N.Y. Econ. Dev. Law § 352

Current through 2024 NY Law Chapter 334
Section 352 - Definitions

For the purposes of this article:

1. "Agriculture" means both agricultural production (establishments performing the complete farm or ranch operation, such as farm owner-operators, tenant farm operators, and sharecroppers) and agricultural support (establishments that perform one or more activities associated with farm operation, such as soil preparation, planting, harvesting, shearing, animal and plant fiber processing, and management, on a contract or fee basis).
1-a. "Animal and plant fiber textile manufacturing" means the processes of harvesting, cleaning, spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing and finishing textiles containing animal and plant fiber grown or produced predominantly in New York state.
2. "Back office operations" means a business function that may include one or more of the following activities: customer service, information technology and data processing, human resources, accounting and related administrative functions.
3. "Benefit-cost ratio" means the following calculation: the numerator is the sum of (i) the value of all remuneration projected to be paid for all net new jobs during the period of participation in the program, and (ii) the value of capital investments to be made by the business enterprise during the period of participation in the program, and the denominator is the amount of total tax benefits under this article that will be used and refunded.
3-a. "Green CHIPS benefit-cost ratio" means the following calculation with respect to Green CHIPS projects: the ratio where the numerator is the sum of:
(a) the value of all remuneration projected to be paid for all net new jobs during the period of participation in the program;
(b) the value of capital investments to be made by the business enterprise during the period of participation in the program; and
(c) all research and development expenditures by the participant in New York State during the period of participation in the program; and the denominator is the amount of total tax benefits under this article that will be used and refunded as well as any state grants provided to the participant.
4. "Certificate of eligibility" means the document issued by the department to an applicant that has completed an application to be admitted into the excelsior jobs program and has been accepted into the program by the department. Possession of a certificate of eligibility does not by itself guarantee the eligibility to claim the tax credit.
5. "Certificate of tax credit" means the document issued to a participant by the department, after the department has verified that the participant has met all applicable eligibility criteria in this article. The certificate shall be issued annually if such criteria are satisfied and shall specify the exact amount of each of the tax credit components under this article that a participant may claim, pursuant to section three hundred fifty-five of this article, and shall specify the taxable year in which such credit may be claimed.
5-a. "Child care services" means those services undertaken or sponsored by a participant in this program meeting the requirements of "child day care" as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section three hundred ninety of the social services law or any child care services in the city of New York whereby a permit to operate such child care services is required pursuant to the health code of the city of New York.
6. "Distribution center" means a large scale facility involving processing, repackaging and/or movement of finished or semi-finished goods to retail locations across a multi-state area.
7. "Entertainment company" means a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, or other entity principally engaged in the production or post production of (i) motion pictures, which shall include feature-length films and television films, (ii) instructional videos, (iii) televised commercial advertisements, (iv) animated films or cartoons, (v) music videos, (vi) television programs, which shall include, but not be limited to, television series, television pilots, and single television episodes, or (vii) programs primarily intended for radio broadcast. "Entertainment company" shall not include an entity (i) principally engaged in the live performance of events, including, but not limited to, theatrical productions, concerts, circuses, and sporting events, (ii) principally engaged in the production of content intended primarily for industrial, corporate or institutional end-users, (iii) principally engaged in the production of fundraising films or programs, or (iv) engaged in the production of content for which records are required under section 2257 of title 18, United States code, to be maintained with respect to any performer in such production.
8. "Financial services data centers or financial services customer back office operations" means operations that manage the data or accounts of existing customers or provide product or service information and support to customers of financial services companies, including banks, other lenders, securities and commodities brokers and dealers, investment banks, portfolio managers, trust offices, and insurance companies.
8-a. "Green project" means a project deemed by the commissioner to make products or develop technologies that are primarily aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions or supporting the use of clean energy in accordance with goals described in chapter one hundred six of the laws of two thousand nineteen. "Green project" shall include, but not be limited to, the manufacture or development of products or technologies or supply chain components primarily for renewable energy systems as defined in section sixty-six-p of the public service law, vehicles that use non-hydrocarbon fuels and produce zero or near zero emissions, heat pumps, energy efficiency, clean energy storage and other products that significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by minimizing the utilization of depletable resources or by improving industrial or agricultural efficiency. "Green project" shall not include a project primarily composed of (i) necessarily local activities such as retail, building construction, or the installation, deployment or adoption of a clean energy product or technology at an end user's site, or (ii) the production of products or development of technologies that would produce only marginal and incremental energy savings or environmental benefits ancillary to the core function of the product or technology.
9. "Investment zone" shall mean an area within the state that had been designated under paragraph (i) of subdivision (a) and subdivision (d) of section nine hundred fifty-eight of the general municipal law that was wholly contained within up to four distinct and separate contiguous areas as of the date immediately preceding the date the designation of such area expired pursuant to section nine hundred sixty-nine of the general municipal law.
10. "Life sciences" means agricultural biotechnology, biogenerics, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, biopharmaceuticals, academic medical centers, biotechnology, chemical synthesis, chemistry technology, medical diagnostics, genomics, medical image analysis, marine biology, medical devices, medical nanotechnology, natural product pharmaceuticals, proteomics, regenerative medicine, RNA interference, stem cell research, medical and neurological clinical trials, health robotics and veterinary science.
11. "Life sciences company" means a business entity or an organization or institution that devotes the majority of its efforts in the various stages of research, development, technology transfer and commercialization related to any life sciences field.
12. "Manufacturing" means the process of working raw materials into products suitable for use or which gives new shapes, new quality or new combinations to matter which has already gone through some artificial process by the use of machinery, tools, appliances, or other similar equipment. "Manufacturing" does not include an operation that involves only the assembly of components, provided, however, the assembly of motor vehicles or other high value-added products shall be considered manufacturing.
13. "Music production" means the process of creating sound recordings of at least eight minutes, recorded in professional sound studios, intended for commercial release. "Music production" does not include recording of live concerts, or recordings that are primarily spoken word or wildlife or nature sounds, or produced for instructional use or advertising or promotional purposes.
13-a. "Net new child care services expenditures" means the calculation of new, annual participant expenditures on child care services whether internal or provided by a third party (including coverage for full or partial discount of employee rates), minus any revenues received by the participant through a third-party operator (i.e. rent paid to the participant by the child care provider) or employees and may be further defined by the commissioner in regulations. For the purposes of this definition, expenditures for child care services that a participant has incurred prior to admission to this program shall not be eligible for the credit.
14. "Net new jobs" means:
(a) jobs created in this state that (i) are new to the state,
(ii) have not been transferred from employment with another business located in this state including from a related person in this state,
(iii) are either full-time wage-paying jobs or equivalent to a fulltime wage-paying job requiring at least thirty-five hours per week, and
(iv) are filled for more than six months; or
(b) jobs obtained by an entertainment company in this state (i) as a result of the termination of a licensing agreement with another entertainment company, (ii) that the commissioner determines to be at risk of leaving the state as a direct result of the termination, (iii) that are either full-time wage-paying jobs or equivalent to a full-time wage-paying job requiring at least thirty-five hours per week, and (iv) that are filled for more than six months.
15. "Participant" means a business entity that:
(a) has completed an application prescribed by the department to be admitted into the program;
(b) has been issued a certificate of eligibility by the department;
(c) has demonstrated that it meets the eligibility criteria in section three hundred fifty-three and subdivisiontwo of section three hundred fifty-four of this article; and
(d) has been certified as a participant by the commissioner.
16. "Preliminary schedule of benefits" means the maximum aggregate amount of each component of the tax credit that a participant in the excelsior jobs program is eligible to receive pursuant to this article. The schedule shall indicate the annual amount of each component of the credit a participant may claim in each of its ten years of eligibility. The preliminary schedule of benefits shall be issued by the department when the department approves the application for admission into the program. The commissioner may amend that schedule, provided that the commissioner complies with the credit caps in section three hundred fifty-nine of this article as applicable.
17. "Qualified investment" means an investment in tangible property (including a building or a structural component of a building) owned by a business enterprise which:
(a) is depreciable pursuant to section one hundred sixty-seven of the internal revenue code;
(c) is acquired by purchase as defined in section one hundred seventy-nine
(b) has a useful life of four years or more;
(d) of the internal revenue code;
(d) has a situs in this state; and
(e) is placed in service in the state on or after the date the certificate of eligibility is issued to the business enterprise.
18.[Multiple versions] "Regionally significant project" means (a) a manufacturer creating at least fifty net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state; (b) a business creating at least twenty net new jobs in agriculture in the state and making significant capital investment in the state, (c) a financial services firm, distribution center, or back office operation creating at least three hundred net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state, (d) a scientific research and development firm creating at least twenty net new jobs in the state, and making significant capital investment in the state, (e) a life sciences company creating at least twenty net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state or (f) an entertainment company creating or obtaining at least two hundred net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state. Other businesses creating three hundred or more net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state may be considered eligible as a regionally significant project by the commissioner as well. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations pursuant to section three hundred fifty-six of this article to determine what constitutes significant capital investment for each of the project categories indicated in this subdivision and what additional criteria a business must meet to be eligible as a regionally significant project, including, but not limited to, whether a business exports a substantial portion of its products or services outside of the state or outside of a metropolitan statistical area or county within the state.
18.[Multiple versions] "Regionally significant project" means (a) a manufacturer creating at least ten net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state; (b) a business creating at least ten net new jobs in agriculture in the state and making significant capital investment in the state, (c) a financial services firm, distribution center, or back office operation creating at least one hundred net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state, (d) a scientific research and development firm creating at least ten net new jobs in the state, and making significant capital investment in the state or (e) an entertainment company creating or obtaining at least two hundred net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state. Other businesses creating one hundred fifty or more net new jobs in the state and making significant capital investment in the state may be considered eligible as a regionally significant project by the commissioner as well. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations pursuant to section three hundred fifty-six of this article to determine what additional criteria a business must meet to be eligible as a regionally significant project, including, but not limited to, whether a business exports a substantial portion of its products or services outside of the state or outside of a metropolitan statistical area or county within the state.
19. "Related person" means a "related person" pursuant to subparagraph (c) of paragraph three of subsection (b) of section four hundred sixty-five of the internal revenue code.
20. "Remuneration" means wages and benefits paid to an employee by a participant in the excelsior jobs program.
20-a."Significant capital investment" means a project which will be either a newly constructed facility or a newly constructed addition to, expansion of or improvement of a facility, consisting of tangible personal property and other tangible property, including buildings and structural components of buildings, that are depreciable pursuant to section one hundred sixty-seven of the internal revenue code, have a useful life of four years or more, are acquired by purchase as defined in section one hundred seventy-nine (d) of the internal revenue code, and that is equal to or exceeds (a) one million dollars for a manufacturer; (b) two hundred fifty thousand dollars for an agriculture business; (c) three million dollars for a financial services firm or back office operation; (d) fifteen million dollars for a distribution center; (e) three million dollars for a scientific research and development firm; or (f) three million dollars for other businesses.
21. "Research and development expenditures" mean the expenses of the business enterprise that are qualified research expenses under the federal research and development credit under section forty-one of the internal revenue code and are attributable to activities conducted in the state. If the federal research and development credit has expired, then the research and development expenditures shall be calculated as if the federal research and development credit structure and definition in effect in federal tax year two thousand nine were still in effect.
22. "Scientific research and development" means conducting research and experimental development in the physical, engineering, and life sciences, including but not limited to agriculture, animal fiber, electronics, environmental, biology, botany, biotechnology, computers, chemistry, food, fisheries, forests, geology, health, mathematics, medicine, oceanography, pharmacy, physics, plant fiber, veterinary, and other allied subjects. For the purposes of this article, scientific research and development does not include medical or veterinary laboratory testing facilities.
23. "Software development" means the creation of coded computer instructions or production or post-production of video games, as defined in subdivision one-a of section six hundred eleven of the general business law, other than those embedded and used exclusively in advertising, promotional websites or microsites, and also includes new media as defined by the commissioner in regulations.
24. "Green CHIPS project" means a project meeting all of the following criteria:
(a) is within the semiconductor manufacturing and related equipment and material supplier sector;
(b) includes sustainability measures to mitigate the project's greenhouse gas emissions impact over its lifetime;
(c) provides for the payment of not less than federal prevailing wage rates for its project construction;
(d) makes commitments to worker and community investment, including through training and education benefits paid by the participant and programs to expand employment opportunity for economically disadvantaged individuals;
(e) will create at least five hundred net new jobs and make at least three billion dollars in qualified investment; and
(f) the participant undertaking a Green CHIPS project shall maintain a Green CHIPS benefit-cost ratio of at least fifteen to one. Such projects are eligible to enter into a phase one of a Green CHIPS project ten-year benefit term. Such projects, provided they are in good standing with all requirements of this chapter, are also eligible to enter into a phase two of a Green CHIPS project, and therefore to initiate a new and separate ten-year schedule related to phase two, provided that phase two will create at least five hundred net new jobs beyond those created in phase one, and that phase two will make at least three billion dollars in qualified investment beyond the investment total associated with phase one. For Green CHIPS projects, phase one and phase two terms may overlap, depending on the time of initiation for both projects. In no event shall credits be awarded for a Green CHIPS project beyond two thousand fifty.

N.Y. Economic Development Law § 352

Amended by New York Laws 2022, ch. 572, Secs. 7, 8 eff. 1/1/2023.
Amended by New York Laws 2022, ch. 494, Sec. 1, eff. 8/11/2022.
Amended by New York Laws 2021, ch. 59, Sec. D-1, eff. 4/19/2021.
Amended by New York Laws 2020, ch. 59, Sec. L-1, eff. 4/3/2020.
Amended by New York Laws 2017, ch. 59, Secs. ZZ-1, K-1 eff. 4/10/2017.
Amended by New York Laws 2015, ch. 59, Sec. K-1, eff. 4/13/2015.