Conn. Gen. Stat. § 5-200

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 5-200 - State personnel and employment policies. Powers and duties of the Commissioner of Administrative Services. Regulations. Personnel administration services for municipalities or other political subdivisions of the state
(a) The Commissioner of Administrative Services or his authorized agent shall administer centralized and decentralized selection programs that will identify those applicants most qualified for appointment to or promotion in the state classified service, and establish candidate and reemployment lists for the various classes of positions within occupational groups and career progression levels. Upon a request from any appointing authority or indication of the need for additional employees, as evidenced by the presence of a temporary or provisional employee or by a request for certification of a temporary employee in any class, the commissioner or his designee shall certify the names of persons eligible for employment or reemployment. The commissioner shall:
(1) Install and administer service-rating systems;
(2) devise plans for, and cooperate with, appointing authorities and other supervising officials in the conduct of employee training programs to the end that the quality of service rendered by persons in the classified service may be continually improved;
(3) conduct research into methods of selection, service ratings and other problems of personnel administration;
(4) arrange for and, in cooperation with appointing authorities, effect transfers;
(5) cooperate with appointing authorities in employee recruitment programs;
(6) administer annual sick and special leaves of absence and hours of work and attendance in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any regulations relating thereto;
(7) establish personnel standards, governing promotions, classifications, reclassifications and the creation of positions, that will provide guidance to all agencies in matters of personnel management and serve as a means to evaluate agency performance in conducting personnel management; and
(8) see that all appointments, promotions, layoffs, demotions, suspensions, removals and retirements are made in accordance with the applicable provisions of the general statutes and regulations issued pursuant thereto. The commissioner may fully or partially delegate the responsibilities set forth in this subsection to the heads of state agencies or their authorized agents, subject to audit, in order to improve human resource management.
(b) The commissioner shall review position classifications in accordance with subsection (c) of section 5-206.
(c) The commissioner shall cause to be kept for the classified service suitable records of (1) regulations adopted under this chapter, (2) classifications of positions, occupational groups, career progression levels and schedules of compensation provided for under this chapter, (3) standards for examining qualifications and measuring service, (4) examinations conducted and candidate and reemployment lists established, and (5) provisional and temporary appointments and other official acts.
(d) The commissioner shall prescribe procedures for reports to be submitted to him.
(e) The commissioner shall establish and maintain a complete roster of the employees and officers in the state service, whether under the classified service or not, showing for each such employee the title of the position held, his departmental, agency or institution assignment, rate of compensation, date of appointment and each change in his status, including any increase and decrease in pay, change in title, transfers or other facts which the commissioner considers desirable and pertinent.
(f) The commissioner shall prescribe reasonable conditions and procedures under which the records of the Department of Administrative Services shall be open to public inspection during usual business hours, except as provided in section 5-225. He shall take all due precautions to prevent the securing in advance by any unauthorized person of any material to be used in any examination under this chapter, unless such material is available for all applicants. Statements of the former employers of applicants shall be considered confidential and shall not be open to inspection by any person.
(g) The commissioner and his agents shall have free access to premises and records under the control of all officers, appointing authorities and other state employees during usual business hours and shall be furnished such facilities, assistance and information as he and his agents require in carrying out their functions. This subsection shall not apply to the medical records of state employees, unless the employee gives his consent or unless the information sought is necessary to assure adjudication of any responsibility on the part of the state or unless medical interpretations of preemployment and other examinations are requested by the commissioner.
(1) The commissioner shall, after completion of all established preliminary procedures necessary to prepare new and revised regulations, print and provide current and complete personnel regulations to all state agencies and to recognized state employee organizations.
(2) New and revised regulations prepared as the result of legislative changes or development of new policies shall be processed in accordance with established procedures within a period of time not less than six months from their effective date and distributed in the same manner.
(i) The commissioner may designate any two or more of his staff to serve as a hearing panel with respect to any matter before the commissioner. The commissioner and any hearing panel shall have the power to make investigations, inquiries and hold hearings. Any such panel shall report and may submit recommendations to the commissioner but shall have no other power except as otherwise specified in this chapter.
(j) The commissioner shall adopt, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, such regulations as the commissioner may find necessary or appropriate for the administration of personnel pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(k) The commissioner shall, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, establish compensation schedules or plans pertaining to all state employees except employees of the Judicial and Legislative Departments and employees whose compensation is prescribed by statute. The commissioner shall prescribe higher compensation for work performed under less desirable conditions or at less desirable hours.
(l) The commissioner shall establish classes of positions, occupational groups and career progression levels for all state employees holding positions in the classified service.
(m) The commissioner shall maintain current compensation schedules pertaining to all employees specified in subsection (k) of this section and a comprehensive plan of position classifications pertaining to all employees specified in subsection (l) of this section.
(n) Any interested employee or his representative or any appointing authority may submit to the commissioner written data, views or arguments or a request for a hearing in regard to specified position classifications or allocation of a class of positions to the compensation schedule. Within two months after the commissioner shall have received such data, views or arguments or shall have held any requested hearing, he shall forward to such employee, representative or appointing authority his written decision thereon, together with all written materials submitted to him by the interested employee or his representative and such other information as he considers appropriate.
(o) The commissioner may at any time establish, abolish, divide or combine classes of positions and allocation of classes of positions to the compensation schedule. Any such action having a fiscal impact must be approved by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. The commissioner may at any time, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, amend or repeal any portion of any compensation schedule. The commissioner need not conduct any investigation or hearing prior to any such action.
(p) When such authority is not otherwise conferred by statute, the commissioner shall issue orders to provide that (1) executive or judicial department employees exempt from the classified service or not included in any prevailing bargaining unit contract, except unclassified employees of any board of trustees of the constituent units of higher education, be granted rights and benefits not less than those granted to employees in the classified service or covered under such contracts, or (2) retirement benefits for state employees exempt from the classified service or not included in any prevailing bargaining unit contract be adjusted to provide retirement benefits for such employees which are the same as those most frequently provided under the terms of approved bargaining unit contracts in effect at the time of such adjustment. When such authority is not otherwise conferred by statute, the board of trustees of any constituent unit of the state system of higher education may issue orders to provide that the unclassified employees of such board be granted rights and benefits not less than those granted to employees of the board who are covered under a prevailing bargaining unit contract. Where there is a conflict between an order granting such rights and benefits and any provision of the general statutes, such order shall prevail. Such orders shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. If the secretary approves such order, and such order is in conflict with any provision of the general statutes, the secretary shall forward a copy of such order to the joint committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of labor matters.
(q) Commencing November 1, 1989, elected officials and employees in the legislative department and elected officials in the executive department shall be granted rights and benefits equal to those granted to employees in the classified service covered under a prevailing collective bargaining agreement negotiated in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (f) of section 5-278.
(r) When requested by the appropriate appointing authority, the commissioner shall establish classes of positions for employees holding positions in the unclassified service and shall establish compensation schedules pertaining to employees of the Judicial and Legislative Departments, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.
(s) The commissioner and any municipality or other political subdivision of the state may enter into an agreement whereby the Department of Administrative Services shall provide such personnel administration services as may be requested by such municipality or political subdivision. Such agreement shall provide for the payment by such municipality or political subdivision, to the commissioner, of expenses incurred in the provision of such personnel services. All payments received by the commissioner pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the General Fund and credited to the appropriations of the Department of Administrative Services in accordance with the provisions of section 4-86.
(t) Any matters involving collective bargaining shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 5-200

(1967, P.A. 657, S. 9; S.A. 73-56, S. 11, 12; P.A. 76-254, S. 3, 11; P.A. 77-614, S. 108, 610; P.A. 79-621, S. 1, 24; P.A. 80-266, S. 2, 3; 80-456, S. 1, 2; P.A. 81-11, S. 1-3; 81-328; P.A. 83-418; P.A. 85-360, S. 2, 3; P.A. 92-165, S. 4, 32; P.A. 96-168, S. 3, 34; P.A. 00-77, S. 2, 7; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, S. 6; P.A. 05-288, S. 36; P.A. 13-247, S. 341 -343.)

Amended by P.A. 21-0002,S. 194 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Special Session, eff. 7/1/2021.

Cited. 165 C. 448; 239 C. 638; 240 C. 246. Subsec. (k): Cited. 226 Conn. 670. Subsec. (o): Cited. 226 Conn. 670. Subsec. (p): Cited. 226 Conn. 670. Subsec. (r): Cited. 226 Conn. 670.