N.Y. Exec. Law § 530

Current through 2024 NY Law Chapter 432
Section 530 - Reimbursement for detention
1. Definitions. As used in this section, the term "municipality" shall mean a county, or a city having a population of one million or more.
2. Expenditures made by municipalities in providing care, maintenance and supervision to youth in detention facilities designated pursuant to section 305.2 of the family court act and certified by office of children and family services, shall be subject to reimbursement by the state, as follows:
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, eligible expenditures by a municipality during a particular program year for the care, maintenance and supervision in secure and non-secure detention facilities certified by the office in accordance with section five hundred three of this article for those youth alleged to be juvenile delinquents; adjudicated juvenile delinquents held pending transfer to a facility upon placement, and juvenile delinquents held at the request of the office of children and family services pending extension of placement hearings or release revocation hearings or while awaiting disposition of such hearings; and youth alleged to be or convicted as juvenile offenders, youthful offenders and adolescent offenders and prior to January first, two thousand twenty, youth alleged to be persons in need of supervision or adjudicated persons in need of supervision held pending transfer to a facility upon placement in foster care programs certified by the office of children and family services, certified or approved foster boarding homes and non-secure detention facilities certified by the office, shall be subject to state reimbursement for up to fifty percent of the municipality's expenditures, exclusive of any federal funds made available for such purposes, not to exceed the municipality's distribution from funds that have been appropriated specifically therefor for that program year. Municipalities shall implement the use of detention risk assessment instruments in a manner prescribed by the office so as to inform detention decisions. Notwithstanding any other provision of state law to the contrary, data necessary for completion of a detention risk assessment instrument may be shared among law enforcement, probation, courts, detention administrators, detention providers, and the attorney for the child upon retention or appointment; solely for the purpose of accurate completion of such risk assessment instrument, and a copy of the completed detention risk assessment instrument shall be made available to the applicable detention provider, the attorney for the child and the court.
(b) The state funds appropriated for juvenile detention services shall be distributed to eligible municipalities by the office of children and family services based on a plan developed by the office which may consider historical information regarding the number of youth remanded to detention, the municipality's reduction in the use of detention, the municipality's youth population, and other factors as determined by the office. Such plan developed by the office shall be subject to the approval of the director of the budget. The office is authorized, in its discretion, to make advance distributions to a municipality in anticipation of state reimbursement.
(c) A municipality may also use the funds distributed to it for juvenile detention services under this section for a particular program year for sixty-two percent of a municipality's eligible expenditures for supervision and treatment services for juveniles programs approved under section five hundred twenty-nine-b of this title for services that were not reimbursed from a municipality's distribution under such program provided to at-risk, alleged or adjudicated juvenile delinquents or persons alleged or adjudicated to be in need of supervision, or alleged to be or convicted as juvenile offenders in community-based non-residential settings. Any claims submitted by a municipality for reimbursement for detention services or supervision and treatment services for juveniles provided during a particular program year for which the municipality does not receive state reimbursement from the municipality's distribution of detention services funds for that program year may not be claimed against the municipality's distribution of funds available under this section for the next applicable program year. The office may require that such claims be submitted to the office electronically at such times and in the manner and format required by the office.
(i) Notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation to the contrary, any information or data necessary for the development, validation or revalidation of the detention risk assessment instrument shall be shared among local probation departments, the office of probation and correctional alternatives and, where authorized by the division of criminal justice services, the entity under contract with the division to provide information technology services related to youth assessment and screening, the office of children and family services, and any entity under contract with the office of children and family services to provide services relating to the development, validation or revalidation of the detention risk assessment instrument. Any such information and data shall not be commingled with any criminal history database. Any information and data used and shared pursuant to this section shall only be used and shared for the purposes of this section and in accordance with this section. Such information shall be shared and received in a manner that protects the confidentiality of such information. The sharing, use, disclosure and redisclosure of such information to any person, office, or other entity not specifically authorized to receive it pursuant to this section or any other law is prohibited.
(ii) The office of children and family services shall consult with individuals with professional research experience and expertise in criminal justice; social work; juvenile justice; and applied mathematics, psychometrics and/or statistics to assist the office in determining the method it will use to: develop, validate and revalidate such detention risk assessment instrument; and analyze the effectiveness of the use of such detention risk assessment instrument in accomplishing its intended goals; and analyze, to the greatest extent possible any disparate impact on detention outcomes for juveniles based on race, sex, national origin, economic status and any other constitutionally protected class, regarding the use of such instrument. The office shall consult with such individuals regarding whether it is appropriate to attempt to analyze whether there is any such disparate impact based on sexual orientation and, if so, the best methods to conduct such analysis. The office shall take into consideration any recommendations given by such individuals involving improvements that could be made to such instrument and process.
(iii) Data collected for the purposes of completing the detention risk assessment instrument from any source other than an officially documented record shall be confirmed as soon as practicable. Should any data originally utilized in completing the risk assessment instrument be found to conflict with the officially documented record, the risk assessment instrument shall be completed with the officially documented data and any corresponding revision to the risk categorization shall be made. The office shall periodically revalidate any approved risk assessment instrument. The office shall conspicuously post any approved detention risk assessment instrument on its website and shall confer with appropriate stakeholders, including but not limited to, attorneys for children, presentment agencies, probation, and the family court, prior to revising any validated risk assessment instrument. Any such revised risk assessment instrument shall be subject to periodic empirical validation.
3. Wherever detention services are not provided directly or indirectly by a municipality, the municipality shall act as the intermediary between the office of children and family services and the agency lawfully providing such services, for the purpose of claiming and receiving reimbursement, furnishing financial information and obtaining approval for reserved accommodations pursuant to this section.
(a) The municipality must notify the office of children and family services of state aid received under other state aid formulas by each detention facility for which the municipality is seeking reimbursement pursuant to this section, including but not limited to, aid for education, probation and mental health services.
(b) In computing reimbursement to the municipality pursuant to this section, the office shall insure that the aggregate of state aid under all state aid formulas shall not exceed fifty percent of the cost of care, maintenance and supervision provided to detainees eligible for state reimbursement under subdivision two of this section, exclusive of federal aid for such purposes not to exceed the amount of the municipality's distribution under the juvenile detention services program.
(c) Reimbursement for administrative related expenditures as defined by the office of children and family services, for secure and nonsecure detention services shall not exceed seventeen percent of the total approved expenditures for facilities of twenty-five beds or more and shall not exceed twenty-one percent of the total approved expenditures for facilities with less than twenty-five beds.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subdivision, care, maintenance and supervision for the purpose of this section shall mean and include only:
(1) temporary care, maintenance and supervision provided to alleged juvenile delinquents in detention facilities certified pursuant to section 305.2 of the family court act by the office of children and family services, pending adjudication of alleged delinquency by the family court, or pending transfer to institutions to which committed or placed by such court or while awaiting disposition by such court after adjudication or held pursuant to a securing order of a criminal court if the person named therein as principal is under seventeen years of age; or
(1-a) commencing on October first, two thousand nineteen, temporary care, maintenance, and supervision provided to alleged juvenile delinquents in detention facilities certified by the office of children and family services, pending adjudication of alleged delinquency by the family court, or pending transfer to institutions to which committed or placed by such court or while awaiting disposition by such court after adjudication or held pursuant to a securing order of a criminal court if the person named therein as principal is under twenty-one; or
(2) temporary care, maintenance and supervision provided juvenile delinquents in approved detention facilities at the request of the office of children and family services pending release revocation hearings or while awaiting disposition after such hearings; or
(3) temporary care, maintenance and supervision in approved detention facilities for youth held pursuant to the family court act or the interstate compact on juveniles, pending return to their place of residence or domicile; or
(4) prior to January first, two thousand twenty temporary care, maintenance and supervision provided youth detained in foster care facilities or certified or approved family boarding homes pursuant to article seven of the family court act.
(b) Payments made for reserved accommodations, whether or not in full time use, approved and certified by the office of children and family services and certified pursuant to section 305.2 of the family court act, in order to assure that adequate accommodations will be available for the immediate reception and proper care therein of youth for which detention costs are reimbursable pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, shall be reimbursed as expenditures for care, maintenance and supervision under the provisions of this section, provided the office shall have given its prior approval for reserving such accommodations.
6. The office of children and family services may adopt, amend, or rescind all rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the director of the budget and certification to the chairmen of the senate finance and assembly ways and means committees, necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
7. The agency administering detention for each county and the city of New York shall submit to the office of children and family services, at such times and in such form and manner and containing such information as required by the office of children and family services, an annual report on youth remanded pursuant to article three or seven of the family court act who are detained during each calendar year including, commencing January first, two thousand twelve, the risk level of each detained youth as assessed by a detention risk assessment instrument approved by the office of children and family services provided, however, that the report due January first, two thousand twenty-one and thereafter shall not be required to contain any information on youth who are subject to article seven of the family court act. The office may require that such data on detention use be submitted to the office electronically. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the reason for the court's determination in accordance with section 320.5 or seven hundred thirty-nine of the family court act to detain the youth; the offense or offenses with which the youth is charged; and all other reasons why the youth remains detained. The office shall submit a compilation of all the separate reports to the governor and the legislature.
8. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, on or after January first, two thousand twenty, the state shall not reimburse for the cost of the detention of any person in need of supervision under article seven of the family court act.

N.Y. Exec. Law § 530

Amended by New York Laws 2019, ch. 56,Sec. K-21, eff. 1/1/2020.
Amended by New York Laws 2017, ch. 59,Sec. WWW-100, eff. 10/1/2018.