Every owner, lessee and operator of a dwelling, apartment, loft and office building, garage, storage place and building, wherein or whereat a watchman or watchmen or engineer or fireman are employed, shall allow such person or persons so employed at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in each and every calendar week.
Every owner, lessee or operator of a warehouse, storagehouse, office, dwelling, apartment, loft and any other building or structure wherein a janitor, superintendent, supervisor or manager or engineer or fireman is employed, shall allow such person or persons so employed at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in each and every calendar week.
Every person employed as a domestic worker as defined in subdivision sixteen of section two of this chapter, shall be allowed at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in each and every calendar week. No provision of this paragraph shall prohibit a domestic worker from voluntarily agreeing to work on such day of rest required by this paragraph, provided that the worker is compensated at the overtime rate for all hours worked on such day of rest. The day of rest authorized under this subdivision should, whenever possible, coincide with the traditional day reserved by the domestic worker for religious worship. In addition, after one year of work with the same employer a domestic worker shall be entitled to at least three days of rest in each calendar year at the regular rate of compensation.
Every person employed as a farm laborer shall be allowed at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in each and every calendar week. Twenty-four consecutive hours spent at rest because of circumstances, such as weather or crop conditions, shall be deemed to constitute the rest required by this paragraph. No provision of this paragraph shall prohibit a farm laborer from voluntarily agreeing to work on such day of rest required by this paragraph, provided that the farm laborer is compensated at an overtime rate which is at least one and one-half times the laborer's regular rate of pay for all hours worked on such day of rest. The term "farm labor" shall include all services performed in agricultural employment in connection with cultivating the soil, or in connection with raising or harvesting of agricultural commodities, including the raising, shearing, caring for and management of livestock, poultry or dairy. The day of rest authorized under this subdivision should, whenever possible, coincide with the traditional day reserved by the farm laborer for religious worship.
N.Y. Lab. Law § 161