N.Y. Not-For-Profit Corp. Law § 1411

Current through 2024 NY Law Chapter 432
Section 1411 - Local development corporations
(a) Purposes.

This section shall provide an additional and alternate method of incorporation or reincorporation of not-for-profit corporations for any of the purposes set forth in this paragraph and shall not be deemed to alter, impair or diminish the purposes, rights, powers or privileges of any corporation heretofore or hereafter incorporated under this section or under the stock or business corporation laws. Corporations may be incorporated or reincorporated under this section as not-for-profit local development corporations operated for the exclusively charitable or public purposes of relieving and reducing unemployment, promoting and providing for additional and maximum employment, bettering and maintaining job opportunities, instructing or training individuals to improve or develop their capabilities for such jobs, carrying on scientific research for the purpose of aiding a community or geographical area by attracting new industry to the community or area or by encouraging the development of, or retention of, an industry in the community or area, and lessening the burdens of government and acting in the public interest, and any one or more counties, cities, towns or villages of the state, or any combination thereof, or the New York job development authority in exercising its power under the public authorities law to encourage the organization of local development corporations, may cause such corporations to be incorporated by public officers or private individuals or reincorporated upon compliance with the requirements of this section, and it is hereby found, determined and declared that in carrying out said purposes and in exercising the powers conferred by paragraph (b) such corporations will be performing an essential governmental function.

(b) Type of corporation. A local development corporation is a charitable corporation under this chapter.
(c) Powers.

In furtherance of its purposes set forth in paragraph (a) but not for any other purposes, a local development corporation incorporated or reincorporated under this section shall have the following powers: to construct, acquire, rehabilitate and improve for use by others industrial or manufacturing plants in the territory in which its operations are principally to be conducted, to assist financially in such construction, acquisition, rehabilitation and improvement, to maintain such plants for others in such territory, to disseminate information and furnish advice, technical assistance and liaison with federal, state and local authorities with respect thereto, to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, bequest, devise or otherwise real or personal property or interests therein, to borrow money and to issue negotiable bonds, notes and other obligations therefor, and notwithstanding section 510 (Disposition of all or substantially all assets) without leave of the court, to sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of or encumber any such plants or any of its real or personal property or any interest therein upon such terms as it may determine and, in connection with loans from the New York job development authority, to enter into covenants and agreements and to comply with all the terms, conditions and provisions thereof, and otherwise to carry out its corporate purposes and to foster and encourage the location or expansion of industrial or manufacturing plants in the territory in which the operations of such corporation are principally to be conducted, provided, however, that no such corporation shall attempt to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise, or participate or intervene, directly or indirectly, in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

(d) Purchase or lease of real property owned by a county, city, town or village.
(1) The local legislative body of a county, city, town or village or, if there is a board of estimate in a city, then the board of estimate, may by resolution determine that specifically described real property owned by the county, city, town or village is not required for use by such county, city, town or village and authorize the county, city, town or village to sell or lease such real property to a local development corporation incorporated or reincorporated under this article; provided, however, that title to such land be not declared inalienable as a forest preserve or a parkland.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law, charter or ordinance to the contrary, such sale or lease may be made without appraisal, public notice, (except as provided in subparagraph (4)) or public bidding for such price or rental and upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the county, city, town or village and said local development corporation; provided, however, that in case of a lease the term may not exceed ninety-nine years and provided, further, that in cities having a population of one million or more, no such sale or lease shall be made without the approval of a majority of the members of the borough improvement board of the borough in which such real property is located.
(3) Before any sale or lease to a local development corporation incorporated or reincorporated under this article shall be authorized, a public hearing shall be held by the local legislative body, or by the board of estimate, as the case may be, to consider the proposed sale or lease.
(4) Notice of such hearing shall be published at least ten days before the date set for the hearing in such publication and in such manner as may be designated by the local legislative body, or the board of estimate as the case may be.
(5) A local development corporation, incorporated or reincorporated under this section, which purchases or leases real property from a county, city, town or village, shall not, without the written approval of the county, city, town or village, use such real property for any purpose except the purposes set forth in the certificate of incorporation or reincorporation of said local development corporation. In the event such real property is used in violation of the restrictions of this paragraph, the attorney-general may bring an action or special proceeding to enjoin the unauthorized use.
(e) Certificate of incorporation.

In addition to the requirements of section 402 (Certificate of incorporation; contents) the certificate of incorporation or reincorporation of a local development corporation incorporated or reincorporated under this article shall state (1) that all income and earnings of such corporation shall be used exclusively for its corporate purposes or accrue and be paid to the New York job development authority, (2) that no part of the income or earnings of such corporation shall inure to the benefit or profit of, nor shall any distribution of its property or assets be made to any member or private person, corporate or individual, or any other private interest, except that the certificate of incorporation or reincorporation may authorize the repayment of loans and may also authorize the repayment of contributions (other than dues) to the local development corporation but only if and to the extent that any such contribution may not be allowable as a deduction in computing taxable income under the internal revenue code of nineteen hundred fifty-four, (3) that if such corporation accepts a mortgage loan or loans from the New York job development authority, such corporation shall be dissolved in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (g) upon the repayment or other discharge in full by such corporation of all such loans.

(f) Exemption of income from taxation.

The income and operations of corporations incorporated or reincorporated under this section shall be exempt from taxation.

(g) Dissolution.

Upon the dissolution of any local development corporation incorporated or reincorporated under this section no member or private person, corporate or individual, or other private interest, shall be entitled to any distribution or division of its remaining funds and other property and rights and interests in property, and the balance thereof, after the payment of all debts and liabilities of the corporation of whatsoever kind and nature, (including the payment of loans and contributions the repayment of which has been authorized in its certificate of incorporation or reincorporation) shall be distributed to one or more counties, cities, towns or villages within the territory designated in its certificate of incorporation or reincorporation as the territory in which its operations are principally to be conducted, for furtherance of the purposes set forth in paragraph (a), or to the New York job development authority, as shall be provided by said corporation or by order of the supreme court of the state of New York pursuant to section 1008 (Jurisdiction of supreme court to supervise dissolution and liquidation).

(h) Corporations heretofore incorporated.

Any corporation heretofore incorporated under the membership corporations law or this chapter, or under the stock or business corporation law for any of the purposes set forth in paragraph (a) of this section may amend its certificate of incorporation and be reincorporated as a local development corporation organized under this section by making and filing in the office of the secretary of state a certificate, stating the name of such corporation, and, if it has been changed, the name under which it was originally incorporated, the date of its incorporation, the names and post-office addresses of its members or of the holders of record of all of the outstanding shares of such corporation entitled to vote with relation to the proceedings provided for in the certificate and that such corporation has elected to become and be a local development corporation organized and operated under and by virtue of this section. Such certificate shall be either (1) subscribed in person or by proxy by all of the members or the holders of record of all of the outstanding shares of such corporation entitled to vote with relation to such proceedings and shall have annexed an affidavit of the secretary or an assistant secretary that the persons who have executed the certificate, in person or by proxy, constitute all of the members or the holders of record of all of the outstanding shares of the corporation entitled to vote with relation to the proceedings provided for in the certificate, or (2) subscribed by the president or a vice president and the secretary or an assistant secretary and shall have annexed an affidavit of such officers stating that they have been authorized to execute and file such certificate by the votes, cast in person or by proxy, of all of the members or of the holders of record of all of the outstanding shares of such corporation entitled to vote with relation to such proceedings at the meeting at which such votes were cast, and that such votes were cast at a meeting of members or stockholders held on a date specified, upon notice pursuant to section 605 (Notice of meeting of members) or to section 605 of the Business Corporation Law. Every certificate filed under this paragraph shall have endorsed thereon or annexed thereto the approval of a justice of the supreme court of the judicial district in which the office of the corporation is to be located. A reincorporation pursuant to this paragraph shall not effect a dissolution of the corporation, but shall be deemed a continuation of its corporate existence, without affecting its then existing property rights or liabilities, or the liabilities of its members or officers as such, but thereafter it shall have only such rights, powers and privileges, and be subject only to such other duties and liabilities, as a corporation created for the same purposes under this article.

(i) Effect of section.

Corporations incorporated or reincorporated under this section shall be organized and operated exclusively for the purposes set forth in paragraph (a), shall have, in addition to the powers otherwise conferred by law, the powers conferred by paragraph (c) and shall be subject to all the restrictions and limitations imposed by paragraph (e) and paragraph (g). In so far as the provisions of this section are inconsistent with the provisions of any other law, general or special, the provisions of this section shall be controlling as to corporations incorporated or reincorporated hereunder.

N.Y. Not-For-Profit Corp. Law § 1411

Amended by New York Laws 2013, ch. 549,Sec. 121, eff. 7/1/2014.