Del. Code tit. 18 § 2307

Current through 2024 Legislative Session Act Chapter 452
Section 2307 - Procedures as to defined and undefined practices; hearings; witnesses; appearances; production of books and service of process
(a) Whenever the Commissioner shall have reason to believe that any such person has been engaged or is engaging in this State in any unfair method of competition or in any unfair or deceptive act or practice, whether or not defined in § 2304 or § 2305 of this title, and that a proceeding by him/her in respect thereto would be in the interest of the public, he/she shall issue and serve upon such person a statement of the charges in that respect and a notice of a hearing thereon to be held at a time and place fixed in the notice, which shall not be less than 10 days after the date of the service thereof.
(b) At the time and place fixed for such hearing, such person shall have an opportunity to be heard and to show cause why an order should not be made by the Commissioner requiring such person to cease and desist from the acts, methods or practices so complained of. Upon good cause shown, the Commissioner shall permit any person to intervene, appear and be heard at such hearing by counsel or in person.
(c) If such report charges a violation of this chapter, and if such method of competition, act or practice has not been discontinued, the Commissioner may, through the Attorney General, at any time after the service of such report, cause an action to be instituted to enjoin and restrain such person from engaging in such method, act or practice. In such action the court may grant a restraining order or injunction upon such terms as may be just, but the State shall not be required to give security before the issuance of any such order or injunction. If a stenographic record of the proceedings in the hearing before the Commissioner was made, a certified transcript thereof including all evidence taken and the report and findings shall be received in evidence in such action.
(d) If the Commissioner's report made under subsection (a) above, or order on hearing made under § 332 of this title does not charge a violation of this chapter, then any intervenor in the proceedings may appeal therefrom within the time and in the manner provided in this title for appeals from the Commissioner generally.
(e) Nothing contained in this chapter shall require the observance at any such hearing of formal rules of pleading or evidence:
(1) The Commissioner may hold a hearing in Dover or any other place of convenience to parties and witnesses, as the Commissioner determines. The Commissioner, or his/her deputy or assistant, shall preside at the hearing and shall expedite the hearing and all procedures involved therein.
(2) Any party to the hearing shall have the right to appear in person and by counsel, to be present during the giving of all evidence, to have a reasonable opportunity to inspect all documentary and other evidence and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to present evidence in support of his/her interest and to have subpoenas issued by the Commissioner to compel attendance of witnesses and production of evidence in his/her behalf. Testimony may be taken orally or by deposition and any party shall have such right of introducing evidence by interrogatories or deposition as may obtain in a Court of Chancery.
(3) Upon good cause shown the Commissioner shall permit to become a party to the hearing by intervention, if timely, only such persons, not original parties thereto, whose pecuniary interests are to be directly and immediately affected by the Commissioner's order made upon the hearing.
(4) Formal rules of pleading or evidence need not be observed at any hearing.
(5) The Commissioner, upon such hearings, as to the subject of any examination, investigation or hearing being conducted by him/her, may administer oaths or affirmations, examine and cross-examine witnesses, receive oral evidence and receive documentary evidence and shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and require the production of books, papers, records, correspondence or other documents which he/she deems relevant to the inquiry. Any delegation by the Commissioner of power of subpoena shall be in writing. The Commissioner, upon such hearing, may, and upon the request of any party, shall, at such person's expense, cause a stenographic record to be made of all the evidence and all the proceedings had at such hearing. If transcribed, a copy of such record shall be furnished for the Commissioner without cost to the Commissioner or the State and shall be part of the Commissioner's record of the hearing; and a copy shall likewise be furnished to any other party to the hearing, at the request and expense of such other party. If no stenographic record is made, and if a judicial review is sought, the Commissioner shall prepare a statement of the evidence and proceedings for use or review.
(f) Subpoenas of witnesses shall be served in the same manner and at the same cost as if issued by the Court of Chancery. In case of a refusal of any person to comply with any subpoena issued hereunder or to testify with respect to any matter concerning which he/she may be lawfully interrogated, the Court of Chancery of the county where such party resides, on application of the Commissioner, may issue an order requiring such person to comply with such subpoena and to testify and any failure to obey any such order of the Court may be punished by the Court as a contempt thereof. Any person knowingly testifying falsely under oath or making a false affirmation as to any matter material to any such examination, investigation or hearing shall upon conviction thereof be guilty of perjury.
(g) Witness fees and mileage, if claimed, shall be allowed the same as for testimony in the Court of Chancery. Witness fees, mileage and the actual expense necessarily incurred in securing attendance of witnesses and their testimony shall be itemized and shall be a part of examination expense to be paid by the person being examined where payment of examination expense by such person is otherwise provided for in this title, or paid by the person as to whom such proceedings, other than as part of an examination, are held if in such proceedings such person is found to have been in violation of the law or by the person, if other than the Commissioner, at whose request the hearing is held.
(1) Statements of charges, orders and other processes of the Commissioner under this chapter may be served by any one duly authorized by the Commissioner, either in the manner provided by law for service of process in civil actions or by registering and mailing a copy thereof to the person affected by such statement, notice, order or other process at his/her or its residence or principal office or place of business. The verified return by the person so serving such statement, notice, order or other process, setting forth the manner of such service, shall be proof of the same and the return postcard receipt for such statement, notice, order or other process, registered and mailed as aforesaid, shall be proof of the service of the same.
(2) Service of all process, statements of charges, and notices under this chapter upon unauthorized insurers shall be made by any deputy or employee of the Department delivering to and leaving with the Commissioner or some person in apparent charge of his/her office, 2 copies thereof, or in the manner provided for by § 2105(b) of this title.
(3) The Commissioner shall forward all such process, statements of charges and notices to the insurer in the manner provided in § 2105(a) of this title.
(4) No default shall be taken against any such unauthorized insurer until expiration of 30 days after date of forwarding by the Commissioner under paragraph (3) above or date of service of process if under § 2105(b) of this title.
(5) Section 2105 of this title shall apply as to all process, statements of charges and notices under this section.

18 Del. C. § 2307

18 Del. C. 1953, § 2307; 56 Del. Laws, c. 380; 59 Del. Laws, c. 200, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.;