hospital's transformation. To be eligible, the hospital must submit to the Health Facilities and Services Review Board approval from the Department that the project is a part of the hospital's transformation.
(D) As provided in subsection (a-20) of Section 32.5 of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act, a hospital that received hospital transformation payments under this Section may convert to a freestanding emergency center. To be eligible for such a conversion, the hospital must submit to the Department of Public Health approval from the Department that the project is a part of the hospital's transformation.
(E) Criteria for proposals. To be eligible for funding under this Section, a transformation proposal shall meet all of the following criteria:
(i) the proposal shall be designed based on community needs assessment completed by either a University partner or other qualified entity with significant community input;
(ii) the proposal shall be a collaboration among providers across the care and community spectrum, including preventative care, primary care specialty care, hospital services, mental health and substance abuse services, as well as community-based entities that address the social determinants of health;
(iii) the proposal shall be specifically designed to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce healthcare disparities, and improve the coordination, effectiveness, and efficiency of care delivery;
(iv) the proposal shall have specific measurable metrics related to disparities that will be tracked by the Department and made public by the Department;
(v) the proposal shall include a commitment to include Business Enterprise Program certified vendors or other entities controlled and managed by minorities or women; and
(vi) the proposal shall specifically increase access to primary, preventive, or specialty care.
(F) Entities eligible to be funded.
(i) Proposals for funding should come from collaborations operating in one of the most distressed communities in Illinois as determined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Vulnerability Index for Illinois and areas disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 or from rural areas of Illinois.
(ii) The Department shall prioritize partnerships from distressed communities, which include Business Enterprise Program certified vendors or other entities controlled and managed by minorities or women and also include one or more of the following: safety-net hospitals, critical access hospitals, the campuses of hospitals that have closed since January 1, 2018, or other healthcare providers designed to address specific healthcare disparities, including the impact of COVID-19 on individuals and the community and the need for post-COVID care. All funded proposals must include specific measurable goals and metrics related to improved outcomes and reduced disparities which shall be tracked by the Department.
(iii) The Department should target the funding in the following ways: $30,000,000 of transformation funds to projects that are a collaboration between a safety-net hospital, particularly community safety-net hospitals, and other providers and designed to address specific healthcare disparities, $20,000,000 of transformation funds to collaborations between safety-net hospitals and a larger hospital partner that increases specialty care in distressed communities, $30,000,000 of transformation funds to projects that are a collaboration between hospitals and other providers in distressed areas of the State designed to address specific healthcare disparities, $15,000,000 to collaborations between critical access hospitals and other providers designed to address specific healthcare disparities, and $15,000,000 to cross-provider collaborations designed to address specific healthcare disparities, and $5,000,000 to collaborations that focus on workforce development.
(iv) The Department may allocate up to $5,000,000 for planning, racial equity analysis, or consulting resources for the Department or entities without the resources to develop a plan to meet the criteria of this Section. Any contract for consulting services issued by the Department under this subparagraph shall comply with the provisions of Section 5-45 of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Based on availability of federal funding, the Department may directly procure consulting services or provide funding to the collaboration. The provision of resources under this subparagraph is not a guarantee that a project will be approved.
(v) The Department shall take steps to ensure that safety-net hospitals operating in under-resourced communities receive priority access to hospital and healthcare transformation funds, including consulting funds, as provided under this Section.
(G) Process for submitting and approving projects for distressed communities. The Department shall issue a template for application. The Department shall post any proposal received on the Department's website for at least 2 weeks for public comment, and any such public comment shall also be considered in the review process. Applicants may request that proprietary financial information be redacted from publicly posted proposals and the Department in its discretion may agree. Proposals for each distressed community must include all of the following:
(i) A detailed description of how the project intends to affect the goals outlined in this subsection, describing new interventions, new technology, new structures, and other changes to the healthcare delivery system planned.
(ii) A detailed description of the racial and ethnic makeup of the entities' board and leadership positions and the salaries of the executive staff of entities in the partnership that is seeking to obtain funding under this Section.
(iii) A complete budget, including an overall timeline and a detailed pathway to sustainability within a 5-year period, specifying other sources of funding, such as in-kind, cost-sharing, or private donations, particularly for capital needs. There is an expectation that parties to the transformation project dedicate resources to the extent they are able and that these expectations are delineated separately for each entity in the proposal.
(iv) A description of any new entities formed or other legal relationships between collaborating entities and how funds will be allocated among participants.
(v) A timeline showing the evolution of sites and specific services of the project over a 5-year period, including services available to the community by site.
(vi) Clear milestones indicating progress toward the proposed goals of the proposal as checkpoints along the way to continue receiving funding. The Department is authorized to refine these milestones in agreements, and is authorized to impose reasonable penalties, including repayment of funds, for substantial lack of progress.
(vii) A clear statement of the level of commitment the project will include for minorities and women in contracting opportunities, including as equity partners where applicable, or as subcontractors and suppliers in all phases of the project.
(viii) If the community study utilized is not the study commissioned and published by the Department, the applicant must define the methodology used, including documentation of clear community participation.
(ix) A description of the process used in collaborating with all levels of government in the community served in the development of the project, including, but not limited to, legislators and officials of other units of local government.
(x) Documentation of a community input process in the community served, including links to proposal materials on public websites.
(xi) Verifiable project milestones and quality metrics that will be impacted by transformation. These project milestones and quality metrics must be identified with improvement targets that must be met.
(xii) Data on the number of existing employees by various job categories and wage levels by the zip code of the employees' residence and benchmarks for the continued maintenance and improvement of these levels. The proposal must also describe any retraining or other workforce development planned for the new project.
(xiii) If a new entity is created by the project, a description of how the board will be reflective of the community served by the proposal.
(xiv) An explanation of how the proposal will address the existing disparities that exacerbated the impact of COVID-19 and the need for post-COVID care in the community, if applicable.
(xv) An explanation of how the proposal is designed to increase access to care, including specialty care based upon the community's needs.
(H) The Department shall evaluate proposals for compliance with the criteria listed under subparagraph (G). Proposals meeting all of the criteria may be eligible for funding with the areas of focus prioritized as described in item (ii) of subparagraph (F). Based on the funds available, the Department may negotiate funding agreements with approved applicants to maximize federal funding. Nothing in this subsection requires that an approved project be funded to the level requested. Agreements shall specify the amount of funding anticipated annually, the methodology of payments, the limit on the number of years such funding may be provided, and the milestones and quality metrics that must be met by the projects in order to continue to receive funding during each year of the program. Agreements shall specify the terms and conditions under which a health care facility that receives funds under a purchase of care agreement and closes in violation of the terms of the agreement must pay an early closure fee no greater than 50% of the funds it received under the agreement, prior to the Health Facilities and Services Review Board considering an application for closure of the facility. Any project that is funded shall be required to provide quarterly written progress reports, in a form prescribed by the Department, and at a minimum shall include the progress made in achieving any milestones or metrics or Business Enterprise Program commitments in its plan. The Department may reduce or end payments, as set forth in transformation plans, if milestones or metrics or Business Enterprise Program commitments are not achieved. The Department shall seek to make payments from the transformation fund in a manner that is eligible for federal matching funds. In reviewing the proposals, the Department shall take into account the needs of the community, data from the study commissioned by the Department from the University of Illinois-Chicago if applicable, feedback from public comment on the Department's website, as well as how the proposal meets the criteria listed under subparagraph (G). Alignment with the Department's overall strategic initiatives shall be an important factor. To the extent that fiscal year funding is not adequate to fund all eligible projects that apply, the Department shall prioritize applications that most comprehensively and effectively address the criteria listed under subparagraph (G).
(3) (Blank).
(4) Hospital Transformation Review Committee. There is created the Hospital Transformation Review Committee. The Committee shall consist of 14 members. No later than 30 days after March 12, 2018 (the effective date of Public Act 100-581), the 4 legislative leaders shall each appoint 3 members; the Governor shall appoint the Director of Healthcare and Family Services, or his or her designee, as a member; and the Director of Healthcare and Family Services shall appoint one member. Any vacancy shall be filled by the applicable appointing authority within 15 calendar days. The members of the Committee shall select a Chair and a Vice-Chair from among its members, provided that the Chair and Vice-Chair cannot be appointed by the same appointing authority and must be from different political parties. The Chair shall have the authority to establish a meeting schedule and convene meetings of the Committee, and the Vice-Chair shall have the authority to convene meetings in the absence of the Chair. The Committee may establish its own rules with respect to meeting schedule, notice of meetings, and the disclosure of documents; however, the Committee shall not have the power to subpoena individuals or documents and any rules must be approved by 9 of the 14 members. The Committee shall perform the functions described in this Section and advise and consult with the Director in the administration of this Section. In addition to reviewing and approving the policies, procedures, and rules for the hospital and health care transformation program, the Committee shall consider and make recommendations related to qualifying criteria and payment methodologies related to safety-net hospitals and children's hospitals. Members of the Committee appointed by the legislative leaders shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Legislative Ethics Commission, not the Executive Ethics Commission, and all requests under the Freedom of Information Act shall be directed to the applicable Freedom of Information officer for the General Assembly. The Department shall provide operational support to the Committee as necessary. The Committee is dissolved on April 1, 2019.
(e) Beginning 36 months after initial implementation, the Department shall update the reimbursement components in subsections (a) and (b), including standardized amounts and weighting factors, and at least once every 4 years and no more frequently than annually thereafter. The Department shall publish these updates on its website no later than 30 calendar days prior to their effective date.
(f) Continuation of supplemental payments. Any supplemental payments authorized under Illinois Administrative Code 148 effective January 1, 2014 and that continue during the period of July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 shall remain in effect as long as the assessment imposed by Section 5A-2 that is in effect on December 31, 2017 remains in effect.
(g) Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (f) of this Section and notwithstanding the changes authorized under Section 5-5b.1, any updates to the system shall not result in any diminishment of the overall effective rates of reimbursement as of the implementation date of the new system (July 1, 2014). These updates shall not preclude variations in any individual component of the system or hospital rate variations. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the Department from increasing the rates of reimbursement or developing payments to ensure access to hospital services. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to guarantee a minimum amount of spending in the aggregate or per hospital as spending may be impacted by factors, including, but not limited to, the number of individuals in the medical assistance program and the severity of illness of the individuals.
(h) The Department shall have the authority to modify by rulemaking any changes to the rates or methodologies in this Section as required by the federal government to obtain federal financial participation for expenditures made under this Section.
(i) Except for subsections (g) and (h) of this Section, the Department shall, pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 5-40 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, provide for presentation at the June 2014 hearing of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) additional written notice to JCAR of the following rules in order to commence the second notice period for the following rules: rules published in the Illinois Register, rule dated February 21, 2014 at 38 Ill. Reg. 4559 (Medical Payment), 4628 (Specialized Health Care Delivery Systems), 4640 (Hospital Services), 4932 (Diagnostic Related Grouping (DRG) Prospective Payment System (PPS)), and 4977 (Hospital Reimbursement Changes), and published in the Illinois Register dated March 21, 2014 at 38 Ill. Reg. 6499 (Specialized Health Care Delivery Systems) and 6505 (Hospital Services).
(j) Out-of-state hospitals. Beginning July 1, 2018, for purposes of determining for State fiscal years 2019 and 2020 and subsequent fiscal years the hospitals eligible for the payments authorized under subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, the Department shall include out-of-state hospitals that are designated a Level I pediatric trauma center or a Level I trauma center by the Department of Public Health as of December 1, 2017.
(k) The Department shall notify each hospital and managed care organization, in writing, of the impact of the updates under this Section at least 30 calendar days prior to their effective date.
(l) This Section is subject to Section 14-12.5.

305 ILCS 5/14-12

Amended by P.A. 103-0154,§ 545, eff. 6/30/2023.
Amended by P.A. 103-0102,§ 10-5, eff. 6/16/2023.
Amended by P.A. 102-1037,§ 5-5, eff. 6/2/2022.
Amended by P.A. 102-0682,§ 5, eff. 12/10/2021.
Amended by P.A. 101-0655,§ 10-5, eff. 3/12/2021.
Amended by P.A. 101-0650,§ 30, eff. 7/7/2020.
Amended by P.A. 101-0081,§ 565, eff. 7/12/2019.
Amended by P.A. 100-1181,§ 40, eff. 3/8/2019.
Amended by P.A. 100-0581,§ 15, eff. 3/12/2018.
Amended by P.A. 099-0002,§ 25, eff. 3/26/2015.
Added by P.A. 098-0651,§ 45-5, eff. 6/16/2014.