110 ILCS 305/12

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 110 ILCS 305/12

It shall be the duty of the board of trustees to permanently locate said University at Urbana in Champaign County, Illinois, whenever the County of Champaign shall, according to the proper forms of law, convey or cause to be conveyed to said trustees, in fee simple, and free from all incumbrances, the Urbana and Champaign Institute buildings, grounds, and lands, together with the appurtenances thereto belonging, as set forth in the following offer in behalf of said county, to-wit:

"The undersigned, a committee appointed by the board of supervisors of Champaign County, are instructed to make the following offer to the State of Illinois, in consideration of the permanent location of the Illinois Industrial University at Urbana, Champaign County, viz.: We offer the Urbana and Champaign Institute buildings and grounds, containing about ten acres; also one hundred and sixty acres of land adjacent thereto; also, four hundred acres of land, it being part of section No. twenty-one, in township No. nineteen, north, range No. nine east, distant not exceeding one mile from the corporate limits of the City of Urbana.

"Also, four hundred and ten (410) acres of land, it being part of section No. nineteen, township No. nineteen, range No. nine east, within one mile of the buildings herein offered.

"Also, the donation offered by the Illinois Central Railroad Company of fifty thousand dollars' worth of freight over said road for the benefit of said University.

"Also, one hundred thousand dollars in Champaign County bonds, due and payable in ten years, and bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and two thousand dollars in fruit, shade, and ornamental trees and shrubbery, to be selected from the nursery of M. L. Dunlap, and furnished at the lowest catalogue rates, making an estimated valuation of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($450,000). Titles to be perfect, and conveyance to the state to be made or caused to be made by the County of Champaign, upon the permanent location of the Illinois Industrial University upon the said grounds, so to be conveyed as aforesaid; and we hereby in our official capacity guarantee the payment of the said bonds and the faithful execution of the deeds of conveyance, free from all incumbrances, as herein set forth.

W.D. Somers,

T.A. Cosgrove,

C.R. Moorhouse,


110 ILCS 305/12

Laws 1867, p. 123.