15 ILCS 15/4

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 15 ILCS 15/4 - Scope of executive order - procedure for transmittal

Any executive order proposing reorganization and transmitted to the General Assembly by the Governor under this Act:

(a) May change the name of any agency affected by a reorganization and the title of its head, and shall designate the name of any agency resulting from a reorganization and the title of its head.
(b) May include provisions for the appointment of the head and one or more other officers of any agency, including an agency resulting from a consolidation or other type of reorganization. The head so provided for may be an individual, or may be a commission or board with 2 or more members, but in any case the appointment of such agency head shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate. The qualifications and procedures of selection of any officer or head of an agency or commission or a board member shall be retained. The term of office of any such appointee, if any term is provided, shall not exceed 4 years.
(c) Shall provide for the transfer of employees serving under the Personnel Code who are engaged in the performance of a function transferred to another agency, or engaged in the administration of a law the administration of which is transferred to another agency, by the reorganization. The status and rights of such employees under the Personnel Code shall not be affected by the reorganization.
(d) Shall provide for the transfer or other disposition of personnel records, documents, books, correspondence, and other property, both real and personal, affected by the reorganization.
(e) Shall provide for the transfer of unexpended balances of appropriations and other funds available for use in connection with any function or agency affected by the reorganization, as the Governor deems necessary, for use in connection with the functions affected by the reorganization, or for the use of the agency which has such functions after the reorganization takes effect. Unexpended balances so transferred shall be expended only for the purpose for which the appropriation was originally made.
(f) Shall provide for terminating the affairs of any agency abolished.
(g) Shall provide by a savings clause for the transfer and continuation of the rules, regulations and other agency actions affected by reorganization.
(h) Shall enumerate all acts of the General Assembly which establish the function affected by the reorganization.
(i) Shall be delivered to the General Assembly by delivering a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Senate and to the Clerk of the House of Representatives. The Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House shall receipt and note on the Executive Order the date and time of delivery. Delivery may take place on a day and at an hour when the Senate and House are not in session so long as the offices of Secretary and Clerk are open to receive the Executive Order. In determining the 60 day period within which the General Assembly must act, the day on which delivery is made to the Senate and House shall not be counted. If delivery of the Executive Order to the two houses occurs on different days, the 60 day period shall begin on the day following the later delivery.

15 ILCS 15/4

P.A. 81-984.