Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 30 § 39R

Current through Chapter 223 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 30:39R - Definitions; contract provisions; management and financial statements; enforcement
(a) The words defined herein shall have the meaning stated below whenever they appear in this section:
(1) "Contractor" means any person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, or other entity awarded a contract pursuant to sections thirty-eight A to thirty-eight O, inclusive, of chapter seven and any contract awarded or executed pursuant to section eleven C of chapter twenty-five A, section thirty-nine M of chapter thirty, or sections forty-four A to forty-four H, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine, which is for an amount or estimated amount greater than one hundred thousand dollars.
(2) "Contract" means any contract awarded or executed pursuant to sections thirty-eight A to thirty-eight O, inclusive, of chapter seven and any contract awarded or executed pursuant to section eleven C of chapter twenty-five A, section thirty-nine M of chapter thirty, or sections forty-four A through forty-four H, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine, which is for amount or estimated amount greater than one hundred thousand dollars.
(3) "Records" means books of original entry, accounts, checks, bank statements and all other banking documents, correspondence, memoranda, invoices, computer printouts, tapes, discs, papers and other documents or transcribed information of any type, whether expressed in ordinary or machine language.
(4) "Independent Certified Public Accountant" means a person duly registered in good standing and entitled to practice as a certified public accountant under the laws of the place of his residence or principal office and who is in fact independent. In determining whether an accountant is independent with respect to a particular person, appropriate consideration should be given to all relationships between the accountant and that person or any affiliate thereof. Determination of an accountant's independence shall not be confined to the relationships existing in connection with the filing of reports with the awarding authority.
(5) "Audit", when used in regard to financial statements, means an examination of records by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and auditing standards for the purpose of expressing a certified opinion thereon, or, in the alternative, a qualified opinion or a declination to express an opinion for stated reasons.
(6) "Accountant's Report", when used in regard to financial statements, means a document in which an independent certified public accountant indicates the scope of the audit which he has made and sets forth his opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole with a listing of noted exceptions and qualifications, or an assertion to the effect that an overall opinion cannot be expressed. When an overall opinion cannot be expressed the reason therefor shall be stated. An accountant's report shall include as a part thereof a signed statement by the responsible corporate officer attesting that management has fully disclosed all material facts to the independent certified public accountant, and that the audited financial statement is a true and complete statement of the financial condition of the contractor.
(7) "Management", when used herein, means the chief executive officers, partners, principals or other person or persons primarily responsible for the financial and operational policies and practices of the contractor.
(8) Accounting terms, unless otherwise defined herein, shall have a meaning in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and auditing standards.
(b) Subsection (a)(2) hereof notwithstanding, every agreement or contract awarded or executed pursuant to sections thirty-eight A to thirty-eight O, inclusive, of chapter seven, or eleven C of chapter twenty-five A, and pursuant to section thirty-nine M of chapter thirty or to section forty-four A through H, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine, shall provide that:
(1) The contractor shall make, and keep for at least six years after final payment, books, records, and accounts which in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the contractor, and
(2) until the expiration of six years after final payment, the office of inspector general, and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance shall have the right to examine any books, documents, papers or records of the contractor or of his subcontractors that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to, the contractor or his subcontractors, and
(3) if the agreement is a contract as defined herein, the contractor shall describe any change in the method of maintaining records or recording transactions which materially affect any statements filed with the awarding authority, including in his description the date of the change and reasons therefor, and shall accompany said description with a letter from the contractor's independent certified public accountant approving or otherwise commenting on the changes, and
(4) if the agreement is a contract as defined herein, the contractor has filed a statement of management on internal accounting controls as set forth in paragraph (c) below prior to the execution of the contract, and
(5) if the agreement is a contract as defined herein, the contractor has filed prior to the execution of the contracts and will continue to file annually, an audited financial statement for the most recent completed fiscal year as set forth in paragraph (d) below.
(c) Every contractor awarded a contract shall file with the awarding authority a statement of management as to whether the system of internal accounting controls of the contractor and its subsidiaries reasonably assures that:
(1) transactions are executed in accordance with management's general and specific authorization;
(2) transactions are recorded as necessary
i. to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and
ii. to maintain accountability for assets;
(3) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management's general or specific authorization; and
(4) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action was taken with respect to any difference.

Every contractor awarded a contract shall also file with the awarding authority a statement prepared and signed by an independent certified public accountant, stating that he has examined the statement of management on internal accounting controls, and expressing an opinion as to

(1) whether the representations of management in response to this paragraph and paragraph (b) above are consistent with the result of management's evaluation of the system of internal accounting controls; and
(2) whether such representations of management are, in addition, reasonable with respect to transactions and assets in amounts which would be material when measured in relation to the applicant's financial statements.
(d) Every contractor awarded a contract by the commonwealth or by any political subdivision thereof shall annually file with the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance during the term of the contract a financial statement prepared by an independent certified public accountant on the basis of an audit by such accountant. The final statement filed shall include the date of final payment. All statements shall be accompanied by an accountant's report. Such statements shall be made available to the awarding authority upon request.
(e) The office of inspector general, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance and any other awarding authority shall enforce the provisions of this section. The commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance may after providing an opportunity for the inspector general and other interested parties to comment, promulgate pursuant to the provisions of chapter thirty A such rules, regulations and guidelines as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section. Such rules, regulations and guidelines may be applicable to all awarding authorities. A contractor's failure to satisfy any of the requirements of this section may be grounds for debarment pursuant to section forty-four C of chapter one hundred and forty-nine.
(f) Records and statements required to be made, kept or filed under the provisions of this section shall not be public records as defined in section seven of chapter four and shall not be open to public inspection; provided, however, that such records and statements shall be made available pursuant to the provisions of clause (2) of paragraph (b).

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 30, § 39R

See Acts 2009, c. 30, § 46.
See Acts 2009, c. 30, § 15.