D.C. Code § 42-1904.04

Current through codified legislation effective July 19, 2024
Section 42-1904.04 - Public offering statement; form prescribed by Mayor; contents; use in promotions; material change in information and amendment of statement
(a) A public offering statement shall disclose fully and accurately the characteristics of the condominium and the units therein offered and shall make known to prospective purchasers all unusual and material circumstances or features affecting the condominium. The proposed public offering statement submitted to the Mayor shall be in a form prescribed by his rules and shall include:
(1) The name and principal address of the declarant and the condominium;
(2) The applicant's name, address, and the form, date, and jurisdiction of organization, the address of each of its offices in the District of Columbia, the names and addresses of all general partners if applicant is a partnership, and all directors and owners of 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the stock of applicant if applicant is a corporation;
(3) To the extent that such information is reasonably available to applicant, the names and addresses of the attorney primarily responsible for the preparation of the condominium documents, the general contractor, if any, all contractors who are primarily responsible for the construction, reconstruction or renovation of the electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems or the roof of the condominium, and the architect and engineer primarily responsible for the design, construction or renovation of the condominium;
(4) A general narrative description of the condominium stating the total number of units in the offering; the total number of units planned to be sold and the number of units to be rented; the total number of units that may be included in the condominium by reason of future expansion or merger of the project by the declarant;
(5) A copy of the condominium instruments, with a brief narrative statement describing each and including:
(A) Information on declarant control;
(B) A projected budget for at least the first year of the condominium's operation (including projected common expense assessments for each unit);
(C) Provisions for enforcement of liens for assessments;
(D) A statement of the amount, or a statement that there is no amount, included in the projected budget as a reserve for repairs and replacement;
(E) The estimated amount of any initial or special condominium fee due from the purchaser on or before settlement of the purchase contract and the basis of such fees;
(F) A description of any restraints on alienation, including restrictions on the rental of units; and
(G) A description of any service not reflected in the proposed budget that the declarant shall provide or expenses that he or she shall pay, and that he or she expects may become, at any subsequent time, a common expense of the unit owners' association, and the projected common expense assessment attributable to each of those services or expenses for the association and for each type of unit;
(6) Copies of the deed that shall be delivered to a purchaser to evidence his or her interest in the unit and of the contract of sale that a purchaser shall be required to sign;
(7) A copy of any management contract, lease of recreational areas, and any other contract or agreement substantially affecting the use or maintenance of, or access to all or any part of the condominium with a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser, the condominium unit owners and the condominium, and a statement of the relationship, if any, between the declarant and the managing agent or firm;
(8) A general statement of:
(A) The status of construction;
(B) The project's compliance with zoning, site plan and building permit regulations;
(C) Source of financing available and the estimated amount necessary to complete all improvements shown on the plats and plans as "not yet completed" or "not yet begun" which declarant is obligated to complete; and
(D) The projected date of completion of construction or renovation of the major amenities of the condominium;
(9) The significant terms of any encumbrances, easements, liens and matters of title affecting the condominium;
(10) The significant terms of any financing offered by or through the declarant to purchasers of units in the condominium;
(11) The provisions and any significant limitations of any warranties provided by the declarant on the units and the common elements, other than the warranty prescribed by § 42-1903.07(b) [(b) repealed];
(12) A statement that the contract purchaser of a condominium unit may, prior to conveyance, cancel the purchase transaction within 15 days following the date of execution of the contract by the purchaser or the receipt of a current public offering statement, whichever is later;
(13) A statement as to whether or not the condominium satisfies, or is expected to satisfy, the special requirements pertaining to condominiums established by federal, federally chartered or District of Columbia institutions which insure, guarantee or maintain a secondary market for condominium unit mortgages;
(14) Additional information required by the Mayor to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers; and
(15) Repealed.
(a-1) If the declaration provides that ownership or occupancy of the units are or may be owned in time-shares, the public offering statement shall disclose in addition to the information required by subsection (a) of this section:
(1) The total number of units in which time-share estates may be created;
(2) The total number of time-share estates that may be created in the condominium;
(3) The projected common expense assessment for each time-share estate and whether the assessment may vary seasonally;
(4) A statement that shall include:
(A) Any service that the declarant shall provide or any expense that the declarant shall pay, if the service or expense is not reflected in the budget and the declarant expects that the expense or service may later become a common expense of the unit owners' association; and
(B) The projected common expense assessment attributable to any expense or service listed pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph for each time-share estate;
(5) Repealed;
(6) The extent to which the time-share owners of a unit are jointly and severally liable for the payment of real estate taxes and all assessments and other charges levied against the unit;
(7) The extent to which a suit for partition may be maintained against a unit owned in time-share estates; and
(8) The extent to which a time-share estate may become subject to a tax or other lien that arises out of claims against other time-share owners of the same unit.
(b) The public offering statement shall not be used for any promotional purposes before registration of the condominium project and afterwards only if it is used in its entirety. No person may advertise or represent that the Mayor approves or recommends the condominium or disposition thereof. No portion of the public offering statement may be underscored, italicized, or printed in larger or heavier or different color type than the remainder of the statement if such emphasis is intended to mislead the prospective purchaser or to otherwise conceal material facts, except that there may be a cover sheet for such public offering statement using such design, pictures and words as the Mayor may deem reasonable. The form, content, and layout of the public offering statement shall be subject to approval by the Mayor.
(c) The declarant shall file with the Mayor a statement of any material change in the information contained in the public offering statement. Such statement shall be filed within 15 days after the date on which the declarant knows or should have known about the change. The Mayor may require the declarant to amend the public offering statement if necessary to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers. A public offering statement is not current unless any necessary amendments are incorporated therein or attached thereto. Such amendments must be mailed by United States registered mail, return receipt requested. Such receipt shall be kept on file for review.
(d) The provisions of this section shall be deemed to be complied with if the public offering statement filed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (9) of subsection (a) of this section is for offers of units currently registered as securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(e) In the case of a condominium situated wholly outside the District of Columbia, an application for registration or a proposed public offering statement filed with the Mayor, which has been approved by an agency in the state where the condominium is located and substantially complies with the requirements of this chapter, may not be rejected by the Mayor on the grounds of noncompliance with any different or additional requirements imposed by this chapter or by rules and regulations issued by the Mayor pursuant to this chapter. The Mayor may require additional documents or information in a particular case to assure adequate and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers.

D.C. Code § 42-1904.04

Mar. 29, 1977, D.C. Law 1-89, title IV, § 405, 23 DCR 9532b; Mar. 8, 1991, D.C. Law 8-233, § 2(rr), 38 DCR 261; Mar. 20, 1992, D.C. Law 9-82, § 2(n), 39 DCR 683; Mar. 24, 1998, D.C. Law 12-81, § 54, 45 DCR 745; June 21, 2014, D.C. Law 20-109, § 2(n), 61 DCR 4304.