The venditioni exponas shall be in the following form:
"........... . County, ss. The State of Delaware.
To any constable, greeting:
We command you that after giving due notice, you sell, at public vendue, the
goods and chattels specified in the schedule hereto annexed, for the purpose
of satisfying a judgment recovered on the..... . day of...... . 19... .,
before A. B., one of our justices of the peace, by C. D. against E. F. for the
sum of......... . on interest from the......... . and the further sum of........ .
costs of suit, and......... . fees on the former execution, and your fees on
this process, or so much of said goods and chattels as shall be sufficient for
said purposes, after discharging prior liens, if any, which goods and
chattels have been levied on by virtue of an execution issued on the said
judgment and dated the ....... . day of........... . 19... ., and that you return
this execution, and your doings hereon plainly set forth to....... ., one of
our justices of the peace aforesaid, on the ....... . day of............ .
* * * *
* * Witness the hand and seal of the justice last named,
* L. S. * the ............ day of ............. A.D. 19 ....."
* *
* * * *
* * * *
10 Del. C. § 9558