70 ILCS 2605/9.6b

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 2605/9.6b - Issuance of bond anticipation notes

After the issuance of bonds for any corporate purpose shall have been authorized by ordinance, the corporate authorities of the sanitary district shall have power to borrow money from time to time for the purposes for which such bonds are to be issued in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of such bonds and in an amount which does not exceed the authorized amount of such bond issue, and without submitting the question of such borrowing to the legal voters of such sanitary district for approval.

Any such borrowing shall be evidenced by the issuance of bond anticipation notes, which notes shall mature not more than 3 years after the date of issuance of said notes, may be made callable prior to their maturity, and may be offered for sale in such manner as determined by the corporate authorities.

The notes shall be authorized by ordinance, shall be in such denomination or denominations, bear interest at such rate or rates not exceeding the maximum rate permitted by law and fixed by the provisions of the ordinance authorizing the bonds, shall be in such form and shall be executed in such manner as the corporate authorities of the sanitary district shall prescribe.

The notes may be made payable, both principal and interest to date of payment, from the funds derived from the sale of bonds for the permanent financing, or from other available funds, or a combination thereof. The corporate authorities, in their discretion, may provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property in the sanitary district, sufficient to pay the interest on said notes to maturity, or any portion of said interest. Upon the filing in the office of the County Clerk of a certified copy of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of said notes and levying a tax to pay interest, it shall be the duty of such County Clerk to extend the tax therefor in addition to and in excess of all other taxes heretofore or hereafter authorized to be levied. Any portion of the tax so levied and collected, which is not needed to pay interest on the notes, shall be used to pay interest on the bonds. The notes shall be surrendered for payment and cancellation when the bonds are issued, or when other funds are made available for the payment of such notes and the interest thereon. The notes may also be refunded by the issuance of refunding notes or may be renewed upon mutual agreement with the holder of the notes.

70 ILCS 2605/9.6b

P.A. 86-1337.