N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-4

Current through Session Law 2024-51
Section 58-36-4 - Statistical organizations; licensing; recording and reporting; examination; suspension of license; financial disclosure
(a) For purposes of this Article:
(1) "Statistical organization" means every person, other than an admitted insurer, whether located within or outside this State, who performs one or more of the following functions:
a. Prepares policy forms or makes underwriting rules incident to, but not including, the making of rates, rating plans, or rating systems.
b.Collects and furnishes to admitted insurers or statistical organizations loss or expense statistics or other statistical information and data and acts in an advisory rather than a rate-making capacity. No duly authorized attorney-at-law acting in the usual course of that person's profession shall be deemed to be a statistical organization.
c. Makes rates, rating plans or rating systems, or develops loss costs. Two or more insurers that act in concert for the purpose of making rates, rating plans or rating systems, or developing loss costs and that do not operate within the specific authorizations contained in this Article shall be deemed to be a statistical organization.
d.Collects data and statistics from insurers and provides reports from these statistics to the Commissioner for the purpose of fulfilling the statistical reporting obligations of those insurers.

"Statistical organization" shall not mean the North Carolina Rate Bureau, the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Reinsurance Facility, the North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association, or the North Carolina Joint Underwriting Association.

(2) "Statistical plan" means the document used by a statistical organization to set forth which data elements are to be reported to the statistical organization and to describe the format in which the data must be reported.
(b) No statistical organization shall conduct its operations in this State, and no insurer shall utilize the service of that organization for any purpose enumerated in this Article unless the organization has obtained a license from the Commissioner. No statistical organization shall refuse to supply any services for which it is licensed in this State to any insurer admitted to do business in this State and offering to pay the fair and usual compensation for the services. A statistical organization applying for a license shall include with its application:
(1) A copy of its constitution, charter, articles of organization, agreement, association, or incorporation, and a copy of its bylaws, plan of operation, and any other rules or regulations governing the conduct of its business, all duly certified by the custodian of the originals thereof;
(2) A list of its members and subscribers;
(3) The name and address of one or more residents of this State upon whom notices, process affecting it, or orders of the Commissioner may be served;
(4) A statement showing its technical qualifications for acting in the capacity for which it seeks a license; and
(5) Any other relevant information and documents that the Commissioner may require.

If the Commissioner determines that the applicant and the natural persons through whom it acts are qualified to provide the services proposed and that all requirements of law are met, the Commissioner shall issue a license specifying the authorized activity of the applicant. The Commissioner shall not issue a license if the proposed activity would tend to create a monopoly or to lessen or to destroy price competition. Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall remain in effect until the licensee withdraws from the State or until the license is suspended or revoked. Any change in or amendment to any document required to be filed under this section shall be promptly filed with the Commissioner. Every statistical organization shall file a statistical plan with the Commissioner for approval for each line of insurance for which the organization requests to be licensed. The Commissioner may, in the Commissioner's discretion, modify the plan to collect additional types of data. No statistical organization shall engage in any unfair or unreasonable practice with respect to its activities.

(c) Statistical organizations licensed pursuant to subsection (b) of this section and admitted insurers are authorized to exchange information and experience data between and among themselves in this State and with statistical organizations and insurers in other states and may consult with them with respect to rate making and the application of rating systems.
(d) The Commissioner shall adopt or approve reasonable rules, including rules providing statistical plans, for use thereafter by all insurers in the recording and reporting of loss and expense experience, in order that the experience of those insurers may be made available to the Commissioner. The Commissioner may designate one or more statistical organizations to assist him or her in gathering and making compilations of the experience. All insurers, for lines of insurance that require data to be reported, shall report their data to one of the designated statistical organizations.
(e) The Commissioner shall, at least once every three years, make or cause to be made an examination of each statistical organization licensed pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. This examination shall relate only to the activities conducted pursuant to this Article and to the organizations licensed under this Article. The officers, manager, agents, and employees of any statistical organization may be examined at any time under oath and shall exhibit all books, records, accounts, documents, or agreements governing its method of operation. In lieu of any examination, the Commissioner may accept the report of an examination made by the insurance advisory official of another state, pursuant to the laws of that state.
(f) Subject to the requirements of this Article and of G.S. 58-2-70, the Commissioner may suspend or revoke the license of any statistical organization or impose a monetary penalty against any statistical organization where (i) the Commissioner has reason to believe that any statistical organization has violated any provision of this Chapter, or (ii) the statistical organization fails to comply with an order of the Commissioner within the time limited by the order, or within any extension thereof that the Commissioner may grant. The Commissioner shall not suspend the license of any statistical organization for failure to comply with an order until the time prescribed for an appeal from the order has expired or, if an appeal has been taken, until the order has been affirmed. The Commissioner may determine when a suspension of a license shall become effective, and the suspension shall remain in effect for the period fixed by the Commissioner unless the Commissioner modifies or rescinds the suspension, or until the order upon which the suspension is based is modified, rescinded, or reversed. No license shall be suspended or revoked, and no monetary penalty shall be imposed except upon a written order of the Commissioner stating the Commissioner's findings, made after a hearing held upon not less than 10 days' written notice to the person or organization, and specifying the alleged violation.
(g) A statistical organization is considered an insurance company for purposes of the applicability of G.S. 58-6-7.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-4

Amended by 2006 N.C. Sess. Laws 264,s. 45.(b), eff. 10/1/2006.
Added by 2005 N.C. Sess. Laws 210, s. 18, eff. 10/1/2005.