Idaho Code § 42-613

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) The budget when adopted shall be filed with the secretary of the meeting and thereupon the watermaster shall immediately prepare and file a certified copy of the budget, along with a copy of all resolutions adopted at the annual meeting, with the director of the department of water resources.
(2) At any annual meeting, the water users may, by resolution, designate the county or counties in which water is delivered to collect the compensation of the watermaster and watermaster assistants, and other expenses of delivering water within the district, in the manner provided by law for the collection of other taxes. When the county or counties are so designated, a certified copy of the budget, along with a copy of all resolutions adopted at the meeting and under the provisions of this section, shall be filed with the county or counties so designated. If more than one (1) county is designated, then the budget shall show the amount to be collected in each county and from which water users each county shall collect. Each county or counties so designated shall immediately prepare a roll showing the total amount of the budget to be collected by the county and the respective amounts to be collected from each water delivery organization or other water user. When the roll is completed, the county auditor shall deliver the roll to the county treasurer for collection. The county treasurer shall thereupon mail a notice to each water delivery organization or other water user of the amount payable by each such water user for the distribution of water and other expenses of the district for the ensuing year. The county treasurer, upon receipt of the roll, shall open a special account to be known as "Water District.... Funds" and shall credit to the account all moneys received from the water users of said district. The water users may, by resolution, designate the county or counties that collect the expenses of the district to pay the compensation of the watermaster and watermaster assistants and any other charges against said water district from the funds of said account in the same manner as bills against the county are paid, unless such county or counties have determined not to provide county services for the payment of district expenses as provided in section 42-619, Idaho Code.
(3) At any annual meeting, the water users may, by resolution, authorize the watermaster or water district treasurer to collect the compensation of the watermaster and watermaster assistants, and other expenses of delivering water within the district, directly from the water users. When so authorized, the watermaster or water district treasurer shall collect such compensation and expenses directly from the water users and shall turn the collected funds over to the water district treasurer for deposit and disbursement in accordance with section 42-619, Idaho Code.
(4) In any water district, whether expenses are collected from water users either by a county or directly by the water district watermaster or treasurer, the water users may, by resolution at an annual meeting, fix a date upon which the amount shall be due and payable of said year and if not paid when due shall bear a penalty not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount owed and interest of one percent (1%) per month, both of which shall be fixed by resolution from said date until paid.
(5) The water users in such water districts may also, at any annual meeting, authorize the watermaster to withhold water deliveries, or suspend water deliveries in the event delivery has commenced, from those users who have not paid their pro rata share of the cost of operating the district as levied until such time as said pro rata share of the cost is paid.
(6) Notice of the amount due by each water user, as shown by the adopted budget at the annual meeting, to be mailed to each respective water user by the county treasurer or the water district watermaster or treasurer, shall also state the substance of any resolution adopted pursuant to this section.

Idaho Code § 42-613

[42-613, added 2020 , ch. 52, sec. 8 , p. 130.]
Added by 2020 Session Laws, ch. 52, sec. 8, eff. 7/1/2020.
Former §42-613 repealed by 2020 Session Laws, ch. 52, sec. 7, eff. 7/1/2020.