N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-70

Current through Session Law 2024-51
Section 58-36-70 - Rate filings and hearings for motor vehicle insurance
(a) With respect to nonfleet private passenger motor vehicle insurance, except as provided in G.S. 58-36-25, a filing made by the Bureau under G.S. 58-36-15(d) is not effective until approved by the Commissioner or unless 60 days have elapsed since the making of a proper filing under that subsection and the Commissioner has not called for a hearing on the filing. If the Commissioner calls for a hearing, he must give written notice to the Bureau, specify in the notice in what respect the filing fails to comply with this Article, and fix a date for the hearing that is not less than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed.
(b) At least 15 days before the date set for the convening of the hearing the respective staffs and consultants of the Bureau and Commissioner shall meet at a prehearing conference to review the filing and discuss any points of disagreement that are likely to be in issue at the hearing. At the prehearing conference, the parties shall list the names of potential witnesses and, where possible, stipulate to their qualifications as expert witnesses, stipulate to the sequence of appearances of witnesses, and stipulate to the relevance of proposed exhibits to be offered by the parties. Minutes of the prehearing conference shall be made and reduced to writing and become part of the hearing record. Any agreements reached as to preliminary matters shall be set forth in writing and consented to by the Bureau and the Commissioner. The purpose of this subsection is to avoid unnecessary delay in the rate hearings.
(c) Once begun, hearings must proceed without undue delay. At the hearing the burden of proving that the proposed rates are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory is on the Bureau. The Commissioner may disregard at the hearing any exhibits, judgments, or conclusions offered as evidence by the Bureau that were developed by or available to or could reasonably have been obtained or developed by the Bureau at or before the time the Bureau made its proper filing and which exhibits, judgments, or conclusions were not included and supported in the filing; unless the evidence is offered in response to inquiries made at the hearing by the Department, the notice of hearing, or as rebuttal to the Department's evidence. If relevant data becomes available after the filing has been properly made, the Commissioner may consider such data as evidence in the hearing. The order of presenting evidence shall be (1) by the Bureau; (2) by the Department; (3) any rebuttal evidence by the Bureau regarding the Department's evidence; and (4) any rebuttal evidence by the Department regarding the Bureau's rebuttal evidence. Neither the Bureau nor the Department shall present repetitious testimony or evidence relating to the same issues.
(d) If the Commissioner finds that a filing complies with the provisions of this Article, either after the hearing or at any other time after the filing has been properly made, he may issue an order approving the filing. If the Commissioner after the hearing finds that the filing does not comply with the provisions of this Article, he may issue an order disapproving the filing, determining in what respect the filing is improper, and specifying the appropriate rate level or levels that may be used by the members of the Bureau instead of the rate level or levels proposed by the Bureau filing, unless there has not been data admitted into evidence in the hearing that is sufficiently credible for arriving at the appropriate rate level or levels. Any order issued after a hearing shall be issued within 45 days after the completion of the hearing. If no order is issued within 45 days after the completion of the hearing, the filing shall be deemed to be approved. The Commissioner may thereafter review any filing in the manner provided; but if so reviewed, no adjustment of any premium on any policy then in force may be ordered. The escrow provisions of G.S. 58-36-25(b) apply to any order of the Commissioner under this subsection.
(e) No person shall willfully withhold information required by this Article from or knowingly furnish false or misleading information to the Commissioner, any statistical agency designated by the Commissioner, any rating or advisory organization, the Bureau, the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Reinsurance Facility, or any insurer, which information affects the rates, rating plans, classifications, or policy forms subject to this Article or Article 37 of this Chapter.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-70

1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1027, s. 5; 1987, c. 864, s. 65; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 975, s. 6; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1069, s. 23.