Idaho Code § 33-902

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) There is established in the state treasury the public school permanent endowment fund. This fund is perpetually appropriated for the beneficiaries of the endowment. The fund shall be managed and invested by the endowment fund investment board according to law and the policies established by the state board of land commissioners. The fund principal shall forever remain intact. The fund shall be a permanent fund and shall consist of the following:
(a) Proceeds from the sale of lands granted to the state by the federal government, known as public school endowment lands, and lands granted in lieu of public school endowment school lands;
(b) Lands, money or other property acquired by gift or grant from any person or corporation or under any law or grant of the federal government for general educational purposes;
(c) All other grants of lands or money made to the state from the federal government for general educational purposes where no other purpose is indicated in the grant;
(d) All estates or distributive shares of estates that may escheat to the state;
(e) All unclaimed shares and dividends of any corporation incorporated under the laws of the state;
(f) Proceeds of royalties arising from the extraction of minerals on public school land owned by the state;
(g) Other proceeds and avails as are required by law of the federal government or of the state of Idaho to be made a part of the fund; and
(h) Moneys allocated from the public school earnings reserve fund.
(2) Public school endowment land sale proceeds may be deposited into the land bank fund established in section 58-133, Idaho Code, to be used to acquire other lands within the state for the benefit of the endowment beneficiaries. If proceeds from the sale of public school endowment lands are not used to acquire other lands in accordance with section 58-133, Idaho Code, the proceeds from the sale shall be deposited into the public school permanent endowment fund along with any earnings on the proceeds.
(3) Earnings from the investment of the public school permanent endowment fund shall be distributed according to the provisions of section 57-723A, Idaho Code.

Idaho Code § 33-902

[33-902, added 1998, ch. 256, sec. 7, p. 829.]