N.Y. Pub. Auth. Law § 2052-D

Current through 2024 NY Law Chapter 334
Section 2052-D - Powers of the authority

The authority shall have the power:

1. To sue and be sued;
2. To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure;
3. To enter into contracts and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient or desirable for the purposes of the authority to carry out any powers expressly given it in this title;
4. To acquire, lease as lessee, hold and use by purchase, gift, grant, transfer, contract or lease any real or personal property or any interest therein, as the authority may deem necessary, convenient or desirable to carry out the purpose of this title. In connection with the acquisition of any such property, the authority may assume any obligations of the owner of such property and, to the extent required by the terms of any indentures or other instruments under which such obligations were issued, the authority may assume and agree to perform covenants and observe the restrictions contained in such instruments; and furthermore the owner of any property which the authority is authorized to acquire is hereby authorized to sell or otherwise transfer the same to the authority, whereupon the authority shall become charged with the performance of all public duties with respect to such property with which such owner was charged and such owner shall become discharged from the performance thereof;
5. To develop, construct, operate, maintain, manage or contract for the operation, maintenance or management of Murnane Field; to allow the use of Murnane Field by professional athletic teams for the conduct of professional and amateur athletic events and activities related thereto and, in its discretion, other organized public use and to allow the use of Murnane Field by the Utica city school district for the organized use of its students, subject only to general rules for the use of such sports facility and reasonable scheduling requirements; to contract for the operation and maintenance of the sports facility under its jurisdiction or for services to be performed in connection therewith; to rent parts thereof and to grant concessions, all on such terms and conditions as it may determine;
6. To lease the project of the authority to the county or any other municipality in the county, or any instrumentality thereof, upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the authority, the county, the municipality or such instrumentality, as the case may be;
7. To apply to the appropriate agencies and officials of the federal, state and local governments for such licenses, permits or approvals of its plans or projects as it may deem necessary or advisable, and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem appropriate, and to accept, in its discretion, such licenses, permits or approvals as may be tendered to it by such agencies and officials;
8. To make plans and studies necessary, convenient or desirable for the effectuation of the purposes and powers of the authority and to prepare recommendations in regard thereto;
9. To enter upon such lands or premises as in the judgment of the authority shall be necessary for the purpose of making surveys, soundings, borings and examinations to accomplish any purpose authorized by this title, the authority being liable only for actual damage done;
10. To apply for and to accept any gifts or grants or loans of funds or property or financial or other aid in any form from the federal government or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or from the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or from any other source, for any or all of the purposes specified in this title, and to comply, subject to the provisions of this title, with the terms and conditions thereof;
11. To enter into cooperative agreements with other authorities, municipalities, district corporations, individuals or corporations, within or without the county, for any lawful purposes necessary or desirable to effect the purposes of this title upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined to be reasonable;
12. To make bylaws and rules for the management and regulation of its affairs and for the regulation of any project. A copy of such bylaws and rules, and all amendments thereto, duly certified by the secretary of the authority shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county and shall be published thereafter once in each of two newspapers having a general circulation in the county. Violations of such rules shall be punishable by fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not longer than thirty days, or both;
13. To fix rates and collect charges for the use of the project so as to provide revenues sufficient at all times to pay, as the same shall become due, the expense of operating and maintaining the project of the authority together with proper reserves for maintenance, contingencies and all other obligations and indebtedness of the authority;
14. With the consent of the county board of legislators, to use officers and employees of the county, including the county attorney's office, and to pay a proper portion of compensation or costs for the services of such officers or employees; and
15. To do all things necessary, convenient or desirable to carry out its purposes and for the exercise of the powers granted in this title.

N.Y. Pub. Auth. Law § 2052-D