Idaho Code § 63-411

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) In case any such private railcar fleet shall fail or refuse to make the annual statement herein required within the time above specified, or shall make a false annual statement, the state tax commission shall proceed to assess the property of such private railcar fleet so failing, and shall add fifty percent (50%) to the value thereof, as ascertained and determined by the commission.
(2) The president or other officer of every railroad company whose lines run through, in or into this state shall, on or before such time as may be determined by the state tax commission, furnish to said commission a statement, verified by the affidavit of the officer or person making the same, showing the total number of miles made by the cars of every such private railcar fleet on their lines, branches, sidings, spurs and warehouse tracks in this state during the year ending on the thirty-first day of December last past. The state tax commission shall declare the date for the filing of the statement in its rules.
(3) The state tax commission shall determine the system value of private railcar fleets utilizing statements and data furnished by the railroads and private railcar operators, and such other pertinent information deemed necessary by the state tax commission. The state tax commission shall also be responsible for the allocation of the system value of private railcar fleets taxable in this state. In developing the allocation method, the state tax commission may use and consider any of the following factors or criteria:
(a) An actual count of cars in this state;
(b) The ratio between the mileage traveled by taxpayers' cars in this state as compared with the mileage traveled by taxpayers' cars everywhere;
(c) Such other factors or criteria as the state tax commission may deem appropriate.
(4) Private railcar fleets having an Idaho taxable value of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or more shall be apportioned to where said cars were present in each county as determined by the state tax commission. The state tax commission shall certify the taxable value to the county auditor of each county showing the amounts of taxable value to be apportioned to the qualified taxing districts. The county auditor shall cause the taxable value to be entered upon the tax roll in the same manner as all other properties. The taxes shall be collected in the same manner as other operating property taxes by the county tax collector as provided by law.
(5) Private railcar fleets having an Idaho taxable value of less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) shall not be apportioned to counties. The state tax commission hereby is empowered to charge, levy and collect the property tax so determined on the private railcar fleets under five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) having a taxable situs in the state and such property shall be treated as personal property for taxing purposes.
(a) The state tax commission shall determine the property tax to be charged on the property covered by each such assessment by applying to the taxable value thereof the average tax rate in the state for the current year on private railcar fleets having an Idaho taxable value equal to or greater than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). In the event no private railcar fleets are assessed for five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or more in the current year, then the average property tax rate shall be the average tax rate on all taxable property for the prior year.
(b) Each property tax so charged and levied shall constitute a perpetual lien as of January 1 of the year of assessment on all the operating property of the private railcar fleet within this state and shall be payable in the same manner and at the same due dates provided by law in respect to property taxes on personal property payable in the several counties.
(c) In collecting such property taxes, the state tax commission is hereby authorized to pursue any or all of the rights, remedies or processes provided by law for the collection of a delinquency on personal property.
(d) All moneys collected by the state tax commission as provided under this subsection shall be paid forthwith to the state treasurer for transfer to the public school income fund.
(6) Whenever any person is delinquent in the payment of any obligation imposed by law, the state tax commission may give notice of the amount of the delinquency by registered mail to any railroad company over whose line or lines in this state the cars of said person have been transported, or are being transported, and which said railroad company has in its possession or under its control any credits or other personal property belonging to that person, or owes any debts to the delinquent.
(a) After receiving the notice the railroad company so notified shall neither transfer nor make other disposition of the credits, personal property, or debts until the state tax commission consents to a transfer or disposition, or until thirty (30) days elapse after receipt of the notice.
(b) All railroad companies so notified shall advise the state tax commission within five (5) days after receipt of the notice of all such credits, personal property, or debts in their possession, under their control, or owing by them.
(7) Whenever any railroad company advises the state tax commission that it has within its possession or under its control any credits or personal property belonging to a person with a delinquency, or owes any debt to that person, and the amount thereof, the state tax commission may thereupon issue a warrant of distraint and have the same served upon any such railroad company. Service of said warrant upon an agent of such railroad company within this state shall constitute valid service. Any railroad company so served shall pay over to the state tax commission the sum of any credits belonging to that person, or any debts owing to that person, whenever such credits or debts are less than the delinquency, penalty and costs; or shall pay over to the state tax commission the amount of the delinquency, penalty and costs, whenever such credits or debts are greater, and shall deduct the sum so paid over from the credits or debts due that person.

Idaho Code § 63-411

[63-411 added 1996, ch. 98, sec. 5, p. 341.]