Idaho Code § 22-204

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

The county fair board shall be charged with the care and custody of all property belonging to the county and used for fair purposes, and shall be responsible for all moneys received by it, raised by tax levy or levies for fair purposes as well as all receipts from the operation of the fair and any other moneys received from other sources for fair purposes. Each member of the county fair board shall file with the board of county commissioners a bond or other form of financial responsibility suitable to the county commissioners in the sum of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) to be approved by the board of county commissioners. The county fair board shall conduct all of its business at the place designated by the board of county commissioners as the place for conducting the county fair, which shall be the place of business of the county fair board. It shall meet at such times and places as the county fair board deems necessary in compliance with the open meeting law.

It shall safely keep or cause to be safely kept all moneys coming into its care, custody or possession in strict compliance with the provisions of the public depository law of this state. It shall formulate in writing and file in its office all plans adopted by it from time to time in connection with the conduct of the business of the county fair, and also file a copy of the same with the board of county commissioners of the county. It shall keep or cause to be kept proper records of its proceedings, business transactions, and true and proper accounts of all moneys received by it and expended or on hand; and it shall require proper vouchers evidencing all disbursements of money. The records of the board shall be open to inspection by any taxpayer or voter within the county during all regular office hours. The board shall publish in at least one (1) issue of the official newspaper of the county a detailed statement of all moneys received and expended in connection with the operation of any fair or fairs, within ninety (90) days after the holding of any such fair within the county.

It shall take charge of and manage all such property as the county may have acquired or set aside for fair purposes pursuant to the provisions of section 31-822, Idaho Code. It may recommend to the board of county commissioners that such board purchase such real and personal property as may be needed for fair purposes. It shall have power to employ labor, award prizes, make exhibition contracts, fix and charge admission and entrance fees, let contracts for concessions or services to be conducted at the fair or under the direction of the county fair board, but if any concession or service is to extend for a period of less than twelve (12) days in a calendar year, the concession or service may be awarded without bid, and do all other things necessary for holding county fairs. It shall fix the salaries of the secretary and treasurer and prescribe the time and manner of payment. The county fair board shall not have the power to create any indebtedness in excess of the amount to be derived from the special levies for each year and the estimated income from annual fair receipts, nor shall it mortgage or otherwise pledge or encumber any of the real or personal property owned by the county and used for fair purposes.

Idaho Code § 22-204

[(22-204) 1929, ch. 208, sec. 4, p. 411; I.C.A., sec. 22-204; am. 1973, ch. 179, sec. 1, p. 412; am. 1981, ch. 47, sec. 1, p. 70; am. 1988, ch. 228, sec. 1, p. 440; am. 2000, ch. 17, sec. 1, p. 33.]