Fla. Stat. § 559.928

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 559.928 - Registration
(1) Each seller of travel shall annually register with the department, providing: its legal business or trade name, mailing address, and business locations; the full names, addresses, and telephone numbers of its owners or corporate officers and directors and the Florida agent of the corporation; a statement whether it is a domestic or foreign corporation, its state and date of incorporation, its charter number, and, if a foreign corporation, the date it registered with this state, and business tax receipt where applicable; the date on which a seller of travel registered its fictitious name if the seller of travel is operating under a fictitious or trade name; the name of all other corporations, business entities, and trade names through which each owner of the seller of travel operated, was known, or did business as a seller of travel within the preceding 5 years; a list of all authorized independent agents, including the agent's trade name, full name, mailing address, business address, and telephone numbers; the business location and address of each branch office and full name and address of the manager or supervisor; the certification required under s. 559.9285; and proof of purchase of adequate bond as required in this part. A certificate evidencing proof of registration shall be issued by the department and must be prominently displayed in the seller of travel's primary place of business.
(a) Registration fees shall be as follows:
1. Three hundred dollars per year per registrant certifying its business activities under s. 559.9285(1)(a).
2. One thousand dollars per year per registrant certifying its business activities under s. 559.9285(1)(b).
3. Twenty-five hundred dollars per year per registrant certifying its business activities under s. 559.9285(1)(c).
(b) All amounts collected shall be deposited by the Chief Financial Officer to the credit of the General Inspection Trust Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to s. 570.20, for the sole purpose of administration of this part.
(c) The department shall waive the initial registration fee for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse or surviving spouse if the department receives an application, in a format prescribed by the department. The application format must include the applicant's signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation. To qualify for the waiver:
1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs;
2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide to the department a copy of the veteran's DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge; or
3. A business entity must provide to the department proof that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the veteran's DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs, and, if applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
(d) The department shall waive the registration renewal fee for a registrant who:
1. Is an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces or the spouse of such member;
2. Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the renewal date. To qualify for the fee waiver under this subparagraph, a registrant who is a former member of the United States Armed Forces who served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the annual registration renewal date must have received an honorable discharge upon separation or discharge from the United States Armed Forces; or
3. Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the renewal.

A registrant seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed by the department, including the applicant's signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.

(3) Each independent agent shall annually file an application with the department before engaging in business in this state. This application must include the independent agent's full name, legal business or trade name, mailing address, business address, telephone number, and the name and address of each seller of travel represented by the independent agent. A letter evidencing proof of filing must be issued by the department and must be prominently displayed in the independent agent's primary place of business. Each independent agent must also submit an annual registration fee of $50. All moneys collected pursuant to the imposition of the fee shall be deposited by the Chief Financial Officer into the General Inspection Trust Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the sole purpose of administrating this part. As used in this subsection, the term "independent agent" means a person who represents a seller of travel by soliciting persons on its behalf; who has a written contract with a seller of travel which is operating in compliance with this part and any rules adopted thereunder; who does not receive a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration directly from the purchaser for the seller of travel; who does not at any time have any unissued ticket stock or travel documents in his or her possession; and who does not have the ability to issue tickets, vacation certificates, or any other travel document. The term "independent agent" does not include an affiliate of the seller of travel, as that term is used in s. 559.935(3), or the employees of the seller of travel or of such affiliates.
(4) A person applying for or renewing a local business tax receipt to engage in business as a seller of travel must exhibit a current registration certificate from the department before the local business tax receipt may be issued or reissued.
(5) Each contract, advertisement, certificate, or travel document of a seller of travel must include the phrase " (NAME OF FIRM) is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel. Registration No. ."
(6) A registration is not valid for any seller of travel transacting business at any place other than that designated in its application, unless the department is first notified in writing in advance of any change of location. A registration is not valid for an affiliate of the seller of travel who engages in the prearranged travel and tourist business. A registration issued under this part may not be assignable, and the seller of travel may not be permitted to conduct business under more than one name except as registered. A seller of travel desiring to change its registered name or location or designated agent for service of process at a time other than upon renewal of registration shall notify the department of such change.
(7) Applications under this section are subject to s. 120.60.
(8) The department may deny, refuse to renew, or revoke the registration of any seller of travel based upon a determination that the seller of travel, or any of its directors, officers, owners, or general partners while acting on behalf of the seller of travel:
(a) Has failed to meet the requirements for registration as provided in this part;
(b) Has been convicted of a crime involving fraud, theft, embezzlement, dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral turpitude or any other act arising out of conduct as a seller of travel;
(c) Has not satisfied a civil fine or penalty arising out of any administrative or enforcement action brought by any governmental agency or private person based upon conduct involving fraud, theft, embezzlement, dishonest dealing, or any violation of this part; or
(d) Has had a judgment entered against her or him in any action brought by the department or the Department of Legal Affairs pursuant to ss. 501.201 - 501.213 or this act.
(9) The department may deny or refuse to renew the registration of any seller of travel based upon a determination by the department that the seller of travel or any of the seller's directors, officers, owners, or general partners has pending against him or her while acting on behalf of the seller of travel any criminal, administrative, or enforcement proceedings in any jurisdiction, based upon conduct involving fraud, theft, embezzlement, or dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral turpitude.

Fla. Stat. § 559.928

ss. 1, 2, ch. 88-363; s. 6, ch. 89-296; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s.88, ch. 92-291; s.5, ch. 95-314; s.833, ch. 97-103; s.32, ch. 97-250; s.684, ch. 2003-261; s.6, ch. 2008-107; s.2, ch. 2008-214; s.37, ch. 2012-67; s.28, ch. 2016-166; s.40, ch. 2018-7.
Amended by 2018 Fla. Laws, ch. 7, s 40, eff. 7/1/2018.
Amended by 2016 Fla. Laws, ch. 166, s 28, eff. 7/1/2016.

Former s. 599.927(2), (3).