35 ILCS 130/9a

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 35 ILCS 130/9a - Examination and correction of returns
(1) As soon as practicable after any return is filed, the Department shall examine such return and shall correct such return according to its best judgment and information, which return so corrected by the Department shall be prima facie correct and shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the amount of tax due, as shown therein. Instead of requiring the distributor to file an amended return, the Department may simply notify the distributor of the correction or corrections it has made. Proof of such correction by the Department may be made at any hearing before the Department or in any legal proceeding by a reproduced copy of the Department's record relating thereto in the name of the Department under the certificate of the Director of Revenue. Such reproduced copy shall, without further proof, be admitted into evidence before the Department or in any legal proceeding and shall be prima facie proof of the correctness of the amount of tax due, as shown therein. If the Department finds that any amount of tax is due from the distributor, the Department shall issue the distributor a notice of tax liability for the amount of tax claimed by the Department to be due, together with a penalty in an amount determined in accordance with Sections 3-3, 3-5 and 3-6 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act. If, in administering the provisions of this Act, comparison of a return or returns of a distributor with the books, records and inventories of such distributor discloses a deficiency which cannot be allocated by the Department to a particular month or months, the Department shall issue the distributor a notice of tax liability for the amount of tax claimed by the Department to be due for a given period, but without any obligation upon the Department to allocate such deficiency to any particular month or months, together with a penalty in an amount determined in accordance with Sections 3-3, 3-5 and 3-6 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, under which circumstances the aforesaid notice of tax liability shall be prima facie correct and shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the amount of tax due, as shown therein; and proof of such correctness may be made in accordance with, and the admissibility of a reproduced copy of such notice of tax liability shall be governed by, all the provisions of this Act applicable to corrected returns. If any distributor filing any return dies or becomes a person under legal disability at any time before the Department issues its notice of tax liability, such notice shall be issued to the administrator, executor or other legal representative, as such, of such distributor.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, if, within 60 days after such notice of tax liability, the distributor or his or her legal representative files a protest to such notice of tax liability and requests a hearing thereon, the Department shall give notice to such distributor or legal representative of the time and place fixed for such hearing, and shall hold a hearing in conformity with the provisions of this Act, and pursuant thereto shall issue a final assessment to such distributor or legal representative for the amount found to be due as a result of such hearing. On or after July 1, 2013, protests concerning matters that are subject to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal shall be filed in accordance with the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act of 2012, and hearings concerning those matters shall be held before the Tribunal in accordance with that Act. With respect to protests filed with the Department prior to July 1, 2013 that would otherwise be subject to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal, the taxpayer may elect to be subject to the provisions of the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal Act of 2012 at any time on or after July 1, 2013, but not later than 30 days after the date on which the protest was filed. If made, the election shall be irrevocable. If a protest to the notice of tax liability and a request for a hearing thereon is not filed within the time allowed by law, such notice of tax liability shall become final without the necessity of a final assessment being issued and shall be deemed to be a final assessment.
(3) In case of failure to pay the tax, or any portion thereof, or any penalty provided for in this Act, when due, the Department may bring suit to recover the amount of such tax, or portion thereof, or penalty; or, if the taxpayer dies or becomes incompetent, by filing claim therefor against his estate; provided that no such action with respect to any tax, or portion thereof, or penalty, shall be instituted more than 2 years after the cause of action accrues, except with the consent of the person from whom such tax or penalty is due.

After the expiration of the period within which the person assessed may file an action for judicial review under the Administrative Review Law without such an action being filed, a certified copy of the final assessment or revised final assessment of the Department may be filed with the Circuit Court of the county in which the taxpayer has his or her principal place of business, or of Sangamon County in those cases in which the taxpayer does not have his principal place of business in this State. The certified copy of the final assessment or revised final assessment shall be accompanied by a certification which recites facts that are sufficient to show that the Department complied with the jurisdictional requirements of the Law in arriving at its final assessment or its revised final assessment and that the taxpayer had his or her opportunity for an administrative hearing and for judicial review, whether he availed himself or herself of either or both of these opportunities or not. If the court is satisfied that the Department complied with the jurisdictional requirements of the Law in arriving at its final assessment or its revised final assessment and that the taxpayer had his or her opportunity for an administrative hearing and for judicial review, whether he or she availed himself or herself of either or both of these opportunities or not, the court shall enter judgment in favor of the Department and against the taxpayer for the amount shown to be due by the final assessment or the revised final assessment, and such judgment shall be filed of record in the court. Such judgment shall bear the rate of interest set in the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, but otherwise shall have the same effect as other judgments. The judgment may be enforced, and all laws applicable to sales for the enforcement of a judgment shall be applicable to sales made under such judgments. The Department shall file the certified copy of its assessment, as herein provided, with the Circuit Court within 2 years after such assessment becomes final except when the taxpayer consents in writing to an extension of such filing period.

If, when the cause of action for a proceeding in court accrues against a person, he or she is out of the State, the action may be commenced within the times herein limited, after his or her coming into or return to the State; and if, after the cause of action accrues, he or she departs from and remains out of the State, the time of his or her absence is no part of the time limited for the commencement of the action; but the foregoing provisions concerning absence from the State shall not apply to any case in which, at the time the cause of action accrues, the party against whom the cause of action accrues is not a resident of this State. The time within which a court action is to be commenced by the Department hereunder shall not run while the taxpayer is a debtor in any proceeding under the Federal Bankruptcy Act nor thereafter until 90 days after the Department is notified by such debtor of being discharged in bankruptcy.

No claim shall be filed against the estate of any deceased person or a person under legal disability for any tax or penalty or part of either except in the manner prescribed and within the time limited by the Probate Act of 1975, as amended.

The remedies provided for herein shall not be exclusive, but all remedies available to creditors for the collection of debts shall be available for the collection of any tax or penalty due hereunder.

The collection of tax or penalty by any means provided for herein shall not be a bar to any prosecution under this Act.

The certificate of the Director of the Department to the effect that a tax or amount required to be paid by this Act has not been paid, that a return has not been filed, or that information has not been supplied pursuant to the provisions of this Act, shall be prima facie evidence thereof.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, any amount paid as tax or in respect of tax paid under this Act shall be deemed assessed upon the date of receipt of payment.

All of the provisions of Sections 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5i and 5j of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, which are not inconsistent with this Act, and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act shall apply, as far as practicable, to the subject matter of this Act to the same extent as if such provisions were included herein. References in such incorporated Sections of the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act" to retailers, to sellers or to persons engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property shall mean distributors when used in this Act.

35 ILCS 130/9a

Amended by P.A. 103-0009,§ 100-15, eff. 1/1/2024.
Amended by P.A. 098-0463,§ 190, eff. 8/16/2013.
Amended by P.A. 097-1129,§ 5-45, eff. 8/28/2012.
P.A. 87-205; 92-322, eff. 1-1-02.