35 ILCS 505/3a

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 35 ILCS 505/3a - Supplier licenses

No person, other than a licensed distributor, shall act as a supplier of special fuel within this State without first securing a license to act as a supplier of special fuel from the Department.

Application for such license shall be made to the Department upon blanks furnished by it. The application shall be signed and verified and shall contain such information as the Department deems necessary.

The applicant for a supplier's license shall also file, with the Department, a bond on a form to be approved by and with a surety or sureties satisfactory to the Department, conditioned upon such applicant paying to the State of Illinois all moneys becoming due by reason of the sale or use of special fuel by the applicant, together with all penalties and interest thereon. The Department shall fix the penalty of such bond in each case, taking into consideration the amount of special fuel expected to be sold, distributed, exported, and used by such applicant, and the penalty fixed by the Department shall be such, as in its opinion, will protect the State of Illinois against failure to pay the amount hereinafter provided on special fuel sold, distributed, exported, and used, but the amount of the penalty fixed by the Department shall not exceed twice the monthly amount of tax liability that would be collectable as a tax in the event of a taxable sale on all the special fuel sold, distributed, exported, and used by the supplier inclusive of tax-free sales, use, exports, or distribution.

Upon receipt of the application and bond in proper form, the Department shall issue to the applicant a license to act as a supplier. No person who is in default to the State for moneys due under this Act for the sale, distribution, export, or use of motor fuel shall receive a license to act as a supplier.

A license shall not be granted to any person whose principal place of business is in a state other than Illinois, unless such person is licensed for motor fuel distribution or export in the State in which the principal place of business is located and that other State requires such license and that such person is not in default to that State for any monies due for the sale, distribution, export, or use of motor fuel.

35 ILCS 505/3a

Amended by P.A. 096-1384,§ 5, eff. 7/29/2010.
P.A. 90-491, eff. 1-1-98; 91-173, eff. 1-1-00.