Idaho Code § 34-1801C

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

Each county shall allow direct legislation by the people through the initiative and referendum. Counties shall follow the procedures set forth in this chapter subject to the following provisions:

(1) The county prosecuting attorney shall perform the duties assigned to the attorney general.
(2) The county clerk shall perform those duties assigned to the secretary of state.
(3) County initiative and referendum elections shall be held pursuant to section 34-106(8), Idaho Code.
(4) Pursuant to section 34-1809, Idaho Code, the county prosecuting attorney shall prepare recommendations concerning revision of the initiative or referendum, issue a certificate of review to the county clerk and prepare the ballot title and short title.
(5) An action brought pursuant to section 34-1809, Idaho Code, challenging the ballot title or short title shall be brought in the district court of the county.
(6) To be eligible to sign a petition for county initiative or referendum, a person shall be a qualified elector of the county at the time of signing the petition.
(7) To perfect a petition for county initiative or referendum, the petition shall have signatures from at least twenty percent (20%) of the total number of qualified electors voting in the last general county election in November of an even-numbered year.
(8) The provisions of section 34-1805, Idaho Code, relating to the number of required signatures and geographic distribution of signatures shall not apply to a county initiative or referendum.
(9) Any person who circulates a petition for county initiative or referendum shall be a resident of the state of Idaho and at least eighteen (18) years of age, and pursuant to section 34-1807, Idaho Code, shall certify his belief that each signer of the petition is a qualified elector of the state of Idaho and the county.
(10) A copy of all petitions and signature sheets shall be kept by the county clerk as a public record.
(11) The prospective petition for referendum, as provided by section 34-1804, Idaho Code, shall be filed no more than sixty (60) days following publication of the adopted ordinance as provided by section 31-715, Idaho Code.
(12) Petitioners must submit the signed initiative or referendum petitions to the county clerk for verification no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the petitioners receive the official ballot title from the county clerk, or one hundred eighty (180) days before the election at which the initiative or referendum is to be voted on, whichever is earlier.
(13) The county clerk has sixty (60) calendar days to verify the signatures as provided in section 34-1802(3), Idaho Code.
(14) The board of county commissioners shall have the option to adopt the ordinance proposed by initiative within thirty (30) days after the notification pursuant to section 34-1807, Idaho Code, provided that the petition has the required number of signatures. The board of county commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance within the thirty (30) day period, preceded by legal notice published once in the county at least seven (7) days preceding the hearing. If the ordinance is not adopted by the board of county commissioners by the end of the thirty (30) day period, the initiative shall be put on the ballot.
(15) As provided by sections 34-1812A through 34-1812C, Idaho Code, a voters' pamphlet shall be prepared by the county clerk.
(16) To be passed into law, an initiative or referendum shall be approved by a majority of the votes cast on the measure.
(17) The board of county commissioners shall issue the proclamation provided by section 34-1813, Idaho Code.
(18) The county clerk shall publish an ordinance adopted by initiative or referendum within thirty (30) days after the proclamation by the board of county commissioners provided in subsection (17) of this section.
(19) All county ordinances setting forth initiative or referendum procedures are void on July 1, 2018.
(20) This section does not apply to bond elections.
(21) This section does not apply to zoning legislation including, but not limited to, ordinances required or authorized pursuant to chapter 65, title 67, Idaho Code.

Idaho Code § 34-1801C

[34-1801C, added 2018, ch. 238, sec. 4, p. 560.]
Added by 2018 Session Laws, ch. 238,sec. 4, eff. 7/1/2018.