Ga. Code § 12-3-32

Current through 2023-2024 Legislative Session Chapter 709
Section 12-3-32 - Powers and duties of department as to parks and recreational areas and facilities
(a) The Department of Natural Resources is empowered and directed:
(1) In cooperation with other state and local agencies and any agency of the United States government, to study and ascertain the state's present park, parkway, and recreational resources and facilities, the need for such resources and facilities, and the extent to which such needs are being currently met. The department shall also conduct a survey to identify land suitable and desirable for acquisition by the state as a part of the state park system, due consideration being given to scenic, recreational, historical, archeological, and other special features. The results of such study and survey shall be reported to the Governor and the next succeeding session of the General Assembly and shall be accompanied by such recommendations as the department shall deem advisable;
(2) To acquire in the name of the state, by purchase, lease, agreement, or condemnation, such land within the state as it may deem necessary or proper for the extension of the state park system. The right of eminent domain shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of law now or hereafter existing for the condemnation of property for public purposes, provided that no land or other property shall be taken or contracted to be taken unless or until the General Assembly has appropriated money therefor or funds have otherwise become available for such purpose;
(3) To accept in its discretion, in fee or otherwise, land entrusted, donated, or devised to the state by the United States government, by a political subdivision of the state, or by any person, firm, association, or corporation, with the intent that the land shall become a part of the state park system. The department shall also in its discretion accept gifts, bequests, or contributions of money or other property to be used in extending, improving, or maintaining the state park system;
(4) To make expenditures from available funds for the care, supervision, improvement, and development of the state park system;
(5) To cooperate with other state agencies, with counties, municipalities, and other political subdivisions of the state, with other states, and with the United States government in matters relating to the acquiring, planning, establishing, developing, improving, or maintaining of any park, parkway, or recreational area;
(6) To contract and make cooperative agreements with the United States government, with political subdivisions of the state, or with corporations, associations, or individuals, with proper bond where deemed advisable, to protect, restore, preserve, mark, maintain, or operate any historic, archeologic, or scientific site, ground, reservations, structure, building, object, or other property for public use, provided that no contract or cooperative agreement shall be made or entered into unless or until the General Assembly has appropriated money therefor or funds have otherwise become available for such purposes;
(7) To enter into contracts and agreements for the construction, renovation, and repair of any improvements on any park or other property under its control for the purpose of providing suitable public service privileges, conveniences, and facilities and for improvements necessary for the operation and maintenance of such property; provided, however, that all such contracts shall be conducted and negotiated by the Department of Administrative Services in accordance with Code Section 50-5-72;
(8) To provide and maintain adequate recreational facilities and to initiate, conduct, and supervise suitable programs and activities in connection therewith;
(9) To grant concessions for the operation of public service privileges, conveniences, and facilities when the department determines in its discretion that such private concessions are in the best interest of the general public and the department. Such concessions may be granted to any responsible person, partnership, firm, association, or corporation for a period not to exceed five years and upon such terms as the department may deem advisable and consistent with other laws of this state;
(10) To establish and, from time to time, to alter rules and regulations governing the use, occupancy, and protection of the land and property under its control and to preserve the peace therein. The department is empowered to confer on such employees as it may designate the full authority of peace officers for all land and property under its control;
(11) To plan and conduct a program of information and publicity as to the scenic, recreational, historical, archeological, and scientific points and places within the state designed to attract tourists and visitors to this state;
(12) To cooperate with the Department of Transportation in the establishment and maintenance of roadside parks and developments for the convenience and enjoyment of the traveling public; and
(13) To purchase and provide uniforms to such of its officers, assistants, and employees as it deems advisable.
(b) All of the functions of the former Department of State Parks are transferred to the Department of Natural Resources.

OCGA § 12-3-32