Such additional payments shall be required until the surplus of the fund equals or exceeds one per centum of the total outstanding loss reserves as shown by three successive annual reports of the fund to the superintendent of financial services and such additional payment shall be required as a payment upon each award based on an accident occurring prior to July first next succeeding the third such annual report, but not as a payment upon any award based on an accident occurring on or after said July first; provided, however, that if and when the surplus of the fund as shown by any annual report thereafter shall be less than one per centum of the total outstanding loss reserves, then the additional payments as provided in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this subdivision shall be resumed and shall be payable upon any award based on an accident occurring on or after July first next succeeding the close of the year for which such annual report is made. Thereafter, the suspension or resumption of additional payments as required by this subdivision shall be governed by the foregoing provisions. Such loss reserves shall be computed based upon the tables specified in subdivision five of this section and interest at a standard to be determined by the superintendent of financial services by regulation.
N.Y. Work. Comp. Law § 27