Idaho Code § 8-506A

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

Personal property subject to a security interest, a defendant's equity of redemption in personal property and a defendant's interest in a real estate mortgage or deed of trust or as secured party under a security agreement may be attached by the following methods, and no other:

(a) Personal property capable of manual delivery may be attached by taking possession, provided all secured parties with a perfected security interest therein under the Idaho uniform commercial code consent thereto in writing, and the attachment shall be subject to the rights of any secured party under a perfected security agreement, but otherwise would be to the same effect and in the same manner as if the property were not subject to the security agreement.
(b) If any secured party with a perfected security interest does not consent in writing that the sheriff take possession of the personal property, the attaching creditor must pay or tender to the secured party the amount due on the security agreement before the officer may take the property into possession. The attaching creditor upon so redeeming shall be subrogated to the rights of the secured party under the security agreement, and the secured party shall, upon payment or tender assign the security agreement, note or notes so paid, and any filed financing statements to the attaching creditor. Upon any sale by judicial proceedings, any amounts owing to the attaching creditor on the security agreement so redeemed, with lawful interest thereon, shall first be paid to the attaching creditor.
(c) If the attaching creditor so elects and instructs the sheriff, the equity of redemption of the defendant in the personal property subject to a perfected security agreement shall be attached. Such attachment is made by serving upon the secured party, upon the defendant, and upon the person in possession of the property, if other than the defendant or secured party, if said parties can be found within the county where the property is situated, a copy of the writ of attachment, together with a notice signed by the sheriff, describing the property attached, giving the name of the secured party, and stating the interest of the defendant in the property attached, and by causing the notice to be filed in the office where a security agreement or financing statement on said property should be filed to perfect the security according to the Idaho uniform commercial code or other applicable law. The sheriff shall make the filing by mail if in an office outside his county, and shall also file with the notice in any office where a financing statement should be filed for the property, a financing statement describing the property attached, the prior security agreement, and signed by the attaching creditor or his agent as secured party and for the defendant as debtor by the sheriff. The filing officer shall receive and file the financing statement and index the same pursuant to part 5, chapter 9, title 28, Idaho Code. Service and filing as above provided shall operate as an attachment of the property described in the notice, subject to the prior rights of the secured party under the security agreement; possession of the property shall not be taken by the sheriff. Compliance with the foregoing is constructive notice to the world of the attachment. Provided, however, that this section shall not be constructive notice to a bona fide purchaser for value of any motor vehicle who has actual or constructive possession of the vehicle and who has relied on the certificate of title for determination by said purchaser as to secured parties shown thereon; nothing in this section shall relieve any person from complying with section 49-504, Idaho Code.

When the sale of such property attached under this subsection (c) is made on writ of execution obtained by such creditor, the proceeds must be applied as in the case of any other execution sale. The purchaser at any such sale acquires all title and rights of the judgment debtor in the property sold, as of the time the attachment was levied, subject to the perfected security agreement including all liens if any thereunder, securing obligations to be created after the security agreement was made in cases where such obligations have actually been created, and are by law entitled to priority over attaching creditors, and is entitled to the possession of such property subject, however, to the rights of the secured party.

Any transfer of encumbrance of the attached interest of the debtor-defendant is void as against the attaching creditor, but this provision shall not be construed as forbidding or invalidating any transfer or disposition of the property lawfully made pursuant to the prior security agreement, or any other right exercised or acquired thereunder.

(d) Any interest of the defendant as mortgagee of a real estate mortgage or beneficiary of a trust deed on real estate whether held directly or as an assignee, may be attached. The sheriff must record with the county recorder where the real property is located a copy of the writ along with a notice in writing, naming the defendant, describing the real property, and identifying the recording information on the real estate mortgage or trust deed, and stating that the defendant's interest therein is attached, and by serving copies of the notice and writ upon the defendant and upon the mortgagor of the mortgage or trustor of the trust deed if they can be located within the county where the property is located. The recorder shall index the same as an assignment of the defendant's interest in the mortgage or deed of trust, and it shall be constructive notice to the world of the attachment. The attachment shall be subject to the rights of a holder in due course of a note or notes secured by the mortgage or trust deed, whether acquired before or after the attachment.
(e) Any interest of the defendant as secured party of a security agreement, whether held directly or as an assignee, shall be attached by the sheriff filing with the filing office where the security agreement or financing statement pursuant thereto is or should by law be filed, a copy of the writ along with a notice in writing, naming the defendant, describing the property listed in the financing statement or filed security statement, identifying the parties to the security agreement, and stating that the defendant's interest therein is attached. The sheriff shall serve a copy of the notice and writ upon the defendant and upon the debtor under the security agreement, if they can be located within the county where the property is located. The sheriff may file the copy of the writ or notice by mail if the filing officer is outside the county. The filing officer shall index the same as an assignment of the defendant's interest in the security agreements, and it shall be constructive notice to the world. The attachment shall be subject to the rights of a holder in due course of a note or notes secured by the security agreement, whether acquired before or after the attachment.

Idaho Code § 8-506A

[I.C., sec. 8-506A, as added by 1969, ch. 461, sec. 1, p. 1294; am. 1975, ch. 171, sec. 1, p. 463; am. 1988, ch. 265, sec. 560, p. 855; am. 2001, ch. 208, sec. 26, p. 825.]