Cal. Welf. and Inst. Code § 11462.01

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 11462.01 - Placement in short-term residential therapeutic programs
(1) If a program will admit Medi-Cal beneficiaries, no later than 12 months following the date of initial licensure, a short-term residential therapeutic program, as defined in subdivision (ad) of Section 11400 of this code and paragraph (18) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, shall obtain a contract, subject to an agreement on rates and terms and conditions, with a county mental health plan to provide specialty mental health services and demonstrate the ability to meet the therapeutic needs of each child, as identified in any of the following:
(A) A mental health assessment.
(B) The child's case plan.
(C) The child's needs and services plan.
(D) The assessment of a qualified individual, as defined in subdivision (l) of Section 16501.
(E) Other documentation demonstrating the child has a mental health need.
(2) A short-term residential therapeutic program shall comply with any other mental health program approvals required by the State Department of Health Care Services or by a county mental health plan to which mental health program approval authority has been delegated.
(b) A short-term residential therapeutic program, except as specified in subdivision (c), may accept for placement a child who meets both of the criteria in paragraphs (1) and (2) and at least one of the conditions in paragraph (3).
(1) The child does not require inpatient care in a licensed health facility.
(2) The child has been assessed as requiring the level of services provided in a short-term residential therapeutic program in order to maintain the safety and well-being of the child or others due to behaviors, including those resulting from traumas, that render the child or those around the child unsafe or at risk of harm, or that prevent the effective delivery of needed services and supports provided in the child's own home or in other family settings, such as with a relative, guardian, foster family, resource family, or adoptive family. The assessment shall ensure the child has needs in common with other children or youth in the care of the facility, consistent with subdivision (c) of Section 16514.
(3) The child meets at least one of the following conditions:
(A) The child has been assessed, pursuant to Section 4096, as meeting the medical necessity criteria for Medi-Cal specialty mental health services, as provided for in Section 1830.205 or 1830.210 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations.
(B) The child has been assessed, pursuant to Section 4096, as seriously emotionally disturbed, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 5600.3.
(C) The child requires emergency placement pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (h).
(D) The child has been assessed, pursuant to Section 4096, as requiring the level of services provided by the short-term residential therapeutic program in order to meet the child's behavioral or therapeutic needs.
(4) Subject to the requirements of this subdivision, a short-term residential therapeutic program may have a specialized program to serve a child, including, but not limited to, the following:
(A) A commercially sexually exploited child.
(B) A private voluntary placement, if the youth exhibits status offender behavior, the parents or other relatives feel they cannot control the child's behavior, and short-term intervention is needed to transition the child back into the home.
(C) A juvenile sex offender.
(D) A child who is affiliated with, or impacted by, a gang.
(1) A short-term residential therapeutic program that is operating as a children's crisis residential program, as defined in Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, may accept for admission any child who meets all of the requirements set forth in paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 11462.011 and subdivisions (a) to (e), inclusive, of Section 4096.
(2) The primary function of a children's crisis residential program is to provide short-term crisis stabilization, therapeutic intervention, and specialized programming in an unlocked, staff-secured setting with a high degree of supervision and structure and the goal of supporting the rapid and successful transition of the child back to the community.
(d) A foster family agency that is certified as a Medi-Cal specialty mental health provider pursuant to Section 1810.435 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations by the State Department of Health Care Services, or by a county mental health plan to which the department has delegated certification authority, and which has entered into a contract with a county mental health plan pursuant to Section 1810.436 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations, shall provide, or provide access to, specialty mental health services to children under its care who do not require inpatient care in a licensed health facility and who meet the medical necessity criteria for Medi-Cal specialty mental health services provided for in Section 1830.205 or 1830.210 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations.
(e) A foster family agency that is not certified as a Medi-Cal specialty mental health provider shall provide access to specialty and mental health services and other services in that program for children who do not require inpatient care in a licensed health facility and who meet any of the conditions in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b). In this situation, the foster family agency shall do the following:
(1) In the case of a child who is a Medi-Cal beneficiary, arrange for specialty mental health services from the county mental health plan.
(2) In all other cases, arrange for the child to receive mental health services.
(f) All short-term residential therapeutic programs shall maintain the level of care and services necessary to meet the needs, including the assessed needs and child-specific goals identified by a qualified individual pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 4096, as applicable, of the children and youth in their care and shall maintain and have in good standing the appropriate mental health program approval. If a program will admit Medi-Cal beneficiaries, the short-term residential therapeutic program shall obtain a certification to provide Medi-Cal specialty mental health services issued by the State Department of Health Care Services or a county mental health plan to which the department has delegated mental health program approval authority, pursuant to Section 4096.5 of this code or Section 1810.435 or 1810.436 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations. All foster family agencies that are certified as a Medi-Cal specialty mental health provider pursuant to Section 1810.435 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations shall maintain the level of care and services necessary to meet the needs of children and youth in their care and shall maintain and have in good standing the Medi-Cal specialty mental health provider certification issued by the State Department of Health Care Services or a county mental health plan to which the department has delegated certification authority.
(g) The assessments described in subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) shall ensure the child's individual behavioral or treatment needs are consistent with, and can be met by, the facility and shall be made by one of the following, as applicable:
(1) An interagency placement committee, as described in Section 4096, considering the recommendations from the child and family team. If the short-term residential therapeutic program serves children who are placed by county child welfare agencies and children who are placed by probation departments, the interagency placement committee shall also ensure the requirements of subdivision (c) of Section 16514 have been met with respect to commonality of need.
(2) A licensed mental health professional as defined in subdivision (j) of Section 4096.
(3) An individualized education program team. For the purposes of this section, an AFDC-FC funded child with an individualized education program developed pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 56320) of Chapter 4 of Part 30 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education Code that assesses the child as seriously emotionally disturbed, as defined in, and subject to, this section and recommends out-of-home placement at the level of care provided by the provider, shall be deemed to have met the assessment requirement.
(4) A qualified individual, as defined in subdivision (l) of Section 16501.
(1) The short-term residential therapeutic program shall maintain documentation of the assessments required pursuant to Section 4096 for AFDC-FC funded children, except as provided for in paragraph (3) of subdivision (g). The short-term residential therapeutic program shall inform the department if the county placing agency does not provide the documentation.
(2) The approval shall be in writing and shall indicate that the interagency placement committee has determined one of the following:
(A) The child meets the medical necessity criteria for Medi-Cal specialty mental health services, as provided for in Section 1830.205 or 1830.210 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations.
(B) The child is seriously emotionally disturbed, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 5600.3.
(A) Nothing in subdivisions (a) to (g), inclusive, or this subdivision shall prevent an emergency placement of a child or youth into a certified short-term residential therapeutic program prior to the determination by the interagency placement committee, but only if a licensed mental health professional, as defined in subdivision (j) of Section 4096, has made a written determination within 72 hours of the child's or youth's placement, that the child or youth requires the level of services and supervision provided by the short-term residential therapeutic program in order to meet their behavioral or therapeutic needs. If the short-term residential therapeutic program serves children placed by county child welfare agencies and children placed by probation departments, the interagency placement committee shall also ensure the requirements of subdivision (c) of Section 16514 have been met with respect to commonality of need.
(i) The interagency placement committee, as appropriate, shall, within 30 days of placement, make the determinations, with recommendations from the child and family team, required by this subdivision.
(ii) If it determines the placement is appropriate, the interagency placement committee, with recommendations from the child and family team, shall transmit the approval, in writing, to the county placing agency and the short-term residential therapeutic program.
(iii) If it determines the placement is not appropriate, the interagency placement committee shall respond pursuant to subparagraph (B).
(i) If the interagency placement committee determines at any time that the placement is not appropriate, it shall, with recommendations from the child and family team, transmit the disapproval, in writing, to the county placing agency and the short-term residential therapeutic program and shall include a recommendation as to the child's appropriate level of care and placement to meet the child's service needs. The necessary interagency placement committee representative or representatives shall participate in any child and family team meetings to refer the child or youth to an appropriate placement, as specified in this section.
(ii) The child may remain in the placement for the amount of time necessary to identify and transition the child to an alternative, suitable placement. On and after October 1, 2021, federal AFDC-FC shall not be used to fund the placement for more than 30 days from the date that the qualified individual or interagency placement committee determined that the placement is no longer recommended or the court disapproved the placement.
(iii) Notwithstanding clause (ii), if the interagency placement committee determined the placement was not appropriate due to a health and safety concern, immediate arrangements for the child to transition to an appropriate placement shall occur.
(i) Commencing January 1, 2017, for AFDC-FC funded children or youth, only those children or youth who are approved for placement, as set forth in this section, may be accepted by a short-term residential therapeutic program.
(j) The department shall, through regulation, establish consequences for the failure of a short-term residential therapeutic program to obtain written approval for placement of an AFDC-FC funded child or youth pursuant to this section.
(k) The department shall not establish a rate for a short-term residential therapeutic program unless the provider submits a recommendation from the host county or the primary placing county that the program is needed and that the provider is willing and capable of operating the program at the level sought. For purposes of this subdivision, "host county," and "primary placing county," mean the same as defined in the department's AFDC-FC ratesetting regulations.
(l) Any short-term residential therapeutic program shall be reclassified and paid at the appropriate program rate for which it is qualified if any of the following occur:
(A) It fails to maintain the level of care and services necessary to meet the needs of the children and youth in care, as required by subdivision (a). The determination shall be made consistent with the department's AFDC-FC ratesetting regulations developed pursuant to Section 11462.
(B) In the event of a determination under this paragraph, the short-term residential therapeutic program may appeal the finding or submit a corrective action plan. The appeal process specified in Section 11466.6 shall be available to a short-term residential therapeutic program. During any appeal, the short-term residential therapeutic program shall maintain the appropriate level of care.
(2) It fails to maintain a mental health treatment program as required by subdivision (f).
(3) It fails to timely obtain or maintain accreditation as required by state law or fails to provide proof of that accreditation to the department upon request.
(m) In addition to any other review required by law, the child and family team as defined in paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 16501 may periodically review the placement of the child or youth. If the child and family team make a recommendation that the child or youth no longer needs, or is not benefiting from, placement in a short-term residential therapeutic program, the team shall transmit the disapproval, in writing, to the county placing agency to consider a more appropriate placement.
(n) The department shall develop a process to address placements when, subsequent to the child's or youth's placement, a determination is made by the interagency placement team and shall consider the recommendations of the child and family team, either that the child or youth is not in need of the care and services provided by the certified program. The process shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Notice of the determination in writing to both the county placing agency and the short-term residential therapeutic program or foster family agency that provides intensive and therapeutic treatment.
(2) Notice of the county's plan, and a timeframe, for removal of the child or youth in writing to the short-term residential therapeutic program that provides intensive and therapeutic treatment.
(3) Referral to an appropriate placement.
(4) Actions to be taken if a child or youth is not timely removed from the short-term residential therapeutic program that provides intensive and therapeutic treatment or placed in an appropriate placement.
(1) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a short-term residential therapeutic program from accepting private admissions of children or youth.
(2) When a referral is not from a public agency and public funding is not involved, there is no requirement for public agency review or determination of need.
(3) Children and youth subject to paragraphs (1) and (2) shall have been determined to be seriously emotionally disturbed, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 5600.3, and subject to Section 1502.4 of the Health and Safety Code, by a licensed mental health professional, as defined in subdivision (j) of Section 4096.

Ca. Welf. and Inst. Code § 11462.01

Amended by Stats 2024 ch 46 (AB 161),s 29, eff. 7/2/2024.
Amended by Stats 2022 ch 50 (SB 187),s 54, eff. 6/30/2022.
Amended by Stats 2021 ch 86 (AB 153),s 41, eff. 7/16/2021.
Amended by Stats 2018 ch 910 (AB 1930),s 35, eff. 1/1/2019.
Amended by Stats 2017 ch 732 (AB 404),s 67.5, eff. 1/1/2018.
Amended by Stats 2017 ch 704 (AB 501),s 6, eff. 1/1/2018.
Amended by Stats 2016 ch 612 (AB 1997),s 92, eff. 1/1/2017.
Added by Stats 2015 ch 773 (AB 403),s 75, eff. 1/1/2016.