Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-7b

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 12-7b - Reports of certain tax data by the commissioner to the Office of Fiscal Analysis. Tax expenditure report by the Office of Fiscal Analysis
(a) The Commissioner of Revenue Services shall, annually on or before the thirty-first day of December, submit to the legislative Office of Fiscal Analysis a report concerning certain state tax data, applicable with respect to the state fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June immediately preceding, as follows:
(1) Sales and use tax data, including (A) gross receipts subject to sales tax, stated separately in relation to sales of (i) any tangible personal property, (ii) the leasing or rental of tangible personal property, and (iii) the rendering of any services subject to said tax, (B) total revenue loss related to each of the separate provisions for exemption under chapter 219, and (C) total amount of tax collected with respect to each of the industrial classifications included in the Standard Industrial Classification Code in current use for purposes of certain statistical data by the Commissioner of Revenue Services;
(2) Corporation business tax data, including (A) total net income and total net income apportioned to Connecticut for the most current income years with respect to which final data is available at the time of each such report, (B) amount of depreciation not allowed as a deduction in determining net income for purposes of said tax, (C) operating loss carry-overs, (D) credits and refunds, separately stated, for overpayments of taxes due in prior years and to be applicable to the most current income years with respect to which final data is available at the time of each such report, (E) number of accounts and total corporation tax attributable to determination in accordance with (i) net income tax base, and (ii) the minimum tax base provisions under section 12-219, and (F) total corporation tax attributable to each of the industrial classifications included in the Standard Industrial Classification Code in current use for purposes of certain statistical data by the Commissioner of Revenue Services;
(3) Estate and gift tax data, including total taxes collected and the number of taxpayers, separately stated with respect to the estate tax and the gift tax;
(4) Personal income tax data, including (A) all components of and adjustments to federal gross income, federal adjusted gross income and federal taxable income, separately stated, of Connecticut taxpayers, sorted into ten-thousand-dollar increments of federal adjusted gross income up to and including one hundred thousand dollars, into twenty-five-thousand-dollar increments of federal adjusted gross income from over one hundred thousand dollars up to and including two hundred thousand dollars and into one increment over two hundred thousand dollars of federal adjusted gross income, as derived from federal income tax returns, and (B) all components of and adjustments to Connecticut adjusted gross income and Connecticut taxable income, separately stated, of Connecticut taxpayers, sorted into ten-thousand-dollar increments of Connecticut adjusted gross income up to and including one hundred thousand dollars, into twenty-five-thousand-dollar increments of Connecticut adjusted gross income from over one hundred thousand dollars up to and including two hundred thousand dollars and into one increment over two hundred thousand dollars of Connecticut adjusted gross income, as derived from state personal income tax returns;
(5) Admissions and dues tax data, including the number of taxpayers and the total amount of tax collected, stated separately with respect to each of the taxes imposed under chapter 225;
(6) Real estate conveyance tax data, including (A) the number of taxable transfers and the total amount of revenue, and (B) the amount of revenue attributable to categories of purchase price for such transfers of real estate, as follows:
(i) Under thirty thousand dollars,
(ii) brackets of ten thousand dollars each from thirty thousand dollars up to two hundred thousand dollars, and
(iii) two hundred thousand dollars and over; and
(7) Data applicable to any state tax not included in subdivisions (1) to (6), inclusive, of this subsection, including totals applicable to each such tax for (A) number of taxpayers, (B) payments in accordance with applicable penalty provisions for delinquency, and (C) taxes collected which became due in the preceding fiscal year.
(b) In addition to the tax data to be included in the annual report submitted by the Commissioner of Revenue Services in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, such report shall include data related to state taxes as follows:
(1) The portion of sales and use tax receipts attributable to (A) sales of goods, (B) sales of services, (C) leases and (D) the use tax and
(2) data showing annual corporation business tax liability in relation to certain characteristics of corporation business taxpayers. Such information concerning corporation business tax returns shall include data related to (A) schedules A, B, C, D and H and payments, refunds and assessments from such returns, to the extent that such information is included in such returns and (B) all corporations included on any list, for any income year commencing in 1989 and thereafter, which the department shall compile by beginning with the largest corporation business taxpayer for such year and continually adding the next largest taxpayer for such year until forty per cent of the total liability for said tax in such year is represented. Any data reported in accordance with this subsection shall be reported to the Office of Fiscal Analysis on compatible magnetic media, as determined by said office in consultation with the commissioner.
(c) The Commissioner of Revenue Services shall include in the annual report prepared in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) of this section any data that would be useful in assessing the impact of a change in any state tax base resulting in an increase or decrease equal to ten per cent of the tax from such tax base or ten million dollars, whichever amount is less.
(d) The Commissioner of Revenue Services shall submit to the legislative Office of Fiscal Analysis a monthly report concerning the sales and use taxes, including (1) gross receipts subject to sales tax, stated separately in respect to each category of sales, from sales of any tangible personal property, the leasing or rental of tangible personal property and the rendering of any services subject to said tax, (2) total consideration for purchases subject to the use tax, stated separately for each category, in respect to any tangible personal property, the leasing or rental of tangible personal property and the rendering of any services, (3) total amount of deductions related to each of the separate provisions for exemption under chapter 219 and (4) total amount of tax collected with respect to each of the industrial classifications included in the Standard Industrial Classification Code in current use for purposes of certain statistical data by the Commissioner of Revenue Services, provided the data required in this subdivision may, at the discretion of said commissioner be submitted, in lieu of the monthly submission as otherwise required in this section, within thirty days following the end of each calendar quarter commencing with the calendar quarter ending June 30, 1992.
(e) On or before February 1, 2016, and biennially thereafter, the legislative Office of Fiscal Analysis shall, within available appropriations, prepare and submit a tax expenditure report to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of all matters relating to finance, revenue and bonding. For the purposes of this subsection, "tax expenditure" means a tax exemption, exclusion, deduction or credit created under the general statutes or a public act and resulting in less tax revenue to the state or municipalities than they would otherwise receive. Each such report shall provide the following information for each tax expenditure:
(1) A description of the tax expenditure;
(2) the year in which the tax expenditure was enacted, the purpose for its enactment and a summary of any amendments to the tax expenditure since its enactment;
(3) the estimated state and municipal fiscal impact of the tax expenditure during each fiscal year of the then current biennium, and an estimate of the revenue that would result from repeal of the tax expenditure; and
(4) an estimate of the number of taxpayers receiving benefit from the tax expenditure. Upon receipt of each tax expenditure report the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to finance, revenue and bonding shall meet to receive and analyze the report.
(1) The Office of Fiscal Analysis shall not make known in any manner any information obtained from any such report or inventory, or any information obtained pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection which would allow the identification of any taxpayer or of the amount or source of income, profits, losses, expenditures or any particulars thereof set forth or disclosed in any return, statement or report required to be filed with or submitted to the commissioner which is discernible from such report or inventory, or from such information obtained pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection, except as provided in this subsection. The Office of Fiscal Analysis may disclose such information to other state officers and employees when required in the course of duty. No such officer or employee shall make known any such information to any other person except as provided in this subsection. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(A) For purposes of revenue estimating and forecasting only, the Office of Fiscal Analysis may disclose information to any person under a contractual obligation to provide services for purposes of revenue estimating and forecasting to said office, but only to the extent necessary in connection with the providing of such services for purposes of revenue estimating and forecasting. No such person under a contractual obligation to provide such services to said office shall make known any such information to any other person, except as provided in this subsection.
(B) For purposes of revenue estimating and forecasting only, the Office of Fiscal Analysis may request, and the Commissioner of Revenue Services shall provide, for each type of tax levied by the state, all available return information, as defined in subdivision (2) of subsection (h) of section 12-15, pertaining to such type of tax levied by the state, to said office, provided names, addresses, account and registration numbers, and, to the extent in excess of four digits, Standard Industrial Classification Manual codes and North American Industrial Classification System United States Manual codes shall first have been redacted from such return information by said commissioner.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-7b

(P.A. 85-469, S. 1, 6; P.A. 89-328, S. 1, 6; P.A. 91-119; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-17, S. 9, 59; P.A. 93-284, S. 1, 2; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-4, S. 52, 85; P.A. 95-160, S. 64, 69; P.A. 96-197, S. 1, 11; P.A. 06-159, S. 3; 06-194, S. 7; P.A. 10-32, S. 156; 10-188, S. 4; P.A. 14-81, S. 2.)

Amended by P.A. 14-0081, S. 2 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2014.
Amended by P.A. 10-0188, S. 4 of the February 2010 Regular Session, eff. 6/7/2010.
Amended by P.A. 10-0032, S. 156 of the February 2010 Regular Session, eff. 5/10/2010.