10 ILCS 5/24A-6

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 10 ILCS 5/24A-6 - Design and content of ballot presentation

The ballot information, whether placed on the ballot or on the marking device, shall, as far as practicable, be in the order of arrangement provided for paper ballots, except that such information may be in vertical or horizontal rows, or in a number of separate pages. Ballots for all questions or propositions to be voted on must be provided in the same manner and must be arranged on or in the marking device or on the ballot sheet in the places provided for such purposes.

When an electronic voting system utilizes a ballot label booklet and ballot card, ballots for candidates, ballots calling for a constitutional convention, constitutional amendment ballots, judicial retention ballots, public measures, and all propositions to be voted upon may be placed on the electronic voting device by providing in the ballot booklet separate ballot label pages or series of pages distinguished by differing colors as provided below. When an electronic voting system utilizes a ballot sheet, ballots calling for a constitutional convention, constitutional amendment ballots and judicial retention ballots shall be placed on the ballot sheet by providing a separate portion of the ballot sheet for each such kind of ballot which shall be printed in ink of a color distinct from the color of ink used in printing any other portion of the ballot sheet. Ballots for candidates, public measures and all other propositions to be voted upon shall be placed on the ballot sheet by providing a separate portion of the ballot sheet for each such kind of ballot. Whenever a person has submitted a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate as required in Sections 17-16.1 and 18-9.1, a line on which the name of a candidate may be written by the voter shall be printed below the name of the last candidate nominated for such office, and immediately to the left of such line an area shall be provided for marking a vote for such write-in candidate. The number of write-in lines for an office shall equal the number of persons who have filed declarations of intent to be write-in candidates plus an additional line or lines for write-in candidates who qualify to file declarations to be write-in candidates under Sections 17-16.1 and 18-9.1 when the certification of ballot contains the words "OBJECTION PENDING" next to the name of the candidate, up to the number of candidates for which a voter may vote. More than one amendment to the constitution may be placed on the same ballot page or series of pages or on the same portion of the ballot sheet, as the case may be. Ballot label pages for constitutional conventions or constitutional amendments shall be on paper of blue color and shall precede all other ballot label pages in the ballot label booklet. More than one public measure or proposition may be placed on the same ballot label page or series of pages or on the same portion of the ballot sheet, as the case may be. More than one proposition for retention of judges in office may be placed on the same ballot label page or series of pages or on the same portion of the ballot sheet, as the case may be. Ballot label pages for candidates shall be on paper of white color, except that in primary elections the ballot label page or pages for the candidates of each respective political party shall be of the color designated by the election official in charge of the election for that political party's candidates; provided that the ballot label pages or pages for candidates for use at the nonpartisan and consolidated elections may be on paper of different colors, except blue, whenever necessary or desirable to facilitate distinguishing between the pages for different political subdivisions. On each page of the candidate booklet, where the election is made to list ballot information vertically, the party affiliation of each candidate or the word "independent" shall appear immediately to the left of the candidate's name, and the name of candidates for the same office shall be listed vertically under the title of that office. If no candidate or candidates file for an office and if no person or persons file a declaration as a write-in candidate for that office, then below the title of that office the election authority instead shall print "No Candidate". In the case of nonpartisan elections for officers of political subdivisions, unless the statute or an ordinance adopted pursuant to Article VII of the Constitution requires otherwise, the listing of such nonpartisan candidates shall not include any party or "independent" designation. Ballot label pages for judicial retention ballots shall be on paper of green color, and ballot label pages for all public measures and other propositions shall be on paper of some other distinct and different color. In primary elections, a separate ballot label booklet, marking device and voting booth shall be used for each political party holding a primary, with the ballot label booklet arranged to include ballot label pages of the candidates of the party and public measures and other propositions to be voted upon on the day of the primary election. One ballot card may be used for recording the voter's vote or choice on all such ballots, proposals, public measures or propositions, and such ballot card shall be arranged so as to record the voter's vote or choice in a separate column or columns for each such kind of ballot, proposal, public measure or proposition.

If the ballot label booklet includes both candidates for office and public measures or propositions to be voted on, the election official in charge of the election shall divide the pages by protruding tabs identifying the division of the pages, and printing on such tabs "Candidates" and "Propositions".

The ballot card and all of its columns and the ballot card envelope shall be of the color prescribed for candidate's ballots at the general or primary election, whichever is being held. At an election where no candidates are being nominated or elected, the ballot card, its columns, and the ballot card envelope shall be of a color designated by the election official in charge of the election.

The ballot cards, ballot card envelopes and ballot sheets may, at the discretion of the election authority, be printed on white paper and then striped with the appropriate colors.

When ballot sheets are used, the various portions thereof shall be arranged to conform to the foregoing format.

Vote by mail ballots may consist of ballot cards, envelopes, paper ballots, or ballot sheets . Where a ballot card is used for voting by mail it must be accompanied by a punching tool or other appropriate marking device, voter instructions and a specimen ballot showing the proper positions to vote on the ballot card or ballot sheet for each party, candidate, proposal, public measure or proposition, and in the case of a ballot card must be mounted on a suitable material to receive the punched out chip.

Any voter who spoils his ballot or makes an error may return the ballot to the judges of election and secure another. However, the protruding identifying tab for proposals for a constitutional convention or constitutional amendments shall have printed thereon "Constitutional Ballot", and the ballot label page or pages for such proposals shall precede the ballot label pages for candidates in the ballot label booklet.

10 ILCS 5/24A-6

Amended by P.A. 098-1171,§ 5, eff. 6/1/2015.
Amended by P.A. 095-0862,§ 5, eff. 8/19/2008.
Amended by P.A. 095-0699,§ 5, eff. 11/9/2007.
P.A. 89-700, eff. 1-17-97.