Idaho Code § 20-504A

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) The purposes of a juvenile correctional center shall be:
(a) The care, control and competency development of adjudicated juvenile offenders meeting standards for admission as adopted by the Idaho supreme court;
(b) The provision pursuant to agreement with the counties of detention services for juvenile offenders subject to administrative or court order;
(c) The provision of observation and assessment services for juvenile offenders committed to the department of juvenile corrections; and
(d) To accept for placement those individuals sentenced to a state juvenile correctional center by a district court, or pursuant to agreement with the board of correction, subsequent to waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction.
(2) The department shall administer and provide general oversight of all state juvenile correctional centers and any other secure or nonsecure facilities holding juvenile offenders committed to it as required by the juvenile corrections act.
(3) The department shall assure that the educational programs of state juvenile correctional centers are in compliance with educational standards that are approved by the Idaho state board of education or an accrediting association recognized by the Idaho state board of education.
(4) The department shall have the power to promulgate rules in accordance with the provisions of chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, for the administration and operation of state juvenile correctional centers.
(5) The director shall have the power:
(a) To employ, fix the salary and prescribe the duties of a superintendent for each juvenile correctional center. The superintendent shall be a nonclassified employee and shall serve at the pleasure of the director. With the advice of the director, the superintendent may appoint and prescribe the duties of assistants, instructors, specialists and other employees required for the operation of the center;
(b) To remove any employee of a juvenile correctional center for cause or as allowed by chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code;
(c) To ensure that all teachers, except specialists, hold teaching certificates issued under the authority of the state board of education which are valid for the grades and subjects taught. All specialists shall hold diplomas from an accredited school of their specialty;
(d) To have, at all times, general supervision and control of all property, real and personal, appertaining to the center, and to insure the same; and
(e) To expend tax moneys appropriated, or otherwise placed to the credit of the center for maintenance and operation and to account for the same as prescribed by law.

Idaho Code § 20-504A

[20-504A, added 1997, ch. 83, sec. 3, p. 198; am. 2012, ch. 19, sec. 5, p. 44.]
Amended by 2012 Session Laws, ch. 19,sec. 5, eff. 7/1/2012.