Colo. Rev. Stat. § 39-11-135

Current through Chapter 519 of the 2024 Legislative Session and Chapter 2 of the 2024 First Extraordinary Session
Section 39-11-135 - Form of tax deed

Deeds executed by the treasurer under the provisions of this article shall be substantially in the following form:

Know all men by these presents, that, whereas, the following described real property, viz: (description of property taxed), situated in the county of ........................, and state of Colorado, was subject to taxation for the year (or years) A.D. 20....;

And, whereas, the taxes assessed upon said property for the year (or years) aforesaid remained due and unpaid at the date of the sale hereinafter named; and, whereas, the treasurer of the said county did, on the .............. day of .............., A.D. 20...., by virtue of the authority vested in him by law, at the sale begun and publicly held on the .............. day of .............., A.D. 20...., expose to public sale at the office of the treasurer, in the county aforesaid, in substantial conformity with the requirements of the statute in such case made and provided, the tax lien on the real property above described for the payment of the taxes, delinquent interest, and costs then due and remaining unpaid on said property;

And, whereas, at the time and place aforesaid, .............. of the county of .............. and .............. of .............. bid on the tax lien on all of the above described property the sum of .......... dollars and .... cents, being the whole amount of taxes, delinquent interest, and costs then due and remaining unpaid upon said property for that year, and the said .... having offered in his said bid to pay the sum of .......... dollars and .... cents in excess of said taxes, delinquent interest, and costs, and the said bid being the largest amount which any person offered to pay in excess of the said taxes, delinquent interest, and costs so due upon said property for that year (or those years), and payment of the said sum having been made by him to the said treasurer, the said tax lien on such property was stricken off to him at that price;

And, whereas, the said ................ did, on the .............. day of .............., A.D. 20...., duly assign the certificate of the sale of the tax lien on the property as aforesaid, and all his rights, title, and interest in said property, to .............. of the county of .............., and .............. of ..............;

And, whereas, at the sale so held as aforesaid by the treasurer, no bids were offered or made by any person or persons for the tax lien on said property, and no person or persons having offered to pay the said taxes, delinquent interest, and costs upon the said property for that year, and the treasurer having become satisfied that no sale of the tax lien on said property could be had, therefore the said tax lien on said property was, by the then treasurer of the said county, stricken off to the said county, and a certificate of sale was duly issued therefor to the said county in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided;

And, whereas, the said .............. county, acting by and through its treasurer, and in conformity with the order of the board of county commissioners of the said county, duly entered of record on the .............. day of ............., A.D. 20.... (the said day being one of the days of a regular session of the board of county commissioners of said county), did duly assign the certificate of sale of the tax lien on said property, so issued as aforesaid to said county, and all its rights, title, and interest in said property held by virtue of said sale;

And, whereas, the said .................. (or ..............) has paid subsequent taxes on said property to the amount of .............. dollars and .............. cents;

And, whereas, more than three years have elapsed since the date of the said sale, and the said property has not been redeemed therefrom as provided by law;

And, whereas, the said property was valued for assessment for that year at the amount of ..................;

And, whereas, all the provisions of the statutes prescribing prerequisites to obtaining tax deeds have been fully complied with, and are now of record, and filed in the office of the treasurer of said county;

Now, therefore, I, .................., treasurer of the county aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum to the treasurer paid as aforesaid, and by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell the above and foregoing described real estate unto the said .................. (or ..............), his heirs and assigns, forever, subject to all the rights of redemption by minors, or incompetent persons, as provided by law.

In witness whereof, I, .................., treasurer as aforesaid, by virtue of the authority aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and seal this .............. day of .............., A.D. 20.....


(Seal) Treasurer





County of ..................................................


The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .............. day of .............., 20...., by .............. as treasurer of said county.

Witness my hand and official seal. (If notary public, state date commission expires).



Title of Officer

C.R.S. § 39-11-135

L. 64: R&RE, p. 734, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 137-11-35. L. 69: p. 1124, § 1. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 1241, § 23, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section amended, p. 2232, § 23, effective April 9.