5 ILCS 220/3.3

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 5 ILCS 220/3.3 - Local Economic Development Commissions - membership
(1) Any municipality or municipalities of this State, any county or counties of this State or any combination thereof upon adoption of an ordinance by the governing body may, by intergovernmental agreement, join with any community college district of this State in forming Local Economic Development Commissions, hereinafter to be referred to as Commissions. The purpose of such Commissions shall be to coordinate community economic and commercial development programs, to obtain and administer State and federal financial aid, and to perform various other functions to benefit the economic strength of the community.
(2) The membership of a Commission formed by a municipality or municipalities and a county or counties shall be as follows:
(a) 2 public members appointed by the mayor or president of each municipality with the advice and consent of the municipal governing body; and
(b) 2 public members appointed by the chairman of the county board or chief executive officer of each county with the advice and consent of the county governing body; and
(c) 2 public members appointed by the chief executive officer of the community college district with the advice and consent of the community college district board.

The mayor or president of each municipality, the chairman of the county board or chief executive officer of each county, and the chief executive officer of the community college district shall serve as ex officio members of the Commission.

(3) The membership of a Commission formed by a municipality or municipalities shall be as follows:
(a) 3 public members appointed by the mayor or president of each municipality with the advice and consent of the municipal governing body; and
(b) 3 public members appointed by the chief executive officer of the community college district with the advice and consent of the community college district board.

The mayor or president of each municipality and the chief executive officer of the community college district shall serve as ex officio members of the Commission.

(4) The membership of a Commission formed by a county or counties shall be as follows:
(a) 3 public members appointed by the chairman of the county board or chief executive officer of each county with the advice and consent of the county governing body; and
(b) 3 public members appointed by the chief executive officer of the community college district with the advice and consent of the community college district board.

The chairman of the county board or chief executive officer of each county and the chief executive officer of the community college district shall serve as ex officio members of the Commission.

(5) Of the public members appointed to a Commission, the respective appointing authorities shall ensure that the business community and organized labor are equally represented.
(6) The members appointed to a Commission shall serve for terms of 2 years; however, of the initial appointees 2 shall serve terms of one year, 2 shall serve terms of 2 years and 2 shall serve terms of 3 years as determined by drawing lots. The members of each Commission shall, by majority vote of the membership, elect from among the public members a chairman. The chairman shall schedule meetings at least 6 times per year and notify members at least 10 days prior to the meetings of the date, time, and place of such meetings. The chairman shall preside over all such meetings. Other operational guidelines shall be decided upon by majority vote of the membership. Commission members shall not be entitled to receive compensation for their services as members but may receive reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the performance of their duties as commission members.
(7) A Commission may apply for and accept funding from any or all of the participating units of government, any other unit of local, State or federal government and any private entity.

5 ILCS 220/3.3

P.A. 83-1362.