Idaho Code § 31-1605

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

On or before the Tuesday following the first Monday in September of each year the board of county commissioners shall meet at the time and place designated in said notice. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard upon any part or parts of said tentative budget. Such hearing may be continued from day to day but must be concluded by the second Monday in September. Any officer or employee in charge of any office, department, service, agency or institution of the county may be called before said board at the time the estimates for his office, department, service, agency or institution are under consideration and be examined by said board or any taxpayer concerning the expenditures made by him and the estimated expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year.

Upon the conclusion of such hearing, the county commissioners shall fix and determine the amount of the budget, which in no event shall be greater than the amount of the tentative budget or include an amount to be raised from property taxes greater than the amount advertised, and by resolution adopt the budget and enter said resolution on the official minutes of the board.

Said budget as finally adopted for the ensuing fiscal year shall specify the fund or funds against which warrants shall be issued for the expenditures so authorized, respectively, and the aggregate of expenditures authorized against any fund shall not exceed the estimated revenues to accrue to such fund during the ensuing fiscal year from sources other than taxation together with any balances and plus revenues to be derived from taxation for such ensuing fiscal year, within the limitations imposed by chapter 8 of title 63, Idaho Code, or by any statutes of the state of Idaho in force and effect.

Thereafter, at the time provided by law, the board of county commissioners shall fix the levies for the ensuing fiscal year necessary to raise the amount of expenditures as determined by the adopted budget, less the total estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus, not subject to the provisions of section 31-1605A, Idaho Code, as determined by the board, and such expenditures as are to be made with the proceeds of authorized bond issues.

During the year the county commissioners may proceed to adjust the budget as adopted to reflect the receipt of unscheduled revenue, grants, or donations from federal, state or local governments or private sources, provided that there shall be no increase in anticipated property taxes. The annual budget procedure shall be complied with as nearly as practicable before the budget may be adjusted.

The board shall also have the right to make a "general reserve appropriation," said appropriation not to exceed five per cent (5%) of the current expense budget as finally adopted, the total levy however, for current expense, including the "general reserve appropriation," to be within the limitations imposed by chapter 8 of title 63, Idaho Code, or by any statutes of the state of Idaho in force and effect. In the event of any unforeseen contingency arising, which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of making the budget, and which shall require the expenditure of money not provided for in the budget, the board of county commissioners, by unanimous vote thereof, shall have the right to make an appropriation from the "general reserve appropriation" to the office, department, service, agency or institution in which said contingency arises, in such amount as shall be determined by resolution of said board. Provided, however, that no appropriation may be made from the "general reserve appropriation" to any county fund which is authorized under the law to make a special levy.

Idaho Code § 31-1605

[(31-1605) 1931, ch. 122, sec. 5, p. 210; I.C.A., sec. 30-1205; am. 1975, ch. 153, sec. 1, p. 393; am. 1976, ch. 45, sec. 13, p. 131; am. 1981, ch. 318, sec. 2, p. 663; am. 1990, ch. 24, sec. 1, p. 37; am. 1995, ch. 61, sec. 18, p. 142; am. 1996, ch. 322, sec. 13, p. 1041.]