820 ILCS 405/801

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 820 ILCS 405/801 - Decision of referee or director
A.Unless such appeal is withdrawn, a Referee or the Director, as the case may be, shall afford the parties reasonable opportunity for a fair hearing. At any hearing, the record of the claimant's registration for work, or of the claimant's certification that, during the week or weeks affected by the hearing, he was able to work, available for work, and actively seeking work, or any document in the files of the Department of Employment Security submitted to it by any of the parties, shall be a part of the record, and shall be competent evidence bearing upon the issues. The failure of the claimant or other party to appear at a hearing, unless he is the appellant, shall not preclude a decision in his favor if, on the basis of all the information in the record, he is entitled to such decision. The Referee or the Director, as the case may be, shall affirm, modify, or set aside the claims adjudicator's "finding" or "determination," or both, as the case may be, or may remand the case, in whole or in part, to the claims adjudicator, and, in such event, shall state the questions requiring further consideration, and give such other instructions as may be necessary. The parties shall be duly notified of such decision, together with the reasons therefor. The decision of the Referee shall be final, unless, within 30 calendar days after the date of mailing of such decision, further appeal to the Board of Review is initiated pursuant to Section 803.
B.Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Director may by regulation allow the Referee, upon the request of a party for good cause shown, before or after the Referee issues his decision, to reopen the record to take additional evidence or to reconsider the Referee's decision or both to reopen the record and reconsider the Referee's decision. Where the Referee issues a decision, he shall not reconsider his decision or reopen the record to take additional evidence after an appeal of the decision is initiated pursuant to Section 803 or if the request is made more than 30 calendar days, or fewer days if prescribed by the Director, after the date of mailing of the Referee's decision. The allowance or denial of a request to reopen the record, where the request is made before the Referee issues a decision, is not separately appealable but may be raised as part of the appeal of the Referee's decision. The allowance of a request to reconsider is not separately appealable but may be raised as part of the appeal of the Referee's reconsidered decision. A party may appeal the denial of a timely request to reconsider a decision within 30 calendar days after the date of mailing of notice of such denial, and any such appeal shall constitute a timely appeal of both the denial of the request to reconsider and the Referee's decision. Whenever reference is made in this Act to the Referee's decision, the term "decision" includes a reconsidered decision under this subsection.

820 ILCS 405/801

P.A. 88-655, eff. 9/16/1994.