D.C. Code § 1-204.43

Current through codified legislation effective September 4, 2024
Section 1-204.43 - Multiyear plan

The Mayor shall prepare and include in the annual budget a multiyear plan for all agencies included in the District budget, for all sources of funding, and for such program categories as the Mayor identifies. Such plan shall be based on the actual experience of the immediately preceding 3 fiscal years, on the approved current fiscal year budget, and on estimates for at least the 4 succeeding fiscal years. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, provisions identifying:

(1) Future cost implications of maintaining programs at currently authorized levels, including anticipated changes in wage, salary, and benefit levels;
(2) Future cost implications of all capital projects for which funds have already been authorized, including identification of the amount of already appropriated but unexpended capital project funds;
(3) Future cost implications of new, improved, or expanded programs and capital project commitments proposed for each of the succeeding 4 fiscal years;
(4) The effects of current and proposed capital projects on future operating budget requirements;
(5) Revenues and funds likely to be available from existing revenue sources at current rates or levels;
(6) The specific revenue and tax measures recommended for the forthcoming fiscal year and for the next following fiscal year necessary to balance revenues and expenditures;
(7) The actuarial status and anticipated costs and revenues of retirement systems covering District employees; and
(8) Total debt service payments in each fiscal year in which debt service payments must be made for all bonds which have been or will be issued, and all loans from the United States Treasury which have been or will be received, to finance the total cost on a full funding basis of all projects listed in the capital improvements plan prepared under § 1-204.44; and for each such fiscal year, the percentage relationship of the total debt service payments (with payments for issued and proposed bonds and loans from the United States Treasury, received or proposed, separately identified) to the bonding limitation for the current and forthcoming fiscal year as specified in § 1-206.03(b).

D.C. Code § 1-204.43

Dec. 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 799, Pub. L. 93-198, title IV, § 443.

Deadline for submission of revised revenue estimate: Section 124 of Pub. L. 102-382 , 106 Stat. 1433, the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1993, provided that no later than 30 days after the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, the Mayor of the District of Columbia shall submit to the Council of the District of Columbia the new fiscal year 1993 revenue estimates as of the end of the first quarter of fiscal year 1993. These estimates shall be used in the budget request for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994. The officially revised estimates at midyear shall be used for the midyear report.

Submission date for budget request for fiscal year 1992: Pursuant to Resolution 8-312, the "Submission Date for the Fiscal Year 1992 Budget Approval Resolution of 1990," effective December 21, 1990, the Council established the date by which the Mayor shall submit to the Council the proposed budget for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992, and identified information and documentation to be submitted to the Council with the proposed budget for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992.

Establishment of Mayor's Advisory Committee on Resources and Budget: See Mayor's Order 89-207, September 12, 1989.

Enactment upon adoption of federal legislation: Section 4 of D.C. Law 11-254 provided that ~ §§ 47-101, 47-117, 47-130, 47-301, 47-302 , 47-303 , 47-304 , 47-304.1, 47-305 , 47-310 , 47-312, 47-317.1 through 47-317.6, 47-321 through 47-325 , 47-327 through 47-331 , and 47-332 through 47-334 of Title 47 [ §§ 1-204.41 , 1-204.55 , 1-204.50 , 1-204.42 , 1-204.43, 1-204.44 , 1-204.46 , 1-204.53 , 1-204.47 , 1-204.48 , 1-204.49 , 1-204.24 a through 1-204.24e, 47-317.06, 1-204.61 through 1-204.65, 1-204.71 through 1-204.75, 1-204.81, 1-204.85, 1-204.86 and 1-204.90, 2001 Ed.] of the District of Columbia Code shall be enacted as part of Title 47 upon the adoption by Congress of legislation so enacting these sections."

Multiyear budget plans: Sections 4402 to 4407 of D.C. Law 14-28 provided:

~Sec. 4402. No later than September 30, 2001, the following agencies and agencies responsible for the following programs, shall submit to the Council of the District of Columbia and to the Chief Financial Officer a multiyear financial plan as required by this title:

~(1) Risk Management programs administered by the Mayor;

~(2) Department of Mental Health; and

~(3) Settlements and Judgments Fund administered by the Corporation Counsel.

~Sec. 4403. The multiyear financial plan required by this title shall detail the projected cost of services for that agency or program for fiscal years 2002 through 2005, and shall be based on a performance plan for the same fiscal years. The multiyear financial plan shall specify reasonable assumptions for inflation, personal service levels, and wage increases, and identify all budgetary assumptions being used. The multiyear financial plan shall calculate and specify the cost per fiscal year to achieve the objectives and goals set forth in the performance plan.

~Sec. 4404. (a) For the purposes of this title, ~performance plan' is a detailed statement that includes:

~(1) A mission statement-a broad statement of central purpose;

~(2) Objectives-less broad statements of desired outcomes resulting from accomplishing the mission; and

~(3) Goals-target levels of performance expressed in tangible, measurable terms, against which actual achievement of objectives can be compared; a goal may be expressed as a population target, or as a quantitative standard, value, or rate.

~(b) The performance plan shall describe the strategy for how the mission (including its objectives and goals) will be accomplished. This description of strategy shall include all of the functions, activities, operations, and projects required for effective implementation of the performance plan. There shall be one or more measures of performance, that address both quantity and quality, for each goal. The performance plan shall state measurable or objective performance goals and objectives for all significant activities of the agency or program. The plan shall identify (describe and quantify) the classes of persons to be served and how (qualitatively and quantitatively) those classes will change as a result of the mission, objectives, and goals.

~(c) The performance plan shall also provide national norms, industry standards, typical benchmarks, performance measures from other cities, or other relevant comparative data.

~(d) An agency which prepared a performance plan pursuant to Title XLIV of the Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Support Act of 2000, effective October 19, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-172; 47 DCR 6308), in the previous fiscal year shall also provide an analysis of the agency's performance vis- Ã -vis its performance plan.

~Sec. 4405. The multiyear financial plan shall include all funds, including local and federal funds.

~Sec. 4406. For each of the agencies specified in section 4402, the performance plan shall detail how the agency or program will provide improved service delivery that:

~(1) Fulfills its mission (including objectives and goals);

~(2) Reduces expenditures, especially from local funds; and

~(3) Creates operational efficiencies to accomplish this.

~Sec. 4407. The Chief Financial Officer shall have the authority to require greater specificity in the multiyear plan prior to submission, and to work with agencies to improve their submission.'

District government, financial plan and budget, special rules for fiscal year 1996, see § 47-392.08 . .