10 ILCS 5/11-2

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 10 ILCS 5/11-2 - Election precincts

The County Board in each county, except in counties having a population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or over, shall, at its regular meeting in June or an adjourned meeting in July, divide its election precincts so that each precinct shall contain, as near as may be practicable, 1,200 registered voters. Insofar as is practicable, each precinct shall be situated within a single congressional, legislative and representative district and in not more than one County Board district and one municipal ward. In order to situate each precinct within a single district or ward, the County Board shall change the boundaries of election precincts after each decennial census as soon as is practicable following the completion of congressional and legislative redistricting, except that, in 2021, the county board shall change the boundaries at a regular or special meeting within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. In determining whether a division of precincts should be made, the county board may anticipate increased voter registration in any precinct in which there is in progress new construction of dwelling units which will be occupied by voters more than 30 days before the next election. Each district shall be composed of contiguous territory in as compact form as can be for the convenience of the electors voting therein. The several county boards in establishing districts shall describe them by metes and bounds and number them. And so often thereafter as it shall appear by the number of votes cast at the general election held in November of any year, that any election district or undivided election precinct contains more than 1,200 registered voters, the County Board of the county in which the district or precinct may be, shall at its regular meeting in June, or an adjourned meeting in July next, after such November election, redivide or readjust such election district or election precinct, so that no district or election precinct shall contain more than the number of votes above specified. If for any reason the County Board fails in any year to redivide or readjust the election districts or election precinct, then the districts or precincts as then existing shall continue until the next regular June meeting of the County Board; at which regular June meeting or an adjourned meeting in July the County Board shall redivide or readjust the election districts or election precincts in manner as herein required. When at any meeting of the County Board any redivision, readjustment or change in name or number of election districts or election precincts is made by the County Board, the County Clerk shall immediately notify the State Board of Elections of such redivision, readjustment or change. The County Board in every case shall fix and establish the places for holding elections in its respective county and all elections shall be held at the places so fixed. The polling places shall in all cases be upon the ground floor in the front room, the entrance to which is in a highway or public street which is at least 40 feet wide, and is as near the center of the voting population of the precinct as is practicable, and for the convenience of the greatest number of electors to vote thereat; provided, however, where the County Board is unable to secure a suitable polling place within the boundaries of a precinct, it may select a polling place at the most conveniently located suitable place outside the precinct; but in no case shall an election be held in any room used or occupied as a saloon, dramshop, bowling alley or as a place of resort for idlers and disreputable persons, billiard hall or in any room connected therewith by doors or hallways. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election except at the polling place for the precinct in which he resides, except as otherwise provided in this Section or Article 19 of this Act. In counties having a population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or over the County Board shall divide its election precincts and shall fix and establish places for holding elections as hereinbefore provided during the month of January instead of at its regular meeting in June or at an adjourned meeting in July.

However, in the event that additional divisions of election precincts are indicated after a division made by the County Board in the month of January, such additional divisions may be made by the County Board in counties having a population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or over, at the regular meeting in June or at adjourned meeting in July. The county board of such county may divide or readjust precincts at any meeting of the county board when the voter registration in a precinct has increased beyond 1,800 registered voters and an election is scheduled before the next regular January or June meeting of the county board.

When in any city, village or incorporated town territory has been annexed thereto or disconnected therefrom, which annexation or disconnection becomes effective after election precincts or election districts have been established as above provided in this Section, the clerk of the municipality shall inform the county clerk thereof as provided in Section 4-21, 5-28.1, or 6-31.1, whichever is applicable. In the event that a regular meeting of the County Board is to be held after such notification and before any election, the County Board shall, at its next regular meeting establish new election precinct lines in affected territory. In the event that no regular meeting of the County Board is to be held before such election the county clerk shall, within 5 days after being so informed, call a special meeting of the county board on a day fixed by him not more than 20 days thereafter for the purpose of establishing election precincts or election districts in the affected territory for the ensuing elections.

At any consolidated primary or consolidated election at which municipal officers are to be elected, and at any emergency referendum at which a public question relating to a municipality is to be voted on, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the election authority shall establish a polling place within such municipality, upon the request of the municipal council or board of trustees at least 60 days before the election and provided that the municipality provides a suitable polling place. To accomplish this purpose, the election authority may establish an election precinct constituting a single municipality of under 500 population for all elections, notwithstanding the minimum precinct size otherwise specified herein.

Notwithstanding the above, when there are no more than 50 registered voters in a precinct who are entitled to vote in a local government or school district election, the election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct is authorized to reassign such voters to one or more polling places in adjacent precincts, within or without the election authority's jurisdiction, for that election. For the purposes of such local government or school district election only, the votes of the reassigned voters shall be tallied and canvassed as votes from the precinct of the polling place to which such voters have been reassigned. The election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct shall approve all administrative and polling place procedures. Such procedures shall take into account voter convenience, and ensure that the integrity of the election process is maintained and that the secrecy of the ballot is not violated.

Except in the event of a fire, flood or total loss of heat in a place fixed or established by any county board or election authority pursuant to this Section as a polling place for an election, no election authority shall change the location of a polling place so established for any precinct after notice of the place of holding the election for that precinct has been given as required under Article 12 unless the election authority notifies all registered voters in the precinct of the change in location by first class mail in sufficient time for such notice to be received by the registered voters in the precinct at least one day prior to the date of the election.

The provisions of this Section apply to all precincts, including those where voting machines or electronic voting systems are used.

10 ILCS 5/11-2

P.A. 86-867.
Amended by P.A. 102-0668,§ 5, eff. 11/15/2021.