Idaho Code § 30-919

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

No escrow agency licensee or person required to be licensed under this chapter, or any of its officers, directors, members, general partners, employees or agents shall:

(1) Issue, circulate, make use of, publish or advertise, by any means of communication, that a person is engaged in accepting or receiving escrows if that person is not licensed under this chapter;
(2) Solicit or accept an escrow instruction or amended or supplemental escrow instruction containing any blank to be filled in after signing or initialing of the escrow instruction or permitting any person to make any addition to, deletion from, or alteration of an escrow instruction or amended or supplemental escrow instruction unless the addition, deletion or alteration is signed or initialed by any affected party who signed or initialed the escrow instruction or amended or supplemental escrow instruction prior to the addition, deletion or alteration;
(3) Fail to carry out an escrow transaction pursuant to the written escrow instructions unless amended by the written agreement of all parties to the escrow agreement or their assigns;
(4) Accept funds or papers in escrow without a dated, written instruction signed by the parties, or their authorized representatives, adequate to administer the escrow account and to provide for sufficient funds and documents to carry out the terms of the escrow instructions. Funds and documents deposited shall be used only in accordance with such written instruction; provided that if additional specific instructions are needed, the escrow agency shall obtain the consent of both parties or such representatives to the escrow or an order of a court of competent jurisdiction at the expense of the escrow parties;
(5) Fail to promptly distribute funds, deeds or other personal property or instruments pursuant to escrow instructions;
(6) Fail to submit to an examination by the department of its books, records and accounts, or refuse to provide to the department, within a reasonable time, all information requested by the department pursuant to this chapter;
(7) Fail to deliver, without reasonable cause, within a reasonable time after the close of an escrow, to the respective parties of an escrow transaction, any money, documents or other properties held in escrow in violation of the provisions of the escrow instructions;
(8) Directly or indirectly employ any scheme, device or artifice to defraud or mislead any person or engage in any unfair or deceptive practice toward any person;
(9) Fail to supervise diligently and control the escrow-related activities of its agents, employees and independent contractors;
(10) Engage in fraudulent or dishonest abstraction or misappropriation or embezzlement of funds or other property held in trust;
(11) Pay a fee or give any portion of its fees or charges, including fees for escrow services or other consideration, to any person as an inducement or as compensation for the referral of any escrow business; or
(12) Disburse funds or deliver documents from an escrow for recording or otherwise unless the escrow contains a credit balance consisting of collected funds, other than funds of the escrow agency or its affiliates, sufficient to discharge all monetary conditions of the escrow. This requirement does not apply to escrows established for the purpose of receiving two (2) or more periodic payments over a total period of time after establishment in excess of thirty (30) days.

Idaho Code § 30-919

[30-919, added 2005, ch. 236, sec. 2, p. 724.]