Iowa Code § 384.83

Current through bills signed by governor as of 5/17/2024
Section 384.83 - Procedures for revenue bonds and pledge orders
1. A city may issue revenue bonds pursuant to a resolution of the governing body of the city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise, adopted at a regular or special meeting by a majority of the total number of members to which the governing body is entitled.
a. Before the governing body institutes proceedings for the issuance of revenue bonds, it shall fix a time and place of meeting at which it proposes to take action and give notice by publication in the manner directed in section 362.3. The notice must include a statement of the time and place of the meeting, the maximum amount of the proposed revenue bonds, the purpose or purposes for which the revenue bonds will be issued, and the city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise whose net revenues will be used to pay the revenue bonds and interest on them. The governing body shall at the meeting receive oral or written objections from any resident or property owner of the city. After all objections have been received and considered, the governing body may, at the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting, take additional action for the issuance of the bonds or abandon the proposal to issue bonds. Any resident or property owner of the city may appeal a decision of the governing body to take additional action to the district court of the county in which any part of the city is located within fifteen days after the additional action is taken, but the additional action of the governing body is final and conclusive unless the court finds that the governing body exceeded its authority. The provisions of this subsection with respect to notice, hearing, and appeal in connection with the issuance of revenue bonds are in lieu of those contained in chapter 73A or any other law.
b. Separate purposes may be incorporated in a single notice of intention to institute proceedings or separate purposes may be incorporated in separate notices and, after an opportunity for filing objections, the governing body may include in a single issue of revenue bonds any number or combination of purposes.
3. Revenue bonds may bear dates, bear interest at rates not exceeding that permitted by chapter 74A, mature in one or more installments, be in either coupon or registered form, carry registration and conversion privileges, be payable as to principal and interest at times and places, be subject to terms of redemption prior to maturity with or without premium, and be in one or more denominations, all as provided by the resolution of the governing body authorizing their issuance. The resolution may also prescribe additional provisions, terms, conditions, and covenants which the governing body deems advisable, consistent with the provisions of the city code, including provisions for creating and maintaining reserve funds, the issuance of additional revenue bonds ranking on a parity with such revenue bonds and additional revenue bonds junior and subordinate to such revenue bonds, and that such revenue bonds shall rank on a parity with or be junior and subordinate to any revenue bonds which may be then outstanding. Revenue bonds are a contract between the city and holders and the resolution is a part of the contract.
4. If the governing body is a city council, the revenue bonds must be executed by the mayor and clerk of the city. If the governing body is a utility board, the revenue bonds must be executed by the chairperson and secretary of the board. If coupons are attached to the revenue bonds, they must be executed with the original or facsimile signature of the clerk or secretary. A revenue bond is valid and binding for all purposes if it bears the signatures of the officers in office on the date of the execution of the bonds notwithstanding that any or all persons whose signatures appear thereon have ceased to be such officers prior to the delivery thereof. The issuance of revenue bonds must be recorded in the office of the city treasurer or other financial officer designated by the council, and a certificate of the recording by the treasurer or other officer must be printed on the back of each revenue bond.
5. Revenue bonds and pledge orders issued pursuant to this subchapter are negotiable instruments.
6. A city may issue pledge orders pursuant to a resolution of the governing body of the city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise, adopted by a majority of the total number of members to which the governing body is entitled, at a regular or special meeting, ordering their issuance and delivery in payment for all or part of the cost of a project. Pledge orders may bear interest at rates not exceeding that permitted by chapter 74A.
7. The physical properties of a city utility, combined utility system, city enterprise, or combined city enterprise may not be pledged or mortgaged to secure the payment of revenue bonds or pledge orders or the interest thereon.

Iowa Code § 384.83

C35, §5903-f4, 6066-f6, -f7; C39, §5903.15, 6066.29 - 6066.31; C46, 50, §385.4, 394.6 - 394.8; C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, §385.4, 386B.10, 394.6 - 394.8; C75, 77, 79, 81, §384.83 83 Acts, ch 90, §26

Referred to in §26.9, 357A.11, 357E.11A, 364.4, 384.24A, 389.4, 390.5, 418.14, 423B.9