Ga. Code § 21-2-30

Current through 2023-2024 Legislative Session Chapter 709
Section 21-2-30 - Creation; membership; terms of service; vacancies; quorum; bylaws; meetings; executive director
(a) There is created a state board to be known as the State Election Board, to be composed of a chairperson elected by the General Assembly, an elector to be elected by a majority vote of the Senate of the General Assembly at its regular session held in each odd-numbered year, an elector to be elected by a majority vote of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly at its regular session held in each odd-numbered year, and a member of each political party to be nominated and appointed in the manner provided in this Code section. No person while a member of the General Assembly shall serve as a member of the board.
(1) The chairperson shall be elected by the General Assembly in the following manner: A joint resolution which shall fix a definite time for the nomination and election of the chairperson may be introduced in either branch of the General Assembly. Upon passage of the resolution by a majority vote of the membership of the Senate and House of Representatives, it shall be the duty of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to call for the nomination and election of the chairperson at the time specified in the resolution, at which time the name of the qualified person receiving a majority vote of the membership of the House of Representatives shall be transmitted to the Senate for confirmation. Upon the qualified person's receiving a majority vote of the membership of the Senate, he or she shall be declared the duly elected chairperson; and the Governor shall be notified of his or her election by the Secretary of the Senate. The Governor is directed to administer the oath of office to the chairperson and to furnish the chairperson with a properly executed commission of office certifying his or her election.
(2) The chairperson of the board shall be nonpartisan. At no time during his or her service as chairperson shall the chairperson actively participate in a political party organization or in the campaign of a candidate for public office, nor shall he or she make any campaign contributions to a candidate for public office. Furthermore, to qualify for appointment as chairperson, in the two years immediately preceding his or her appointment, a person shall not have qualified as a partisan candidate for public office, participated in a political party organization or the campaign of a partisan candidate for public office, or made any campaign contributions to a partisan candidate for public office.
(3) The term of office of the chairperson shall continue until a successor is elected as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection. In the event of a vacancy in the position of chairperson at a time when the General Assembly is not in session, it shall be the duty of the Governor and the Governor is empowered and directed to appoint a chairperson possessing the qualifications as provided in this subsection who shall serve as chairperson until the next regular session of the General Assembly, at which time the nomination and election of a chairperson shall be held by the General Assembly as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(b) A member elected by a house of the General Assembly shall take office on the day following the adjournment of the regular session in which elected and shall serve for a term of two years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified, unless sooner removed. An elected member of the board may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the house which elected him or her. In the event a vacancy should occur in the office of such a member of the board at a time when the General Assembly is not in session, then the President of the Senate shall thereupon appoint an elector to fill the vacancy if the prior incumbent of such office was elected by the Senate or appointed by the President of the Senate; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall thereupon appoint an elector to fill the vacancy if the prior incumbent of such office was elected by the House of Representatives or appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. A member appointed to fill a vacancy may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the house whose presiding officer appointed him or her.
(c) Within 30 days after April 3, 1968, the state executive committee of each political party shall nominate a member of its party to serve as a member of the State Election Board and, thereupon, the Governor shall appoint such nominee as a member of the board to serve for a term of two years from the date of the appointment and until his or her successor is elected and qualified, unless sooner removed. Thereafter, such state executive committee shall select a nominee for such office on the board within 30 days after a vacancy occurs in such office and shall also select a nominee at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the term of each incumbent nominated by it; and each such nominee shall be immediately appointed by the Governor as a member of the board to serve for the unexpired term in the case of a vacancy, and for a term of two years in the case of an expired term. Each successor, other than one appointed to serve an unexpired term, shall serve for a term of two years; and the terms shall run consecutively from the date of the initial gubernatorial appointment. No person shall be eligible for nomination by such state executive committee unless he or she is an elector and a member in good standing of the political party of the committee. Such a member shall cease to serve on the board and his or her office shall be abolished if and when his or her political organization shall cease to be a "political party" as defined in Code Section 21-2-2.
(d) Three voting members of the board shall constitute a quorum, and no vacancy on the board shall impair the right of the quorum to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the board. The board shall adopt a seal for its use and bylaws for its own government and procedure.
(e) Meetings shall be held whenever necessary for the performance of the duties of the board on call of the chairperson or whenever any two of its members so request. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the board and a record kept of the vote of each member on all questions coming before the board. The chairperson shall give to each member of the board prior notice of the time and place of each meeting of the board.
(f) If any member of the board shall qualify as a candidate for any public office which is to be voted upon in any primary or election regulated by the board, that member's position on the board shall be immediately vacated and such vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided for filling other vacancies on the board.
(g) On and after July 1, 2023, the board shall be a separate and distinct budget unit as defined in Part 1 of Article 4 of Chapter 12 of Title 45, the "Budget Act"; provided, however, that the board shall be attached for administrative purposes only to the office of the Secretary of State as provided for in Code Section 50-4-3. The board shall neither be under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State nor shall it be considered a division of the office of the Secretary of State.
(h) The board shall have the power to appoint an executive director who shall be a full-time employee of the board. The executive director shall serve at the pleasure of the board, and the board shall in its discretion appoint and fix the compensation of the executive director. The executive director shall be charged with such duties and powers as provided in this Code section or as delegated by the board. The executive director shall serve as the secretary of the board ex officio but shall not be a voting member of the board or a member for the purposes of constituting a quorum.
(i) The executive director and other employees of the board shall be reimbursed for travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in the same manner as officers and employees of the office of the Secretary of State.
(j) Venue of any action involving members of the board shall be the county in which is found the primary office of the board. Any notice or legal process necessary to be served upon the board may be served upon the executive director, but the executive director shall not be considered a member of the board in determining the venue of any such action, and no court shall have jurisdiction over any such action solely by virtue of the executive director residing or maintaining a residence within its jurisdiction.
(k) The executive director shall:
(1) Keep all records of the board and its proceedings;
(2) With the approval of the board, employ and fix the compensation of personnel as determined necessary to assist the executive director in his or her duties;
(3) With the consent of the board, schedule the time and location of all meetings and hearings, as well as maintain a schedule of all meetings and hearings available for public review;
(4) With the approval of the board, enter into such contracts, leases, agreements, or other transactions with any person or agency as are deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter or to provide the services required by the board; and
(5) On or before the second Tuesday in January of each year, prepare and deliver a written annual report to the Governor and the chairpersons of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees describing the activities of the board for the previous calendar year. Such report shall be made available to any member of the General Assembly upon request. The report shall include a summary of all actions taken by the board and a financial report of all income and disbursements and staff personnel. The Governor may request a preliminary financial report for budgetary purposes prior to the executive director delivering the annual report.

OCGA § 21-2-30

Amended by 2024 Ga. Laws 697,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by 2023 Ga. Laws 273,§ 3, eff. 5/3/2023.
Amended by 2021 Ga. Laws 9,§ 5, eff. 3/25/2021.
Amended by 2008 Ga. Laws 706,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2008.