70 ILCS 705/21

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 705/21 - Petition for disconnection from fire protection district

The territory of a fire protection district within the limits of any city, village or incorporated town may be disconnected from the district in the manner hereinafter provided; (1) if more than 50% of the total territory of the fire protection district is within the limits of the same city, village or incorporated town filing the petition for disconnection; (2) if such municipality, prior to the filing of a petition to disconnect, assumes by ordinance all the bonded indebtedness and other debts of the fire protection district; and, (3) if such municipality, prior to the filing of such petition, assumes by ordinance the obligation of providing fire protection service to the remaining territory of the fire protection district equivalent to the service being rendered by such district.

The municipality containing more than 50% of the fire protection district's territory may file a petition for disconnection in the circuit court of the county where the district was organized, setting forth: the description of the territory sought to be disconnected; that such territory consists of more than 50% of the total territory of the fire protection district; and that the necessary municipal ordinances have been passed to assume the indebtedness of the fire protection district and the obligation of furnishing equivalent fire protection service for the remaining territory of such district.

Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set a day for hearing, not less than 4 weeks nor more than 8 weeks from the date of filing thereof, and the court, or the clerk or sheriff upon order of the court, shall give a 21 day notice of the hearing in one or more daily or weekly newspapers of general circulation in the county, or in each county, wherein the district is organized and by posting at least 10 copies of the notice in conspicuous places in the district. The notice must describe the proposed disconnection and must state that the disconnection will occur if the conditions required by this Section are met unless a petition signed by no fewer than 1% of the registered voters in the district is filed requesting that the question of disconnection be submitted to the voters of the district is filed with the court at or before the hearing. The clerk of the court must provide a petition form to any individual requesting one. All property owners in the district and all persons interested therein, may file objections, and at the hearing may appear and contest the requested disconnection and the matters averred in the petition, and both objectors and petitioners may offer any competent evidence in regard thereto. If the court, upon hearing the petition, finds that any of the conditions in this Section required for the disconnection do not exist, it shall enter an order dismissing the petition. If the petition satisfies the conditions and no petition requesting a referendum is filed with the court, the court shall enter the appropriate order for disconnection. If, however, at or before the hearing a petition is filed with the court, signed by no fewer than 1% of the registered voters in the district, asking that the question of disconnection be submitted to the voters of the district, the court shall certify the question to the proper election authority, which shall submit the question at an election in accordance with the Election Code.

The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:

Shall the territory of the (name of district) located in (name of municipality) be disconnected from the district and the responsibility for fire protection in the entire district be transferred to (name of municipality)?

The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".

If a majority of the voters voting on the question vote in the affirmative, the court shall enter an order of disconnection. If a majority of the voters voting on the question vote in the negative, the court shall dismiss the petition and no petition seeking disconnection may be filed for a period of 3 years after the court enters its order dismissing the petition.

The provisions of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly do not apply to any proceeding for a disconnection for which the court has entered an order of disconnection on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.

The fire protection district shall continue in existence and continue to levy and extend taxes upon the remaining portion of the district at the same rate as levied and extended in the year prior to the disconnection, excluding, however, the amount of taxes levied in the prior year for payment of a bonded indebtedness, which tax moneys, after deducting the necessary operating expenses of the fire protection district, shall be paid to the municipality obligated to provide the fire protection service as a consideration for the providing of such service. The title to all property, assets and equipment of the district is transferred to such municipality and is vested therein, to be held, however, for the same purposes and uses, and subject to the same conditions as before the transfer.

70 ILCS 705/21

P.A. 83-343; P.A. 91-944, eff. 2/9/2001.